The Games: Chapter 5- The Other 22 and the appearance of an old friend...
#6 of The Games
Well, I've had a good break, but everything must come to an end eventually, so I'm now going to continue writing this... Sorry to leave you at that point in the story... Probably a short one today...
"Ughhhhhhhh. What? Where am I?"
Brey woke up in the Control Building. He was back in his bed. "How did I get back into here?" Today was his last day in Island 12... His thoughts were all scrambled. He tried hard to remember what had happened to him.
Then it all came back to him...
"No. No, no no no NO!" He had done the worst thing he could have done; fallen in love. Even worse, in love with one of the chosen, whom he would have see die in the arena... "Damn it!" He slowly got out of his bed and took a squiz out the window. It was Midday...
_'Midday? Man... Effie is going to be pisssssssed..."_On that thought, he gave himself a smile in spite of the situation, and flopped back into his bed. His mind travelled back to last night; in the garden... The garden... The kiss...
He sat back up on his bed. He was in trouble. If he found that he couldn't kill in the arena, then he definitely had a HUGE disadvantage, even if it was one Pokémon. The kiss... He thought about how warm her lips were; how her face felt against his... Her beautiful the girl was...
No. He shook his head to clear it. When that didn't work, he allowed his claws to leave the insides of his paws and dragged his paw down his face. He gave out a small yelp of pain, but it did get his mind off Flare...
"Mental note; never, ever do that again..."
His blood dripped from his face onto the white bedspread. "Uh oh". Not that he cared for the stain, but more for the cut. He walked into the bathroom to inspect the cut. "Oh boy, that has well and truly penetrated the skin" he said to himself. He poked at the sensitive area, and winced as he applied pressure. "Definitely never do that again".
*Knock Knock Knock*
"Come on in!"
A familiar figure opened and walked through the door. Brey gave the Pokémon a smile. The Yellow, spiky furred fox returned the smile.
"Hello... Blitze".
The Jolteon gave a nod of his head before responding. "And good day to you, Brey".
Both the Pokémon stood up on their hind legs and gave each other a hug. Brey patted his friend on his back, and they broke apart, Brey taking a step back. Blitze feigned a disappointed look, blowing it by giving a small smile.
"Aww, is that all I get; a hug? Aren't we at that level where we can kiss one another yet?"
Brey gave a small chuckle at him. He bought his face close to the Jolteons, until their eyes were a few centimetres apart. "Maybe one day, my gay friend, but as you know, I'm straight. But, don't lose hope. I may eventually turn Bi..."
"Brey, if you were Bi, you would still choose a girl over me".
Brey jumped back onto his bed and patted the space beside him, inviting Blitze to join him. Blitze jumped up next to him. Brey looked at his old friend, and instantly knew something was wrong.
"Ok, so why did you come all the way down here?"
Blitze looked back into Brey's eyes. He was showing signs of shedding a tear. "Is it true?"
"........ Yes, I am going there tomorrow..."
-Sigh- Blitze looked back down at the sheets, but almost immediately returned with a quizzical look. "Why is there blood on the sheet?"
As soon as the word blood left his lips, Brey had already turned his face so Blitze could only see the left side of his face. "What blood?"
....... "Anyway, I need to go... Please... Try your best to come back home. If not for yourself, then for me?" He stared at me... How could I say no to him?
"I... I will try my... My best..."
"Thank you, my friend." He turned around to go outside the door. Brey noticed something buried in Blitze's white patch...
"Wait, what's that in your white fur?"
Blitze hit himself on his head with his paw. "Of course! I nearly forgot. I ran into Flare before I came up here. She wanted me to give you this paper." Blitze shook his whole body and the message fell safely on the floor. Brey picked it up and unrolled it.
This is Flare. I didn't want to wake you, but you missed the video of the other 22 Chosen. So I comprised this list for your sake. Careers are (As you know) the ones that are spoilt by the Control.
Island 1) (Careers)
Boy) Riolu. Name: Ricko. (Volunteered)
Girl) Zoroark. Name: Umbra. (Volunteered. She won the previous Games)
Island 2) (Careers)
Boy) Dragonair. Name: Drago.
Girl) Charizard. Name: Flyre.
Island 3)
Boy) Buizel. Name: Swift.
Girl) Snivy. Name:???
Island 4) (Careers)
Boy) Absol. Name: Mounkes.
Girl) Sneasel. Name: Foxxy.
Island 5)
Boy) Pikachu. Name: Odin. (Volunteered, but only to be with his little sister)
Girl) Pichu. Name; Pichi.
Island 6)
Boy) Rhyperior. Name: Rocky. (Volunteered)
Girl) Machoke. Name:???
Island 7)
Boy) Tyrogue. Name: Tyler.
Girl) Golduck. Name: Goldy.
Island 8)
Boy) Sealeo. Name: Blice.
Girl) Kricketune. Name: Curette.
Island 9)
Boy) Exploud. Name: Lourdes.
Girl) Snover. Name: Scrim.
Island 10)
Boy) Vigoroth. Name: Vigoroso.
Girl) Spinda. Name: Sparind.
Island 11)
Boy) Manectric. Name: Manny.
Girl) Emolga. Name: Millu. (Volunteer)
I'm sorry Brey-Brey, but can we talk? Please?
-Love: Flare. OXO
"Hmm... I got to thank this girl... Talk? That can't be good..."
"Something wrong mate?" Blitze's voice startled Brey, making him jump a little.
"No... Say... Did she write anything before she gave you the note?"
"Umm... Yeah. She scribbled something down... Everything OK?"
"Yeah. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine..."
"OK mate, I'll see you the next time I see you then..."
("I'll see you next time I see you" is officially copyrighted by me unless I give special permission for someone to use it)
(I kid, anyone may use it. :P)
"Hmm... Now what could this talk be about? Whatever it is, it can't be good..."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `
Yay! Finally done. By my count, they should be in the arena by about Chapter 9-10... A little while to go...
Anyways, i hope you enjoy this... Blah, blah, blah...
Wait a second... What do you mean by most of the characters names are directly related to their species/type? And the rest are completely random? *Checks the names* Nope... You guys are just crazy...