I Only Liked a Lotta Things til I Knew

Working at an antique bookstore was not the most lucrative job, but for a part-time gig, it was a bigger source of comfort than Joel dared to expect from elsewhere. Maria's Antique Bookstore was a homely two-story building constructed from aging...

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In My Time of Need - Chapter 10

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, lots of action and character and relationship development all in one chapter! it's a three in 1! and if you call now i'll throw in a little bit of cuteness too!

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Beauty of the mind - new beginnings #2.1

It's none of my business how your relationship develops, call me overcautious, but i warn you. be honest with her. the fact, that you're here that early shows how much she cares for you."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 23

Our cooperation benefits all of us, if by any luck our relationship develops further, i'll accept it gladly. if not, the benefit will remain, all of us make a risk here, we all can only hope it pays off in the end" he licked his lips.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7

Impulsively her eyes landed on flare, they spent quite some time together already, the relationship developed certain habits, like the one of having their jaws constantly moving.

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MLP: FiM: Chapture 7: An Arm And A Leg

Their relationship develops over time naturally. i'm sure it will be same way with you. look at you and zecora. right?" said spike. **"** that.. actually makes a lot of sense. thanks sugar cube. i got to get back to the farm now.

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