Travelling: Chapter 2
**Chapter 2** "Will he be alright?" "We don't know. We've never seen such a strong reaction to teleportation as that, and don't know how to deal with it." "Do you even have an inkling of an idea of what happened?" "He appears to have been......
Poem: Being Seen
Not being seen, by others. Not being seen, alone. Not being seen, forever. Not being seen, alone. Not being seen, I worry. Not being seen, I tear. Not being seen, forever. Not being seen, I bear. Not being seen, it kills me. Not being...
Poem: For My Mom
CW for suicidal imagery. -------------------------------------------------- I know people crying, weeping. I know people, dying, same. I know people with my faces. I know people with my names. Should I weep for silence loudly, Should I cry...
Hurt: Chaper 1.
I'm going to go ahead and put a disclaimer here. This story may contain content that is unsuitable for underage readers. This includes, but is not limited to, Murder, cursing, Sex, blood and Gore, use of alcohol, drugs, and self-harm. If this is not...
Change. What defines change, Is it something unique, Or otherwise special? Can a person ever really change, Can one honestly admit that they aren't the same, That somehow something snapped, Or that some switch was flipped? Will I myself...
late night madness
Here I sit the broken shell of a man, I try to sleep but the waking world shall not set me free, all I am is trapped by my insanity. I close my eyes and darkness there, hopes and fears and pain beyond anything I have to compare it to. Alone, sad...
A Place in the Universe chapter 2
Chapter 2: Loss and Recovery "Kitt...Kitt..." an eerie voice pierced through the darkness. "You weren't there for me.... I needed you Kitt, why couldn't you protect me?" The words riddled through his mind and body like a searing hot iron rod,...
Poem # 20
I feel like fire races about through my body, My nerves crackle in my mind, Pain lances through out my form. Even as the thunder rumbles outside, I can feel the lightning swirling through the clouds, It crackles and crashes, The sound rough on...
Thinking of you...
When something new or unknown happens, I grab for my phone, A smile on my face, Loud bouts of laughter is worse-case, As I look at the device, I have to think twice, As my smile fades a little at a time, My best friend won't be at the end of...
The Dying Snake
As an evil snake I bit and poisoned many Fed on the thrill Never realized that I could be different I became very ill I was truly despicable, horrible and heartless I was the ice of night But then I tasted the rich taste of true love At first I...
A Lover's Lament
Cool Damp A drape of gray The setting sun Painting the heavens Beauty refined A path Weathered Familiar A figure Wandering As if to forget Brown eyes Glistening Woeful Trotting along the path Worn as he The lament of his love...
The Siren's Hymn: The Pile
And now she sings the Siren's Hymn, such fatal chords emit from within. Almost 7 years he dwelt with her, sharing her fears and her dreams. The curse she bares evolves one day, and changed the Siren's song. His footprints led into the sea, his...