Tina's Story Chapter 53 A very Jewish Christmas
The doctor will be down soon." georgette and tina were relieved, as they waited for the doctors. in time, dr. goldstein and dr. jack came in. "georgette?" "how is he?" tina rushed over. "he's doing fine. we'll know more in a few hours.
Diamond in the rough part 3
Tira shark felt a tingle from the bandage and was to pull it off, but the good doctor djose hit her hoove, from removing the bandage. dr. djose: sorry ms.
Paraskepite- Chapter Thirteen
dr. ami said. "could a regular doctor find them?" "yes if they knew what they were looking for, an mri could detect them. toxicology could also if the lab was searching for them specifically.
A Halloween Tradition
The dentist dr. inelastic answered the door. for a halloween costume the doctor was wearing his lab coat, goggles and face mask. that's right, dr. inelastic had dressed up as a dentist for halloween. he had dressed up as himself! who did that?
Simultaneous Past
* * * "that's just the thing," dr.
Episode 11: Enemy Me
"doctor?" harry said as doctor okan walked over and scanned it. "it's dead," doctor okan announced, closing the tricorder as it made the tell-tail whining sound. o'mara gasped and rushed forward. "what happened?"
Drachen und Dinosaurier World Kapitel 2
Wir gehen zu müssen, um dr. d's forschung zu nutzen, wenn wir mit dem projekt fortfahren möchten." dr. anderson berichtet "das ist schade, weil ich eine e-mail von der dragon-warnung uns, nicht auf dr.
New Lease
The doctor also didn't speak again, which forced rey to try and form another question. "wha... what... ha-happened to me?" the doctor chuckled. "a good question, also.
The Hybrid of Love
They found a doctor there who looks at pregnancies. he was a white tiger named dr. trent. "what may i do for you and your slave?" asked dr. trent. "she's not my slave," ludwig corrected dr. trent.
The Scientific Enquirer
As dr.
roo's adventure
He jumped up and bounced off the roof on to dr. j. fortunataly, dr. j was lying on the ground, with his side to the exit of the lab. (remember that!!!) unfortunately, he bounced off of dr.