Red Storm
Well, my first time at "professional" writing. Hope it came out alright.
May, 1926 Tula, Soviet Union A young wolf ran through the fields of his father's farm, without a single care in the world. He ran, but occasionally stopped for the random shenanigans young 5-year olds do. He stooped when he noticed his father come out of the small cabin he and his family lived in, and the boy ran straight into his father's arms and hugged him. "What are you doing out here?" He asked his son. The wolf simply pointed to the wheat field that he was running through earlier. "Ah.. what were you doi-" his words were cut off when they saw a column of Red Army soldiers marching along the road next to their house. They moved fluidly, every movement was carried out without hesitation. They continued along the way, and the two waved at the soldiers, but Yuri, was in awe at them, wondering if he could one day join them. August 16th, 1941 Steppes of Western Russia Yuri snapped from his daydream when someone shook his shoulder. A large paw, Yuri felt, followed by an unknown voice. "Hey, wake up!" The soldier said. He shook his shoulder continuously as Yuri shuffled. "Alright, alright!" Yuri said, slightly frustrated at the fox soldier for pestering him. "Can't be sleeping out here. You know that" the bulky soldier said to him. "I do know. Haven't slept too well.." Yuri replied. "Well, just keep alert.." the soldier said. He walked past Yuri and disappeared behind one corner of the trench. The last few months since the German attack had been paritcularly hard for the Red Army. They were losing close to 800 men a day, and Yuri was still unsure how he was still alive. Luck, he guessed, was the only way. His thoughts were interrupted by a soldier walking towrds him. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" He asked. "Nyet." Yuri replied blankly. He sighed and pulled a cigarette from his breastpocket. He lit it and held it close to his mouth. "Want one?" The feline soldier asked. "Don't smoke." He said. The feline soldier shrugged and continued to smoke his cigarette. They sat in silence for a few moments until the feline soldier spoke. "Name?" He asked. Yuri looked at him. "Yuri." He said, somewhat quietly. The feline soldier nodded. "Kiril." He said. "Good to meet you." Yuri said. He has never been good with strangers; or starting a conversation for that matter. Suddenly, a shell exploded near them and shattered Yuri's ears. He opened his eyes and saw multiple soldiers running to their positions in the trench. He came to his senses and grabbed his Mosin-Nagant rifle and peered over the dirt mound in the trench. "INCOMING!!!" And yet another shell exploded near the machine gun bunker. Yuri noticed several German soldiers making their way at them. The Wehrmacht soldiers aimed and fired at the trench and several Red Army soldiers returned their fire. Yuri raised his rifle but threw himself down on the ground after a bullet narrowly took his left ear off. He stood back up, and fired at a wolf soldier, who Yuri saw fall after he pulled the trigger. "Yuri!!" He heard a voice call. He swung around and saw Kiril aproaching him. "What the hell do you want?!" Yuri yelled as several other soldiers fired their Mosins. "Command wants us-" his words were cut off after a shell hit next to the trench. At this, Yuri turned and fired at another soldier making his way twords the remains of the machine gun bunker. The bullet hit his side and sent him spinning, throwing the entirety of his dead weight into a shell crater. Kiril then walked up to him. "What were you saying about Command?" Yuri asked. "Forget it!" He yelled and he aimed his Mosin at a group of German soldiers. Yuri noticed a couple of machine gunners move into the bunker's remains. "Chyort. Machine gunners..." Yuri mumbled to himself. Knowing they weren't going to let them go without a fight, he tapped Kiril on the shoulder; who swung around, almost startled. "Look." He pointed to the soldiers who were switching barrels on their MG34. "Oh shit..." Kiril mumbled. The machine gun fired on multiple Red Army soldiers who attempted to fire back. "See that dirt path?" Yuri pointed to a dirt road that led to the left of the bunker. "Da..." Kiril's voice trembled slightly. "Follow it." Yuri grabbed his Mosin and headed twords a supply bunker. It was nearly empty, but a couple if RGD5 hand grenades were still sitting on a box near the back of the bunker. He grabbed them and ran back out, dodging the MG34's spray of bullets. He signaled to Kiril and the pair ran to the dirt road. The MG team finally stopped to reload. "Now's our chance... go!" Yuri said. Kiril took one hand grenade and Yuri another, and the both of them threw the grenades into the bunker. "Down!!" A giant explosion of dirt and rock engulfed the MG34's location and the long drone of the machine gun stopped. The German troops fled from the Russian's position, but they would definitely be back. "Kill the fascist rats!" Someone yelled. Still getting over the adrenaline rush, Yuri sat in the trench, breathing heavily. Kiril followed. "Damn good job..." Kiril said between breaths. "Spasiba." Yuri replied. The fight wasnt ovet yet, but the two were ready to fight anything the Germans could throw at them.