390 In The High Places
Some of the physiological stuff reads like she's in first term pregnancy, but she's definitely not. the rest says she's excessively fertile, but she's totally unable to conceive, simply by definition. the required functionality doesn't actually exist."
The Games: Chapter 5- The Other 22 and the appearance of an old friend...
"definitely never do that again". \*knock knock knock\* "come on in!" a familiar figure opened and walked through the door. brey gave the pokémon a smile. the yellow, spiky furred fox returned the smile. "hello... blitze".
Halloween 2022 - Rewind
Something that definitely couldn't exist in reality filled the ring. that had to be it. she didn't stop to think. she just ran through. "excellent, that was very productive. seventy years of repeated days in five minutes and 43 seconds." "definitely.
Melody->Viper Transformation
This was the point when she realized something was definitely wrong, as normally her teeth fused or shifted, not fell out. the discarded teeth lay on the wooden floor as her canines grew larger, longer, and hollowed out.
The Monster - Pt. 1.5 out of 2 (Murder, Inquisition, ...)
Mayor smiled on them, but something definitely bothered him, he was sweating and his eyes were scanning everything around.
A Breaking of Brothers
He was lucky friar arlowe was kind; the other clergy might have had to talk to father, and father was definitely not a man to disappoint, especially how much he had sacrificed for him and the family.
Past, Present, and Future
"oh yeah, and i guess our food keeps you from getting that definition you wanted too, huh?" nina teased him.
Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 4
And though they are definitely there and provide a really good backdrop, showing richard going flying is relevant to the overarching plot. introducing edgar, allenpo and mijhanero is not.
Rose- A Whole New World
People are definitely watching me. i imagine that even if i hadn't done that i would probably be a spectacle.
Cousin Amber- Introduction
It's happened often enough by now and the others have seen it enough that it isn't as big a deal, but it is definitely one small matter of annoyance.
Live Cargo
Not quite as fat as a flea maybe, but its thin, bare metal appendages definitely suggested a bug of some kind. once, as the dents peppering its metal chassis suggested, barc had seen combat.
TF story
Eyes staring at him: and they were definitely not human. the tree's branch trembled and left some leafs to fall, while he was knocked on the ground.