Hunting shadows P:1

Story by Onyx-panther on SoFurry

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Hunting shadows kicks off as a surprise duet series between me and baxley (the black fox). many twists and turns are ahead....

"Is the road less traveled taken, or forsaken? now, it's up to you, the path that you choose!" ~ Now by staind.

Giving a large yawn, Onyx pushed the shopping cart down the aisle of various fruits and vegetables. He personally hated to shop, But it had to be done. Onyx wore his usual Black skinny jeans and green V12 engine t-shirt, His hair laying loosely over his right eye and shoulders. Stopping at a large pile of apples with a sign that read 'Two pounds for $3.85!' In swirly letters, Onyx carefully began to Sift through the bright red fruits. Weighing a good sized apple in his paw, He rubbed a smudge off with his wristfur. Making for a bag, a loud 'Crack!' echoed through the store. Suddenly the apple in the winged feline's paw exploded into pieces, and a water pipe hanging over the fresh produce began to gush water. Looking to the pipe, He saw a large bullet stuck between a celery stick pack and an eggplant, crumpled and smoking.

Shaking the apple bits from his paw in disgust, he turned very, very slowly around. What he saw really didn't surprise him. A large, muscular Rottweiler in a cheap suit faced him, a smoking .45 in his strong paws. He raised it again and his finger tightened on the trigger. Onyx's eyes widened and he did the first thing he could.

Grabbing the shopping cart, he literally FLIPPED it sideways, sending it reeling into the apples and then into the bananas next to them. Fruits rained down around him, obscuring the canines' aim. Sprinting down the aisle and taking a sidestep to his left, Onyx pushed some power into his thumping paws and sped through the canned goods section, black hair streaming out behind him. Another shot cracked out and a soup can over his head on the right aisle spilled it's contents, creating somewhat of an oil slick for Onyx.

Barely having enough time to dodge, Onyx jumped high and kicked himself off of the shelf, spinning a 360 over the spill before landing on the other side of the pile. The shelves teetered, and with a massive groan, came crashing down, creating a domino effect to any shelves in it's wake. Wincing at the sight, Onyx knew he couldn't stop to pay for the damage now. His first priority was escape.

Heading towards the main entrance, he saw two humans in matching suits step in his way, with matching black buzz-cuts. Growling, Onyx realized a little to late that they had machine guns in their hands. With a yelp, he looked around. A small fridge with various sodas and energy drinks sat a little to his right. Paws slipping on the tile, he stumbled behind it as the bullets cracked over his head.

He looked behind him to see the Rottweiler step out from under a shelf, looking mad as hell. He snarled and raised the .45. Onyx now had nowhere to run, and no options left. Suddenly the lights went out. The humans must have hit the power breaker! Slipping into a corner away from the windows, Onyx blended into the darkness. They stepped past him and he shot out a paw, Catching one in the temple. The human dropped without a sound, except for the machine gun clattering across the floor.

With his cover broken, Onyx made a wild dash for it, spreading his wings wide. He frog-leaped a sales counter and used the air to push off, flying through the entrance doors. Landing with an expert roll next to his tribal-vinyl black Murcielago, Onyx fished his keys out and stepped in, slamming the keys into the ignition and giving it a hard twist. The engine roared to life, and the adrenaline to Onyx's veins. Throwing the car into reverse, he floored the gas. Bullets splattered his window, cracking it, but not breaking it. Thank gosh he had decided to install Bulletproof glass. Wrenching the gearshift into drive, Onyx pushed his paws to the metal, the car peeling itself out before taking off in a roar of smoke and an accelerating 6.4 liter V12 engine.

Deciding to take a back road for safety, Onyx slowed down his car to the speed limit to avoid being reported. He didn't need people after him, as well as the police. Three black chevy silverados' Rolled into a pack formation behind him, off the side roads. He didn't need the gun pointing from their side windows to know who it was. Smacking the wheel in anger, Onyx floored it once again. A small figure was walking down the road, His fur jet black. Onyx spotted a fluffy tail and saw the same people after that one to. Passing him, Onyx realized it was Baxley. He couldn't leave his friend to the killers! Grabbing the E-brake and yanking it down, Onyx spun the Lamborghini into a 180, Now directly facing the trucks, And Baxley. The three trucks stopped, the one in front revving it's engines. Baxley was caught in between Onyx's Mercielago and the trucks, Looking defeated. It was then that the panther realized the fox couldn't see through the window tint. Revving the engine once, Onyx floored the car, heading straight towards Baxley.

He rolled down the window and pushed a footpaw to the wheel, Holding it steady. Leaning far out the window, Onyx snatched Baxley's shirt by the back and yanked him into the car, rolling him into the passenger seat in a heap. Quickly repositioning himself, Onyx yelled and twisted the wheel to the right, narrowly avoiding being slammed into by one of the trucks. Rolling into the grass, Onyx floored it and pulled off behind the trucks and back onto the street, heading onto the main road and south, where he knew a hiding place, if he could just lose these guys.