Cadi, Chapter 4

Not saying you're a charity case to them, and that's all you are... just that they care a lot about other furs, and they can't stand to see someone without anyone to help them."

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 4)

He tried endlessly to get my attention or accept some form of charity from his behalf. numerous times did i try to convince him that- _good morning luyo._ once more i found my train of thought interrupted by syne's voice.

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Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire

From the terrans of sol to the knephians and ourselves, humanity has shown the capacity for war, for destruction, for great evil deeds, but also the capacity to temper war and destruction with charity and benevolence.

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Tooth And Sweet: The French

One of the crewmen had sworn he had seen at least two sailors castaway on the sad little boat and had convinced the captain to extend some charity to the poor souls.

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Learning to Swim

Watching him make a quite respectable effort to nibble small pieces, and not just wipe the whole thing out in one go, brings an unexpected upsurge of love to fully restore her charity. he's clearly trying his best, just very hungry.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #14- The Lynx Links

Particularly after ky herself had just been fouled on a drive to the hoop by evan ashton (lion, f, hnt) and was getting her paws up to the charity stripe for a pair of free throws. stefan chuckled softly and closed his eyes with a rather smug smile.

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 5

I was tired of living off charity, i wanted to become independent. we walked to school again, i had begun to wonder why we didn't just drive there and that morning i asked andrew.

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Eternal Night - 4. Return

I stopped needing money a long time ago and charities are mostly scams, so let me help you. keep your mouth shut about me and you'll never have to worry about money troubles again, got it?" "and if i talk?" "then i'll kill you."

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Academia - Part 6

"but...that sounds an awful lot like charity," the fox replied uneasily. the wolf shook his head solemnly. "i can understand that, but really, think of it as an investment in your future potential.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Justice

Level one is for when people extort large sums of cash and or material goods from other people, level two is when this happens with companies, charities, and the like.

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Tales of Furope: The Adventure Begins!

Usp=sharing furfest prep is in full swing and we need to raise a lot of coin to finance our book order, so every little bit helps (and you're helping charity this month. woohoo!)

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I Only Liked a Lotta Things til I Knew

Furthermore, he greatly appreciated madam donskovna's charity in employing him at all, though he was beginning to suspect it had less to do with species familiarity and more to do with trying to get her grandson to interact with someone who wasn't herself.

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