Red Storm Ch. 6

October 1st, 1942 Stalingrad, Soviet Union The day had been rather busy since the rain stopped a day earlier. Machine guns could be heard throughout the city, followed by the pounding of artillery shells. Yuri's unit was heading out from their rubble...

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Off the coast of Japan, 1905 Admiral Migi stood on the deck of the battleship Hachikiro, the old serval's eyes scanning the horizon. He waited, surrounded by his officers, who looked with worried faces. But Migi stood watching with a face of steel as...

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Red Storm ch.5

Stalingrad, Soviet Union September 30th, 1942 Vlad looked out to the two soldiers making their way back to them. The rain was slowing now, but visibility wasn't the best. "Ah.. good. They're back.." he thought as the two sat down next to him. "Anything...

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Red Storm ch. 3

Red Storm chap. 3 Stalingrad, Soviet Union September 20th, 1942 Yuri ran up to a building wall and peaked over it; looking out at a long stretch of road between a cluster of buildings. "Shit..." he mumbled as he ran back to his small squad. "Anything...

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Red Storm chapter 2

Red Storm ch.2 Yuri and Kiril watched the retreating Germans dissapear below the ridge. "God damn..."the Yuri sighed. He new they would be back, and with forces the Red Army, in its current state, couldn't counter. Kiril looked first at Yuri, then over...

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Red Storm

May, 1926 Tula, Soviet Union A young wolf ran through the fields of his father's farm, without a single care in the world. He ran, but occasionally stopped for the random shenanigans young 5-year olds do. He stooped when he noticed his father come out...

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