New Lease

He'd definitely gotten the full package, as his fur implants seemed flawless. "glad to have you finally awake and aware on schedule." he checked his watch, which gleamed in the dull white light. "plus or minus a few minutes. but just as well."

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The Vortex

He interfaced with the implant using the touchscreen on his watch, bidding the message to open. _left u a present on ur implant. if u want more come find me._ the message had an attachment - a file called _nohud.zip_.

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Outcast - Chapter 3

I tried to sense where the implant was and what it was doing. impulses flowed to the implant slowly now, trying to work its way through to the other side.


Kenny and I

It was the jet injector my boss used on my first day for the implant in my hand. he had probably forgotten about it after and left it in the office.

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This implant is normally activated automatically before a ct is seconds away from death, preventing a painful demise where they are safely tucked away in their dnasd drive implant.

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Para-Imperium Technology

Subvocal pickups are another older type of implant, which were popular in the pre-exodus days when bci implantation was perceived as too risky.

space special ops 2

{medical file 8756: commander harold has had the first implants installed into him. we have not woken him yet,and will not intill he recives the fourth batch of implants. the new team we are assining him have arrived to. we will begin the implant process


To Aug or not to Aug.

That said, i have worked the last 13 years on the chakonan medical review staff, in that time i founded the implant call response team.

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10KLY Question Pool

The way a hybrid implant would work is when a kataran wanted to get pregnant, she would deactivate the implant shortly before she came in season.

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D.E1 Chapter 59: The Third Offense Part VII

"implanting the artifact directly into the machine's main computer..." silver interrupted titan. immediately she fiercely punched the table. she knew this was going to be next to impossible.

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Space Story Tech level

How ever obvious implants maybe cheaper than synthetic but it often makes a person look less than human and often shunned for that.

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2020-05-23 An Unexpected Score

She sent an emergency lockdown override to her internal storage, but it bounced, seemingly vanishing before it even arrived to the memory core implanted in her brain.

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