The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 9

"i'd hardly classify what we did as a meeting," the cape buffalo said, "but it was no more than five minutes at most." "and it was at this point you tried to stop him from leaving and he tranqed you," nick stated.

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Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.1)

Not to mention that searching through adoption classifieds just seems like a weird concept to me... like w wrong concept to me. i'm not selling this kid. i just want the kid to be taken care of by the right family.

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Zootopia Park 6/??

"because the information is classified under the direct order of the mayor. i cannot divulge anything unless it is crucial." "what's crucial right now is catching that thief before this all gets worse." bogo chimed in with a bit of a gruff growl.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 1

When the government reclassified you as felon property legally you have no freedom, no rights, except for those classified under the constitution.

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Nation - The Solar Republic

They can all be classified as liberal cultures with emphasis on civil liberties including freedom of speech, thought, expression, religion, and assembly as well as general non-interference in the actions of the lone individual beyond upholding the laws of

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Rose- The Duel Part 1

The six-branch projected flames would be classified as a b-level spell. the more objective thing is that the speed tripled again. so now it's a fireball moving at 270 mph.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 12

- i would like to know how is it that there are still fire weapons around if the method to make them is classified.- wondered the fox, grinning slightly when fangmeyer missed a shot and she reacted very offended.

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StarFox Universe [R]aid: 04 Renewed Vigor

His hand dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cardkey, using it to access the classified areas of the building and pressing the button in red: d4. when the doors opened it looked as if they were in a completely different building.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 32

Or is that classified?" "if you saw the news cast, you know it wasn't classified." "did that young man really fly a private aircraft to an altitude of 65 km?" "yes, he did. i had him on my radar scope the whole time."

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Tactical Alliance of Intergalactic Life

This protein has been classified by humans as gdf11, and has been documented that when transfused into an elder individual to actually reverse aging.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 25 Part One

Yukiomaru was pleased to see that most of the sources were classified, including himself. only his name, admiral alexander, was mentioned but few knew who he was. there was no confirmation about velsh'nark or the stealths being here either.

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Friendship (Jo)

I mean like, okay, he has always been single like me, never talk much about boobies and stuff, i always classify him as uninterested in any form of relationship as i do for myself, but seriously, gay? i can't help but sprout out, "what?"

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