The games: Chapter 6- How to meet your enemies...

"_This will be the last time I ever see Island 12 again..."_ Brey could barely see the dim lights of the town. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "_I'm going to miss the fresh country air smell. What do I have to look forward to out there?...

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Absol's Wish: Epilogue

_"It has been ten years since that day... The day I began my new life... I can still remember it, as if it were just last week. Becoming a pup again... I only have Jirachi to thank for that"._ The Absol stood up. Her old bones crack with the task;...

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The Games: Chapter 5- The Other 22 and the appearance of an old friend...

Well, I've had a good break, but everything must come to an end eventually, so I'm now going to continue writing this... Sorry to leave you at that point in the story... Probably a short one...

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(Clean) Pokemon Shorts: Absol's Wish

Pokémon Short Story 1) Absol's wish... A lone creature was running through the forest at full speed. It was near pitch black to any normal Pokémon, but not to her. The only light source was the full moon that night. "_Damn"_, she thought, "_I know...

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The Games: Chapter 4- The Waiting Game

Anything in _Italics_ are Brey's thoughts. "Oh boy, the waiting game", I said out loud in a mockish voice. I had been in this room for about three hours now, and i was extremely bored. Mum and Eevee had already come and gone, having to go back for...

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The Games: Chapter 3-The Girl

My voice rang out throughout the Square. Hushed whispers and gasps followed my scream. "Well, come on up then" Effie called out, in that upbeat tone of hers. I make my way through the crowd. Eyes following me as i walk. They are still whispering to...

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The Games: Chapter Two-The Chosen

The three of us, Mum, Eevee and I, were all walking towards the Main Square. The sights... The sounds... This place, Island 12, was hugely neglected by The Control... It's disgusting... Pokemon in all kinds of conditions were making their way to the...

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Prologue: The Games (The story is heavily based on the book Hunger Games)

In the Pokemon world, there are 5 current known regions... Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova... However, there is another. Undiscovered and untouched by humans. All it was were 14 islands... 13 smaller islands surrounding a bigger island......

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