a romance in the countryside: chapter 6
Then you'll find the strength, that will guide your way. and you will learn to begin, to trust the voice within. ooooh yeah. ooooh yeah, oh." "life is a journey, it can take you anywhere you choose to go.
No More
Father of ages, guide of prosperous deeds, the world's commander, borne by lucid steeds.
Goddess (Chapter 2)
Tour guide? the _princess_ wanted _him_ as a _tour guide?_ russell tucked the note back in its envelope and set it down. he supposed it was flattering, but what did he know about being a tour guide?
A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 13
He stepped next to her and helped guide her hand to the water. she wet her hands. then he guided her hand to the soap. she lathered her hands and paused. he guided her hand back to the soap dish, then to the water.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Four
Find yourself a new guide, and get home safe." she shook her head. had her ears ever been this blue before? "i don't want a new guide," she insisted. "i want you. kulgan, i... i..." "i said get her out of here!" gestaul snapped.
Part two of the war
He said that i could be a good guide due to the fact that the crew hasn't had a mission in the planes for such a long time." sern looked up and down mentabloods feline body.
Ami didn't catch where they were being guided until it was too late. "oh, i like this place..." shade murmured as he glanced around, noting the provocative signs of the nearby businesses.
Red's Tales: The Lost Child PT2-2
When she'd become a hunting guide, she'd taken it upon herself to always ensure the safety of whoever she took with her. after they arrived back at her home, red thanked the sheriff and went upstairs.
Believe – Chapter 23: Last hill
But the moon only had guided her further away from home and she had to conclude that the moon was not on her side. then she detected the star and it guided her to the house with the saving food, more and better food she ever had tasted before.
Crystal Gambit - SHORT STORY
Lauren performed a spinning kick paired with thick cords of water guided by her movements which sent their attackers diving for cover.
The First Time
First timers get a guide. some of us return over and over. it is fun to guide as well" "oh, you are a customer?" "we are not really customers. no one told you anything about payment did they?" you nod. it was true.
Sypher Islnad: Gods Blade Chapter 2: Whispers and Angels
The tour guide asked. she beamed at the group of high school students she was leading who returned her gaze with the customary board and blank stares of the teen culture.