Now you're thinking with portals Prologue

Instantly, the amount of bullets that were flying doubled. she jumped through the air and landed next to george, who covered her with his body. "no hits?" he asked. "one, i think." she replied.

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Red Storm

The bullet hit his side and sent him spinning, throwing the entirety of his dead weight into a shell crater. kiril then walked up to him. "what were you saying about command?" yuri asked. "forget it!"

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The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter one: Bravo Team

The blue blur swiftly dodged all bullets fired at it. it quickly reached its target. slicing a fuel line it smashed through the protective bullet proof glass and tore off the pilot's oxygen tube and connected the fuel line.

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Never To forget

He hears the bullets he reacts , dives for cover and fires back on the inside he cries, on the outside he watches as his conrad's die his thoughts go deeper than the bullets that he shoot in his foes and he knows that if he dies today he will

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True Mettle

Hundreds of bullets flew towards james. he darted left and right, avoiding the deadly pellets. he fired five rounds in quick succession. all were aimed at a different target.

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A Life Worth Living - Chapter 8 - When Hell is Raining Down on You

He shouted, leaning out and firing a few more shots before concrete showered around him from ricocheting bullets. i leaned over the top of the crate and fired off blindly, hoping some of the bullets found their mark.

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Dragons Lair pt 21

Saiu felt the wind of a bullet flying past him, missing his head by millimetres. michael emptied all 30 bullets into the squad, sending squad members tripping over each other and having bullets penetrate them.

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Zero’s Awakening

After the boy squeezed the trigger, the bullets pierced a veil of black mist as xalogan reappeared only two metres away, hiding and flinching behind a machine as bullets clattered on the wall close by. **"warning: door 05 breached.

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Hunting shadows P:1

bullets splattered his window, cracking it, but not breaking it. thank gosh he had decided to install bulletproof glass.

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Memorial to a Coyote

The coyote stormed the beach, narrowly dodging the hailstorm of bullets, each one an open invitation from death itself to that eternal sleep.

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Downfall: Prologue and Chapter 1

A bullet was sent spiraling towards the german, but hit the building beneath him. petrov growled as he ducked once again, rebolting the mosin nagant sniper rifle.

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