Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 4)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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#5 of Righting Your Wrongs

Constant Darkness

I awoke the next day exactly where I had left the last one. Strangely enough I found myself on the very end of Saria's bed, only because I didn't have one of my own to lay on, and I was never going to sleep on Syne's. That didn't mean he didn't offer though. Syne was 'more than happy enough' to sleep on the bed to give me my space, but as with the majority of the requests Syne offered to me I passed it by. I told him the first time he mentioned it that it wasn't going to happen. And by the fourth I had just ignored him. Eventually, I think it was the seventh time, Syne gave up on offering. Although he still asked me the same question seven times, he was getting better at acknowledging the way that my first answer was always my last one. But, at least he was accepting the facts.

As opposed to Nion who was persistent on trying to make me talk to him and he always wanted to get his point across, no matter how many times I said I'd ignore him. He tried endlessly to get my attention or accept some form of charity from his behalf. Numerous times did I try to convince him that-

Good morning Luyo. Once more I found my train of thought interrupted by Syne's voice. Are you feeling better?

I lifted my head up and looked back at Syne who was just staring back at me like he always was. "Does it look like I've even stood up yet? And since when do you care so much anyway?"

It was just a question Luyo. And the reason I asked in the first place is because I wanted to know if you could move around easily.

"Why would I need to do anything today?" I pushed myself up on the bed and turned around to face Syne, finding little difficulty in doing so. "It's not like there's going to be a battle or anything."

"So you are feeling better." I heard Saria's voice from the second entrance behind me. I turned back to acknowledge her speaking, but didn't show any sign of furthering the conversation. Mainly because she couldn't understa- "Well you're welcome Luyo. Take your time to come out and meet the others in a more pleasant scenario. I told you not to come out yesterday."

Saria continued past me and through the door, leaving it ajar behind her so Syne and myself could get out. I immediately turned around to look at him. "What did you say?"

"What? I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did. You told her something and put my name on it."

"Oh, that." I jumped off the bed and moved closer to Syne, stumbling slightly from the landing. "I only said what you should've."


"Well, thank you for one." I took several steps forward after correcting myself from the slight stumble, now being only half a step from Syne's bed. "And that you shou-"

I didn't give him time to finish. I took the half step forward and swiped at the side of his head, leaving two distinct gashes along the side of his face. He immediately yelped and jumped back into the wall, as I lowered my foreleg and turned around, jumping back up onto the bed, immediately turning around to face him.

There was no opportunity to talk to him as Saria immediately burst through the door, looking towards me, then to Syne, who's wounds had already started to seep blood, staining his light purple fur. "Luyo! What did you do?"

She rushed over towards Syne and knelt down beside him, pulling his paws out of the way so she could see what I had done. "I hope this is a lesson I don't have to repeat for you." I started speaking when Saria had moved out of the way. Syne whimpered lightly from the cuts, as he licked his paw and tried to clean the wounds himself. "If you are going to talk to Saria on my behalf, without me telling you to do so, a cut like that would be the least of your worries. I will talk to her when I learn how to speak telepathically. And if you don't understand that, there will be a lo-"


I opened my eyes slowly. Everything was heavy. My eyes, limbs, I couldn't even lie down straight because of my blade. I found myself staring at the wall where Syne's bed laid. Everything was empty. I couldn't see anything. I groaned as my mind turned itself back on, trying to remember what had happened earlier. I didn't even know how long I'd-

"Are you alright?" I heard a voice behind me. I wanted to turn around and see what it was, but my body lacked the energy to do anything other than lie still. "I know you can hear me, are you alright?"

I groaned again at the inability to move. The feeling of helplessness. "What do you want?"

"It isn't what you would call the best impression if you turn up in our home with no warning what-so-ever, and then attack one of us for a reason as simple as a lack of pride?" The voice was strong sensed. It held more wisdom than I wanted to give it credit for, but, for the time being, I didn't care on what it had to say.

"You don't know what pride means to me."

"No, I may not. But I do know that it's not worth two scars down the side of a face. Now, I'm not going to tell you that your pride means nothing here, but if you are going to get along with us, you're going to have to find another way to get your point across. Violence doesn't solve everything, but it can destroy more than you think."

"Don't you think I already know that?" I pushed against the bed with my forelegs again, still feeling no pressure from my efforts. "Do you think I wanted to attack him? Do you think I wanted to drive away what is going to be beside me for as long as I will remember? I have lived more than you know."

"I know that you have had a life before coming here. I listened to the story Saria gave Taine and Liun, and how what she told them was the same as what Syne, and your I.D tag told them. But I'm not one to judge people for their past. I prefer a more direct method. You may not trust me yet, but you have no reason not to. If you want to make amends with Syne, you're going to have to start working on it immediately." There was a slight pause in the voice, and finding that I was still incapacitated, I pre- "Luyo. Stop fighting to get up. I am holding you there on request of Saria. So the sooner you listen, the sooner you can move."

"The sooner I can move the sooner you will finish." I knew what has holding me down then, and making every assumption I could, it was Kein who sat behind me. I fought to gain control of my limbs, pushing everything I had to try and stand up. "Let me move!"

"No! Luyo, you don't understand! You can't win!"

"I won't let you control me!"

You're not stronger than both of us... A different voice spoke up this time. It was strained, but familiar. Luyo, listen to what he says. I told you that I would never doubt your power. But you cannot overpower both of us! I didn't let up, even though I knew I was fighting against Syne and Kein for control of myself, I wouldn't let them win.

"And you can't remember what I first told you. My first answer is always my last!"

I continued to struggle against the invisible bonds they held over me, the draw on my power was great, but I could handle it. A full day of rest was more than enough to restore what I lost causing the landslide.

"Luyo, listen to me!" I ignored the voice and kept fighting. I had been struggling for several minutes and only managed to press an inch into the bed, if I was lucky. But I was winning the fight. "You will leave me no choice if you don't stop now."

"Admit it!" I pressed harder, almost lifting my body off the bed. "I am stronger than-"


I didn't even bother to open my eyes. I rolled onto my left side to try and relax my neck muscles, I had landed on my right side, obviously because of my blade, but it had put my neck in an abnormal position, I relaxed as I lay on my opposite side, the strained muscles enjoyed the relaxation as opposed to constant tension.

"Are you happy now?" Figures, I knew someone else was here. Wait, that voice.


"Yes. Are you happy with what you've done?"

"What did I do this time?"

"Turn around. Look for yourself." I opened my eyes slightly, looking at the same wall as before, only this time it was dark, an entire day, was spent unconscious. I prepared myself for the pain as I lifted my head and glanced behind me, seeing a blue Gallade laying behind me. "I know I said that I wouldn't doubt your power. And if anything I think I have underestimated you. But obviously you have some control issues."

"I have some what?" I stood up and faced Syne, who was sitting on his bed, dead still. The two cuts I gave him clear as day despite the darkness.

"Do what you want Luyo. I won't try to stop you, there is nothing I can do to stop you. The only reason we managed to keep you down was from a hypnosis. Unfortunately for Kein though, it took the rest of his power to put you asleep."

"What was he going to tell me?"

"I don't know that. Only he does. And I doubt he will try to tell you again. But know this. Your actions today have put everyone on the back foot. If you are going to continue to be this selfish, then you will probably find yourself back at route 211. Now, I don't know anything about your past or what you're trying to fix from it. But if you wanted to destroy our home here like you did yours, be prepared for more than a mind game. You may overpower Kein and myself in a battle of the minds. But you couldn't defeat us all in both brute strength and the mind power."

"Actually, I want to apologise." I almost didn't believe those words came out of my mouth. The only reason pushing me to apologise for my actions was because it may be the only chance I get to fix what damage I'd caused. "I shouldn't have attacked yo-"

"I don't care Luyo. Save your apology for someone who might want to listen. If you are here to destroy what we have. Then tread lightly. If you are going to actually listen to me this time, and not try to kill both Kein and myself, then maybe you will be accepted. If not. The wild may be your home again."

I watched as Syne turned around to his right, giving me a full view of the injury, before collapsing on his bed and falling asleep. I lay still, just watching his body rise and fall with each breath he took. I wasn't sure how to act. I felt like I wanted to get up and leave the room, give him some space for a while. I looked behind me remembering the mental struggle from before, then decided to follow my first thought. I turned to face the doorway and slid off the side of the bed. Not feeling any pain whatsoever. I guess Saria healed me while I was unconscious.

I paused at the entrance of the doorway, looking back at Syne once more before deciding to continue with my first thought. I was in the wrong, but at least this time I could accept it. I stepped through the entryway and walked silently down the corridor, entering the main room that too was dead.

I walked towards the centre of the room, and lay in the cushioned circle. Before yesterday I thought I had a chance at correcting the mistakes of what I'd done. But today wasn't one that I wanted to remember. I had pushed away the one I was to be living closest with, and turned onto the bad side of another I was to live amongst. It wasn't the darkest moment I'd ever lived through, but it wasn't a pleasurable feeling. Before I was found it was normal to be rejected by everything. But now that I actually know who I'm going to be living with, I wanted to belong amongst them.

"I didn't think it was the best thing you could've done today." I heard a calm voice behind me. I didn't want to acknowledge the noise because, no doubt, I would be receiving a speech on what I should've done instead of what I did. "We sat here, in the centre of the room, watching Syne fight against an invisible force. I don't know what happened nor do I want to. But, -"

"There are no buts here." I refused to move from my laying position. "I have no excuse for how I acted, and I know that the rest of you want me gone. But, I won't make the same mistake twice."

"That's good. I won't let you make another one." I heard footsteps come around behind me and around to the other side of the cushioned circle. "For I was the last one brought into this group, and never once did anyone understand my side of the story." I opened my eyes slightly to see an armed Marowak sitting before me. "Too many times did I want to destroy them all, but Luyo, you won't find a better place to live."

"I did have a perfect place to live. But I threw it away for my pride. And if something like that happens again, I can only assume that it will cost me my place here." I removed all emotion from my voice. I wanted nothing that could be used against me noticeable.

"I can't say that I've been captured twice, but I do know the difference between alone and company." Rathe tossed her bone up in the air a couple of times. "And many times I've had to use this to return to my peace. But never have I turned it on someone in my home. I know you are known to be the loners of the world, avoiding everything for your own safety, or trying to warn us and getting attacked for it. But I, I apparently, am just a keeper. A keeper of what I have lost," Rathe caught the bone from the air with visible anger. "But can never regain."

"Nothing is lost unless you forget about it. I haven't forgotten my past, and I still think of it like yesterday."

"But what was yesterday to you? Was yesterday the day you caused the avalanche? Was yesterday when you were brought back from the near-dead and carried here by Saria's hands? The past is an illusion you wish to see another way. But how you see it can prove what you can do to fix what you have lost." Rathe stood up and turned around, facing the glass. "Me? I take what I lost with me, so everyone knows why I'm here, and what I'm doing to solve my pain."

"You sound as if they have crossed you."

Rathe held out her bone in clear sight to me. "This is all I have left of what I lost." She turned around to face me. "What are you going to do for your loss?"

I lifted my head off the cushions, looking at Rathe in the dim lighting. "I don't know yet. But whatever happens, I know he'll be proud of me."

"Then why are you putting your pride in the way?"



Ok.... A Marowak with a back-story...

And before I go further... Yes, I know that Gallade's are normally green... But I like the look of the blue one's better... (the "shiny" version for those who don't know)

yes, yes, yes... they're rare... I know.... but... that is only ONE... so... it's rare enough....

for all I know, everything there made perfect sense... A little vague at times, but, I like it that way...

Makes the guessing stage on your behalf so much more exciting for me....


Anyway, I have DEFINITELY got an ending to this story... and it WILL happen no MATTER WHAT!

Trust me...

You won't see it coming...