An Umbreon's Quest Chap 4 City Rumble

Nicarun-umbreon, m garomun-flareon, m keltorie-jolteon, f amadea-espeon, f enjoy it was afternoon and at last, we've made it to the city. i won't say its weird, but perhaps unique in its own way. a pikachu was clinging onto a girl's shoulder. why?

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 4)

**Constant** **Darkness** I awoke the next day exactly where I had left the last one. Strangely enough I found myself on the very end of Saria's bed, only because I didn't have one of my own to lay on, and I was never going to sleep on...

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Uncatchable: Mewtwo

Also will be posting a story on my patreon tomorrow. there is currently another exclusive story up there involving an espeon which i feel is a lot better than this one.

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Shifters: Chapter 13; Ebony

Dependence on his psychic abilities had ultimately led to his capture; their pursuers had somehow managed to create a radio signal that, through one means or another disrupted a psychic pokémons ability, a technology that allowed them to get the jump on the espeon

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Ember Tails info sheet

And, of course, character summary of everyone we've seen (or seen mentioned) so far: - - christopher zane mckenzie - our main character, an electrike - howard sune - keith and kira's father, a calm and creative espeon - keith tyler sune - zane's best

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Eevee's Troubles Ch 2

I need to find a way back home as soon as possible, big brother espeon is probably crying. he loved me the most out of everyone, i hope he's not taking this too hard.

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Luna And Thief Ch 4

_is that espeon"hey! who's hungry?" thief interrupted her thoughts. luna could spot out that he was still embarrassed. "let's just go wake griffin up!" thief had decided to urge luna to come with him and she did without much question.

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter One

That is one _very_ lucky espeon... this is twice now that a trainer has given up the championship for her sake." the woman from the league looked down at her paperwork and missed sara's grimace.

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 5

Aqua nods and looks back at the espeon. "well we wanted to tell you that the doctor actually showed up." amy looks at them with a confused expression. "i thought you said-" "yes, we know.

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As One-Ch.4: Hero

If she wanted to be an espeon like her parents, she would have to watch the sunset or sunrise, wake up early, and go to bed earlier.

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 5: Uncovered

"the books you require, i have them at my library in hadleigh," the espeon offered. "_yes!"_lashanne exclaimed. "come on - let's hurry!

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An Umbreon's Quest Chap 6 Camp II

I do not own Pokemon, I own the characters. In case people have trouble pronoucing the name. Keltorie (Kel-tore-rie) Garomun (Gar-o-moon) Amadea (A-may-dear) Nicarun (Nick-car-roon) Enjoy We headed for the home forest that was 7 miles away. As...

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