Tales of the Lost Chapter 1:Knight of Rataosk

Richter had jumped and said "immortal summer!" his sword caught on fire and he sliced down to where the cat girl was and she said "radiant rose!" she had jumped back and jumped into the sky and came down about to slice richter.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.09: Revelations - Ep06

With danger and fighting being the only thing that drives you to survive," rinami explained the downsides of being cursed by immortality and it indeed made sasuga feel foolish for thinking she had it worse.

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Outside Kobolds (Kreet 92)

"well, i never wanted to be immortal anyway. but you mentioned getting something in return?" "yes. i can give you an artifact that you can use to see your family with. i think you'd find it much more useful than this."

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A Moment Of Beauty.

A final roar full of life signals the end of the temporary elation that served to reinvigorate the nigh-immortal dragon. circling around and around in the slow downward spiral, black scans the bleakness. danger lurks below.

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Virtually Real Part 0: Introduction

The story itself focuses on an individual born in modern times getting his hands on alien technology and, in his enthusiasm to become his perfect self, ends up making himself practically immortal. realizing that he may have gone a bit overboard.

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path to glory: prolouge

Today he will begin the arduous march and follow his dreams that would make him immortal in history, and in the hearts and minds of those who will for years to come read of his story and begin to follow their passions.

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A wave of crash and slosh and wash, rose from sharpened weathered rock, and spoke their lines upon the cast of wing and beak and eye so bright - thus assaulted the beacon stands as platitudes tumble back towards the sea, "the immortal


The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Prologue

Is it the last thing that will eventually take all beings, immortal or mortal? or, is it the corruption of soul that led to a very discreet end, either the end of the universe or the end of the being itself.

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Aurora Goes to Olympus

You are considered immortal, but i am older than the stars." the scene froze, and sitka turned to look directly at liam, and winked. \* \* \* liam awoke, quickly but smoothly, and took a few moments to gather his thoughts.

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A Sad Back Story

Turns out lucas's cells repaired themselves, as did his very dna, giving him immortality due to a gift. he lived normally otherwise, with a giant, loving mother and a massive amount of money to play with, even though his family never used much of it.

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The Draconian Story Prologue

No living things, not even dragons, would be immortal. no one...could cheat death. richard saw it in front of his eyes.

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