The Darkness Within
A dark feeling creeps over me slowly, so slowly as ice sets to a lake in the cold of winter, that coldness coming from my very centre and flows over my body until it fills my very being...
Looking Up
They dare not look up, focused for fear that what they might see will cause the pain to flow in the form of tears shed mixed with the blood of a broken despondency.
Dra-Kun... The Power Within
Protect our people" bahamut said as he started to glow, his energy flowing into dra-kun. as his energy flowed into dra-kun he spoke "i will all ways be with you... my last descendent..."
His legs were gone to the knee, and he turned his head towards jennings, making a low, animal noise, just before his eyes went black and started to flow down his face.
Sunrise - Part 1
The person, which he could see was a girl even if he couldn't see her face, had long hair flowing over her back.
Dra-Kun... The Binds Broken
The symbols covering his body began to light up, energy slowly flowing over his body. his right hand raised level with his chest, while his left came to rest before his eyes, all the energy forming on and between his hands.
Chapter IX: Station of the Dead, Part One
Water started to flow out of bob's mouth, he was trying to hold it back and not let him flow it out. his eyes reappeared and they appeared with water in his eyes. water blasted out of his mouth and out onto the floor of the biodome.
Why Me? Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End
I say as my tears start to flow again. she hugs me and says "you can come with me, i'll protect you." i look up at her visage, tears still flowing as i say "thanks sis, that means a lot to me."
What Talents You Have
The spark hovered roughly a quarter of an inch above the oil, and a small stream began to flow upwards towards it. the flame grew, growing larger by the second.
Chapter 1 - Omega Strikes
His eyes ominously glow red, his long white hair flowing, and yellow flame-like energy whiffing out of his mouth with each breath he takes. "no!! omega!!" lune says, in fear.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 13
The blood started to recede, to flow down towards the centre of its own red mass, and a figure began to emerge. first the ears, poking through the ebbing currents, much lower than his brother's, then the forehead.
The Book of Gaian Magic