Azerite Lore Dump 1
They are slightly taller than the average azerite, but tend to be skinnier and lacking in muscular structure: they more than make up for this by being incredibly powerful channelers, but often find their arrogance or curiosity to be their downfall, as well
Venturing: Burned Panned
I went with the past dragon officers who were bribed, corrupt or self centered and arrogant to their eventual evitable downfall. additionally, i wondered about the other culprit dragons and reptiles that had been caught in the past.
Animalands Adventures 2, Bjorn and the Dragonflies of Nyx
"the light was almost our downfall. it's thanks to you that our mission was a success. now the dark crystal is safe." "yup. you really were the right bear for the job, just as the jonin said." "you know my grandfather?"
The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 4
Maana asked kishindo, "i did it because of my brother, he says that because you killed our parents," "we did no such thing, they killed themselves, they were mad with power, and that led to their downfall," "look i'm not blaming you it is my brother and sister
Foxitious Chap3-4 (Clean)
You underestimated my power and that will be your downfall," and with those words from excalibur's armor appeared larger and shinning like fire.
Journey to another world pt3 ch98
"i'm just saying that i really don't know, but thinking about her overconfidence could prove to be her own downfall."
A Place to Belong - Chapter 27
To have a weak leader would be their downfall." aceh explained. "yeah, but their younger brother was going to have it rough." i said, two years of harsh training to have a fight with his brothers.
Open Ocean
The older me, weighed down and changed through stress and downfalls, stranded on an island nobody knew existed. if pincher martin's island had been his tooth, this island my older me's gut. perhaps i hadn't even killed him....
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 34
"but that isn't certain, but i think it may be asking too much if bigwig goes in what with killing one of their officers while escaping and bringing their downfall.
chapter 28
Once you're in a downfall, you start hurting others for the sake of a secret, and that is you and that mutant you called a brother!)"
It was also going to be his downfall. kaji tossed open the shower curtain to a dragon splayed on the counter, his sheath exposed and a sultry smirk on his face. the draolf had to try to nor roll his eyes nor start yelling; his warning had been ignored.
Project X | Chapter XI: Illusive
A part of me wanted to trust this complete stranger, despite that he was acquainted with hunter, but i knew that enlisting my trust to him might end up being my downfall. raising my hand, i gave him the best reassuring smile i could muster.