Seekers: Chapter Twenty: The Archives

Most of my shots had hit, separating the mechs from their legs; the stray shots had hit the mechs further up, but barely scratched them.

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Last Stand of the First Hell Jumpers Company of the Dire Wolves

Their first mechs arriving being lights, and fast ones at that. several spiders, jenners, and some mechs that guardian didn't recognize, but were really fast.

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A Pilot Chosen

The five mechs stomped into the prep area. hiccup started when he spotted one of the mechs. duke. his father's mech. he scrambled for his radio. "dad! what are you doing here?" "i'm one of the five combatants of course."

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Mech Stories - Lauren

"fine, _command_, dammit, they've got fucking mechs in the lake!" there was a very long moment of silence. then, richard's voice came over the line. "...repeat that, three-line?" "mechs!

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Seekers: Chapter Twenty-One: The Assault

We circled around again, coming from the left to finish off the rest of the mechs.

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Seekers: Chapter Nineteen: The Raid

I looked to my left and saw two wolf-mechs fall to the ground, still crackling and sparking from the shots that i fired.

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Guardians: Downfall Revised Chapter 6

"all mech's should be operational in three hours, at that time we'll plan an ambush for both their foot soldiers and mech's. cale out."

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Shattered Timelines: Battletech

"sir 2 mins from the 'mechs." good the sooner i was in something that put my butt surrounded by armor the happier i was. we saw laser fire and autocannons as the two 'mechs began to dance in a circle of death.


Fall from Grace - Recruitment

Both gladiator and chief, along with their mechs, were retrieved and delivered to dance's dropship waiting just outside of the radiation zone.

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I am a Soldier

Killing those four mechs wasn't all that impressive an achievement was it?

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Seekers: Chapter Eighteen: Falsetto

"oh, you mean the mechs." the wolf replied lightly, turning her smile into a frown; "falsetto is an independent city run by the knights, a militia style police force. most of the city is made up of factories for mechs, or military buildings.

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Flares Bells (Welded Sunset)

The dreams always seemed to be of happier times, a bit of serendipity that Reah was perpetually thankful for. Most often of the successes she'd pulled together for her captain, back when she was young and the war was old. They'd come to her during the...

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