Prologue: The Games (The story is heavily based on the book Hunger Games)

Story by DarkUmbreon99 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Games

In the Pokemon world, there are 5 current known regions...

Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova...

However, there is another. Undiscovered and untouched by humans. All it was were 14 islands... 13 smaller islands surrounding a bigger island... Here, pokemon lived there lives quite peacfully, until... He came...

Now He came from a different region... no-one knew how He found this region, but he did. He created an army, then took over the islands. There were rebellions, of course, but they were nearly instantly destroyed.

A few years back, He made "The Games". The Games is a tough reminder to any adult, or kid, that He was in control of everyones lives, and did he make sure we knew it...

Every year, they hold a reaping ceremony, where any two pokemon from each island, a male and female, where drawn at random out of a box, and were pitted against eachother and 23 other pokemon from each island in what they call, an "artificial arena", full of traps and other nasty tricks that the Game Masters thought up... Oh, did i forget to mention, Island 13 was completly destroyed by the middle island, what we call "The Control". "The Control" had to do something to stop us from rebelling, and decided to destroy 13, where they believed the main forces were... After the destruction, that's when He created The Games... They were also free from the risk of being in The Games...

Today was Reaping Day. I come from Island 12, most possibly the poorest island... Our chosen never won the Games... Whoever won the slaughter, the island that the victor came from got plenty of rewards, but once the year was over, the island people starve, but the victors still stay well fed... Our last victor won 14 years ago, and was an absolute DRUNK. If you could catch him sober, you will have just witnessed a miracle.

Anyway, as i said, today was Reaping Day. You are eligible to enter the Reaping Box once you are 5(not that you had a choice), and no longer go in after you are 10, but no-one lived to be that old anyway... I start to groom myself after washing in the pond. I have to look my best today, otherwise my mother will have a fit. I am 7 years old, and am eligible for the Reaping... Once you turn 5, you get your name put in once, and when you're six, twice and so on... Unless, you sign up for a special deal, the tesserae, giving you extra food each month for extra tickets for your name in the box. Most people had to do this deal... Living conditions were very,very poor in island 12...

If you signed up for the tesserae, when you're 5, your name is put in twice, four time for six, eight times for seven and so forth... I had signed up for it, so my name would go in eight times... My chances weren't the best they could be...

My name is Brey-Brey ( pronounced Bray-Bray). I am an Umbreon, and this is my story...

What do you think? This is my first Fanfic on this site, so i hope you all enjoy it... I'm pretty sure, even if you havn't read the book, you will know what happens though... Anywho, hope it's a good read... Happy Mothers Day.