I had my dauanka almost parallel to the ground and over my head. his dauanka struck mine and slid toward the ground. immediately after his dauanka fell off of mine, i swung quickly and slapped his right side.
A-Deka, Arrows, Atlatl, Dauanka, Hunting, Jootaka, Jy-Choona, Katooeka, Mu-Naka, My-Ara, Te'-Maky, Training, William Watson, bow, quiver, spear, surprise
I raised my dauanka in salute. this confused rora, as i thought it would. he looked at me in a confused manner. i smiled and asked, "is there a problem, rora?"
"yes, why did you do that with your dauanka?"
"i did it as a salute to you."
Adauanka, Ishoo'se Aka'ny, Mu-Naka, My-Ara, My-Rora, Tyarza, William Watson, Wooden swords, Zo-Joola, Zo-Kyna, Zo-Kyta
After five falls, we each picked up a dauanka. i had rora go through the movements i had already taught him. he was still making minor mistakes.
Cha-Vamoo, Dream, Ishoo'se Aka'ny, Mu-Ara, Mu-Naka, My-Rora, Suala Ka'ynony, Training, William Watson, Zo-Kyna, nightmare
Ka' Mu-Naka, Ka'yno, Lo-Katoo, Mota, My-Ara, My-Rora, Revelations, Secrets, Tyarza, William Watson, Zo-Joola, Zo-Kyna, Zo-Kyta
After all, when i started training him, rora had used the same move to try to impress me so, i did not react to his feint and already had my dauanka waiting for his swipe.
Balance training, Judo, Kerga Tyarza, My-Ara, My-Rora, Sword training, Taojoo, William Watson, Zo-Joola, Zo-Kyna, Zo-Kyta, Zooshaka, meat
I had stuck the tip of my dauanka into the ground and was leaning on it when he regained his balance. i said, "chitekuro, stranger. my apologies, i did not mean to frighten you."
Dauanka, Dream, Jy-Choona, Lo-Katoo, Mu-Naka, My-Ara, My-Rora, My-Tara, Ne-Raro, Sword training, Threat, William Watson, nightmare
I looked at him for a second before i said, "well, pick up a dauanka and show me. oh, bring one for me as well."
rora confidently walked over to the adauanka and picked up two of them.
Dream, Eggs, Gambrel, Hunting, Lo-Katoo, My-Ara, My-Rora, Nakyvy, Omelet, Shanyka, William Watson, nightmare, secret