Kickaha's Day Off

"show some respect for king ozymandias, fifty-second of his name, may his reign be eternal." "now someone is just padding for time." kickaha muttered. "alright.

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Epilogue: Incest and pups

And the spirit give them eternal life to, when he have see the seven childeren has respect the forrest as much as thier fathers.

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Love Lost

To him it felt like an eternity, half blind and deaf from the sudden chaos of it all, before the cold waters grabbed him.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty Eight

"today, my children, we pass from this frail, feeble existence, and go into life eternal!" "life eternal," the congregation muttered back. the old man didn't say anything. "what's going on?" adlis whispered, leaning closer to him.

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Introduction to a story I haven't thought about much...

I grant you an eternity of life with each other, and you shall become seasons..."

Why We Have But One Sun

And now, for all eternity, the hunter stands watch at night, gazing up at his princess.


Clockwork: City of Gears

Bathed in the eternal twilight haze the gears turn on and on. unaware of what they count down to. or the fate that looms ahead. water to drive the gears. gears to draw up the water.

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Vox chronicles - Prologue

Every patch of soil we claimed as ours and on it we built buildings that touched the heavens, machines of unbelievable power and empires time and time again thought to be eternal. but nothing is eternal.

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Jhuthi Rsi Ka Gana

When i find the secret of eternal life then i will share it with all, for this is my way. then all will live eternally and none will die."

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Little Star Chapter 4

Either they will heal your sister or we are doomed to eternal night." 'six ponies,' celestia thought as she looked to the sky.

Journey (The Gate)

Be it the land of the lost, or salvation eternal? be it of nether? of something else entirely? i know not.



For that, i will personally see to it that you suffer for an eternity. your torment is only just beginning." karma wrapped her arms around sammy as drakath reached out to her, "please, help... me." "why should i help you?

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