Journey to another world pt3 ch98
#8 of Journey to another world pt3 ch91
Journey to Another World 6 Ch. 8
I still couldn't believe my eyes. Kristy was the spitting image of Dawn from the game as well as the show. My eyes went up and down her body a few times and wondered if it really was her that'd somehow gotten into the game. "This just isn't possible." I said as I got off of her and helped her to stand. "How is it that you're here in the game?"
"In the game? What're you talking about? I'm not in the game, I'm still at work right now for the late shift, as there's this new hot game coming out tomorrow and they needed the extra help getting everything ready for the release. Currently, I'm on my brake and thought I'd take a minute to try and catch up on some game time myself." She said in a bit of an angry tone, which meant to me that she really didn't want to be there.
"It must be the WiFi network then." I said as I walked over to the bench and sat down as Kristy followed me to sit down next to me. "And here I was, almost hoping that you were actually in the game." I laughed to myself then leaned back against the back of the bench to take a long and slow breath. "Though in truth I'm also glad that you aren't."
"Both saddened and relieved huh," She asked in a bit a confused voice as she bumped her shoulder against mine. "Though I have to say that it is a bit of a shock that we're able to meet like this. If I'd known about this extra feature then it'd make things a lot easier." With that she began to laugh and I was soon following her in her mirth. "You said something earlier that confused me. Do I really look like Dawn?"
I stopped laughing for a moment, then let out a small/quick laugh. "As strange as it may seem, ya you do. I would've thought that you were going to look like yourself, but since your playing the game as a game character, it's not so surprising now. It wouldn't...say, what kind of Pokemon do you have and why are you here?" I asked her as I slowly turned my head to look at her.
"As to the reason why I'm here, I'm working on a way to get you out of here. Though as to my Pokemon, why don't we have a battle so that I can show you." She said as she got to her feet and pulled off a Pokeball.
"I'd love to see what your capable of sis, but I'm afraid that my Pokemon are waiting for me at the center. We just had a long and hard days training and they're back at the center recuperating." This seemed to drop her spirits as she re-attached the Pokeball to her belt and sat back down beside me.
"To bad. I was hoping to see what your Pokemon are capable of against my own." There came a bit long of a pause between us as we both tried to think of something to say to each other. "That reminds me. What are you doing here? Surely you should be on your way to getting yourself out of here right?"
A smile spread across my lips and I chuckled a bit. "I'm here to compete in a Pokemon contest. As far as it getting me home though, I'm taking a small break from that so that my girls can enjoy some fun while were here."
"Girls? You refer to your Pokemon as girls, rather than Pokemon?" She asked in a confused way as one of her eyebrows lifted a bit in interest.
I chuckled a bit as I turned and looked up at the upper story window that led to the room that we were all staying in. "I remember the first time that I saw a Pokemon episode and was so taken in by it that that I really felt like I was just viewing their world from a second persons point of view. Though now that I'm actually here, I want to enjoy this world as much as possible." A small laugh escaped my lips as I saw a group of stars that began to form into a likeness of Pokeball and another of a Pikachu. "Or maybe it's just that I love this world so much that I really don't want to leave." I then heard her sigh and shake her head.
"You know that you can not really do that big brother. You body is still in the outside world and..." She paused a bit as if deep in thought or shuddering with what she was about to say. "And your body is dieing." She then leapt to her feet and turned to face me with a serious look upon her face. "You can not really stay here big brother. Your on borrowed time and you can not really afford to waste any of it."
I then slowly took a long breath, then sat back down upon the bench while hanging my head. 'I know that she's right, but it's a truth that I'm not really willing to face or stomach.' "What's the harm in staying here for a brief respite." I said back to her as I slowly turned my head and looked over at her as she still had a very serious expression on her face.
"YOU DON NOT GET IT. Your dieing!" I heard her yell which got my eyes to go wide. I was quite shocked when she did so, as she never really had yelled at me before. "There are people here, in the real world, that love you and want you to come back to us." She walked over so that she was standing in front of me and looked down at me. "This place is only a game. You have go to..." Her face went blank then as her character then turned to look at something that was off to the side.
"What's wrong? Is their something out there?" I asked her in confusion as she'd just stopped right in the middle of her rant/scolding of me.
Eventually she turned back to me and I could see her sigh. "I've got to get back to work." She simply stated as she turned and walked a few paces away. "But don't think for a minute that this conversation is over big brother. WE WILL, CONTINUE THIS." She finished the last part of her sentence as she walked around the corner of a building and then was gone. She'd probably just turned off her game console at that point and my mind was just making it appear as she just walked off to disappear into the night.
'What am I going to do?' I asked myself as I stood back up and turned to look at the darkened window to our room before dropping my head in defeat with a large frown crossing my lips. She did make a good point and I knew it was the cold hard truth of the situation. 'I know that I want to go home again at some point, but I also want to stay here with my 'new' family.'
Meanwhile-elsewhere in Sinnoah at an undisclosed building and many floors below ground.
Cyrus passed threw another double door that quickly retracted to the sides as he passed through them. He was not in a good mood and very angry at the moment, as a report had just come to him about how Saturn had just failed on his latest mission. What's more, he was severely injured and would probably need a few more prosthetic's to replace the ones that he'd already damaged or other body parts that were beyond healing/saving. 'He's beginning to try my patience as well as a deeper cut in our budget.' He said mentally to himself as he turned a corner and stopped at a door with his organizations insignia with a small red cross just underneath it.
'What was this? The second...third time that he'd returned to the base in such a condition. Who was strong/ruthless enough to do this to one of his own men?' Could it have been the person who brutally murdered all his men back in his temporary hideout (That was now swarming with cops around the bloodiest murder that Sinnoah has ever seen) 'Whoever it was, this person was now on his, watch list, and would have to be found out and monitored/dealt with as soon as possible.' With a nod to himself he started walking again and the doors to the infirmary opened just as quickly to make sure that he didn't miss a step or slow down in the slightest. Once inside he headed to the only room for the medics, as he didn't believe that if a person were to be injured that they were worthy enough to be brought into his plans.
He didn't wait long as a doctor from inside the room looked up from his clipboard and saw him. The doctor nodded to a nurse nearby and she covered the figure that was mostly covered up in a sheet a little further. Walking out he jotted a few more things down on his clipboard that he was still holding and looked up at Cyrus.
"Report." Was the only words out of Cyrus's mouth. Though that was enough as the tone it carried carried more than enough meaning that he was not pleased at the moment.
"Saturn is...stable at the moment. His injuries this time weren't as severe as the last encounter with who ever did what they did to him the last time." The doctor flipped past a few pages on the clipboard and nodded. "He should be up and about in a..."
"Wake him." Cyrus simply stated in a tone that left nothing to question the command.
"Yes, sir." The doctor knew more than most not to keep him waiting or deny an order from him, as he quickly returned to the room and pulled the sheet back to reveal Saturn's head. Reaching down the doctor pulled out some kind of switch board and did a few things with it that resulted in Saturn opening his eyes and looking about the room.
"Has the procedure been..."
"Your costing me a lot of money and patience Saturn." Cyrus interrupted which caused both Saturn and the doctor to look through the window and see that Cyrus had his hand on a intercom button. "Was it the same person as the one who originally did that to you?"
Saturn didn't answer right away as he turned to look up at the ceiling and nodded. "It was him."
"Does he pose a threat to us and our plans?"
"I...don't...know..." Saturn trailed off, obviously not really having his head in the moment. "He appears to be just your average trainer at first, but underneath....I don't know. It's like...he's... It's like he's...I..." Saturn's voice slowly drifted off as his eyes started to droop low, then finally close in sleep.
This seemed to upset Cyrus quite a bit, but he knew that trying to push the matter further would prove fruitless as Saturn was still recovering from his last injury and getting an answer out of him would only come in mumbles. "Fix him up and get him ready for another assignment." Were his only words as he walked towards and out the exit.
A short time later he sat back into his desks high backed chair and sighed. 'This news of this person has me on edge.' He then leaned forward and started tapping a rhythm on the table top, which in turn opened a secret panel, that opened up a keyboard that he once again typed in a secret password. 'If what Saturn says is true, then I'll need to speed up my plans.' A small opening appeared in the desks top and revealed two stone tablets that depicted two totally different/legendary Pokemon. "It shouldn't be long now, not long at all."
Back at the Pokemon Center, Next day
"I still do not understand all of this." Jenavee said as she sat on the top of the bed and breast fed the tiny male Ralts.
"It's pretty simple. I want Undine in the Beauty contest so that she can finally show off how much of goddess that she think she is." I replied as I put out the plates for our food on the table in the room and looked out of the corner of my eye at her. "Hopefully that way she can see what it's really like to live up to her own expectations of her Goddessness."
" Do you think she stands a chance against everyone else that is going to compete in the competition?" Rena asked as she sat down next to Jenavee and began to feed her tiny Riolu pup.
"In truth?" I asked as I set down the last plate and turned to look at her. She nodded up to me, to which I smirked at her. "I really don't know. I've seen competitions like this back where I come from, but really don't have a keen eye for things such as the things that the judges will be looking for. The sheen of her scales, the way she moves, the difference between a normal Milotic and one that's been bred for competitions such as this." I paused a bit in thought, then nodded to myself. "Though if I were a betting man, I'd say that she doesn't stand a chance in hell." This caused both girls to gasp a bit.
"DONOVIN," Jenavee said in shocked tone as both girls quickly covered over our kids ears. "Language. You have children present."
I couldn't help but laugh as I walked over to her and nodded apologetically. Once I saw that she'd forgiven me I gave both her and Rena a kiss, then turned to give one to each of my little ones foreheads. "Sorry about that." I said as I walked back to the table and started dishing out the different breakfasts into bowls/plates for breakfast. "I'm just saying that I really don't know, but thinking about her overconfidence could prove to be her own downfall."
" Just like some of those trainers who thought they were 'Ace' trainers." Rena said over to Jenavee who nodded to her. " Think you are the best and you slip up on the most practical/simple thing out there."
"Like a type disadvantage or a move that would be powerful except that it is not against someone like us." Jenavee said then looked down at her son that'd finished nursing. "All finished sweaty? Good. Now mommy needs to eat something otherwise she is going to wither away." That was emphasized as just after she'd said that her stomach let out a gurgle of hunger. We all looked at each other for a moment before a laugh bubbled up somewhere in all of us, then we were all laughing.
" Though. I do like the part where we are going to participate in the competition." Rena said as her pup stopped nursing and looked quizzically up at her then gave off a little whine, which had her prop the pup over her shoulder and burped the little one with one slight pat to the little ones back. " There you go, all better." The pup gave off a happy bark and smiled up to her.
"I would have to agree with you Rena. I am really looking forward to this competition as well, but I have to wonder," She paused for a second as she looked down at her own little one and sighed a bit as her face grew a little flushed. "What are we going to do about the kids? Surely you do not expect us to just leave them here, all alone."
"Well...yes and no," I said as I walked over to the table, pulled off both Kit's and Undine's balls, released them, then placed Kit's bowl of food on the ground for her to eat and left Undine's on the table. "I plan on having the kids stay here, but not alone. Kit will stay with them while we're away."
Kit stopped eating for a moment then whined up at me. Apparently she thought that she'd done something bad and was now being punished for it. I knelt down in front of her and petted her on the top of her head. "Sorry girl, but it's for the kids," I said which she lowered her head and sighed. "I don't want them to be captured, either by some random trainer or myself for that matter." Her eyes slowly looked up at me but she kept her muzzle down in shame. "If it makes it a little easier for ya, they should be playing the contest over the television. That way you can watch it from here." I said as I jerked my head upwards to the television that was suspended on a stand from the wall. This seemed to cheer her up quite a bit as she jerked her head up, gave off a happy yip, then quickly went back to eating with a pleasant smile upon her face as she enjoyed her breakfast.
"Then I take it that everything is settled then?" Undine asked aloud which got all of us to turn to look up at the large serpent.
"Pretty much. Just got a few things to pick up for the competition, then we should be ready to show off our stuff." I said in a confident tone which seemed to bleed off to everyone else in the room as they began to smile confidently as well.