Dragons Lair pt 21

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#21 of Dragons Lair

Update: I recently got a voice recorder with some dictation software. After I set it up properly, I can talk stories. Hope you enjoy Dragons Lair 21.

They headed off to the museum, to get what they came for. Saiu took the tube, because he didn't trust anyone. They went into the museum entrance and Michael bought a tour guide. They walked as any tourists would, looking at the exhibits before going to the Declaration. Saiu looked at it and put a hand in his pocket, fiddling with something. Michael looked at Saiu and shrugged, "There it is. The Declaration of Independence, that said that the US was free from British control."

Saiu nodded and got out what appeared to be a camera. One of the security guards noticed and went over to Saiu, "I'm sorry. No photography in here." Saiu looked at the guard and pushed the button. The camera flashed as it took the picture. The security guard sighed, it was a long day and he didn't want to deal with assholes all the time. There were signs saying no photography. He held out his hand, "I'll have to confiscate the camera now. You can get it back after you leave." Saiu furrowed his brow, "No."

"Why not?"

"Because this is not a camera."

"Then what is it?"

Saiu smiled and punched the security guard, winding him, and pushed the shutter. The flash wasn't actually white light, it was a high intensity nano-spray. They exploded and the Declaration was opened to the open air. Saiu set up a disposable shield to protect them while the tourists scrambled and the guards fired. Saiu put the Declaration into the tube along with their part, uniting the 2 parts once again. Saiu pushed a button on the watch that was hidden under a sleeve.

A thief was trying to break into the car when it revved to life and drove off over the thief's foot. The car parked itself outside the entrance, and waited for its drivers to return.

Michael picked up the shield unit and Saiu put a charge on the tube, toy clay but still looked effective "You shoot either one of us I blow this up and we both lose important documents."

The guards hesitated and lowered their weapons, their duty to protect the Declaration. Michael smiled and looked at the shield generator, which failed. It didn't have a large lifespan, but the guards were lowering their weapons. Michael picked one up and took all the ammo he could find for it. After collecting 7 magazines and one in the M9, he walked outside to where the police had arrived. Saiu shortly and looked at what the humans had sent, 8 squad cars with 2 policemen each. He chucked and went to his car, which was in front of the barricade of police. He yelled as he got into the car, "I'd suggest getting out of the way before your cars get damaged.

Over at the police station, they were panicking. This was an act of terrorism, stealing national treasure. They were calling in all favours and soon the FBI and SWAT were in the air and on the ground, heading for the car.

Michael revved the engine as a last chance as he put his seatbelt on, but no avail. The cops would not move. He sighed and started driving forward, pushing the cop car out of the way. The police jumped out of the way of both cars and started firing. The bullets impacted the car and bounced off, leaving not even a scratch. Michael floored it and the car lurched ahead, speeding past traffic. They were meant to reach the Capitol Building but Michael saw a helicopter and spun the car around as soon as Saiu said, "We can't take helicopter hits!"

They were at a Y junction and the cops were coming from where the National Archives were. Michael chose the other route, heading for the Whitehouse. Saiu took the gun and popped a couple of shots out of the window. The helicopter fired its turret and pullets impacted the road. Michael swerved to avoid then and crashed through the black fencing that separated the ruler from his people. The lawn was pretty bumpy, Michael and Saiu quivering like jelly as they raced across it. People dove out of the way when the car came crashing through the fence again. Michael changed gear and hit 100, then things took a turn for the worst. The helicopters had been given permission to use their rockets. A SWAT helicopter fired first, the missile not reaching the car as it swept in an arc. The rocket blew a 15 foot crater in the road, flinging a normal car onto its roof. The roads were being cleared, but not quickly enough. Michael turned and took a shortcut over the Presidential Park. Everyone scrambled as the car raced past, followed by 15 squad cars and 5 helicopters.

They went down a road, heading south and went onto the freeway. The squad cars followed and the helicopters didn't fire for fear of collapsing the bridge. Michael nudged a particularly slow driver out of the way and the driver spun out, causing a small pile up of him and police cars, The rest swerved out of the way and carried on following them. Michael turned right off the freeway and went on a ramp to the road below, heading North West. The Pentagon came into view and Michael hissed in human form. Saiu looked at Michel, "Did you just hiss? Watch out for that car!"

Michael swerved to avoid the car and went through the small fence onto the grass. He got back on the road and ran parallel to the Pentagon. They were almost in the dead zone, then it happened. Two helicopters fired at the same time, not giving Michael enough time to avoid both. He avoided one but the second one slammed into the ground just behind the car, and flipped the car in midair several times. It landed on its roof and Saiu and Michael got out, Saiu taking the tube. Michael knew they were beat, 2 Dragons couldn't beat off a whole army of armed policemen by themselves. Reluctantly, they got on their knees and surrendered.

They were thrown in the same cell, in the Pentagon as it was closest. This was a high priority case and the media were going crazy with it. Michael was banging his head on the wall, "Are we in the dead zone?"

"No. Just outside it."

"Fuck!" Michael roared as he kicked the wall. A few guards lined up outside the door and one opened the cell. "Come with me."

Saiu and Michael looked at each other before doing as instructed. "Quite a little stunt you pulled back there. Now give us the Declaration back."

"Not until I have made a comparison. That's all we want, then we go home."

The guards led them to an interrogation room with 4 chairs in it. Two guards stood inside the room and 2 outside, they were not taking chances.

Michael looked at Saiu, "How's your mate?"

"She is fine."



"Come on Saiu, give me something here."

Saiu looked at Michael, "Are you and Myra planning on having hatchlings?"

"No idea. So, what's this wedding about? And why do you want to transport me?"

"Me being the transporter, gets to carry the blade and the pen."

"Blade and pen?"

"The blade to cut each others necks, and the pen to fill with blood and sign a declaration. The blade represents strength, and the pen represents wisdom."

"I see. So you're like the best man?"

"I think that's accurate enough."

"Who's the bridesmaid?"

"Usually someone of the females choice."


Saiu looked forward again and disappeared into his own world. Michael played with his fingers.

After 30 minutes, 2 people entered the room, one wearing a lab coat and one a suit. They sat down and the suit put a tape recorder on the table and started recording. "Howard Beckett interrogating 2 prisoners who stole the Declaration of Independence at approximately 11.54am. Now, why did you steal it?"

"We wanted to compare it to one of our own documents."

"Sure. How do you get in the container?"

"Fingerprint authorisation. Plus it takes a DNA scan."

The lab coat spoke up, "I am the head of R&D here, nothing we have can cut that tube open. What material did you make it out of?"

Saiu smirked, "It's a type of polymer that is intensely strong. Its melting point is too high for you to melt it and get your document back. We only want to compare it."

"How did you intend to compare it?"

"Sight? How else do you compare it?"

"There are several techniques that can be used-"

"Not now Kennith." The Beckett interrupted. He looked at the disguised Dragons, "Open it."

"Not until we get to compare it."

"Open it and we will compare it for you."

"I want to be in the room." Saiu said, crossing his arms. Beckett thought for a minute or 2, "Ok. You touch nothing. What sort of test did you want?"

"Whether they belonged to the same sheet of paper. We think that there was another agreement that was ripped off."

"What makes you think that? That paper is dated the same day and year the Declaration was signed."

Kennith looked at Beckett, who sighed. "Ok. You are not to touch it though."

Saiu smiled and nodded, having gotten what he wanted. Michael was led to an observation room above the lab, and Saiu was led in it. Two microscopes were placed next to each other and connected to a computer. The bottom and top of the Declaration were scanned in and so was the Dragons agreement. The computer projected what the results were on a large screen. The tests were positive. On the 4th of July 1776, the US signed 2 agreements, one proclaiming their freedom from the British rule, and one proclaiming that because of their efforts in the war against the British, Dragons were allowed special status that allowed them to become citizens of the free United States. Saiu was over the moon, a large part of Draconian history was lost until now. They could go back and tell their world exactly what happened. Saiu put his document back in the tube and went to leave when the guards stopped him. Michael was thrown against the glass and handcuffed. Saiu looked at the guards, "Excuse me?"

"You're under arrest."


"Stealing the Declaration of Independence"

"I am going home now, don't expect me to bother you."

"No you're not" Came a voice from a speaker. Beckett took his hand off the microphone in the observation room and looked at Michael, "You 2 are going to be in prison for a long time."

"No we're not."


"Because under the law, it applies to humans."


"I'm not human." Michael said. Saiu touched his armband and both of their armbands activated. Saiu's turned off and the green Dragon stood where the human once did. Michael's turned on and the black Dragon broke the handcuffs off, "Beckett, we are leaving."

Beckett did something he never did before, he wet himself. Michael took a step back as Beckett emptied his bladder, completely frozen in fear. Michael stepped over the puddle and went outside. Saiu was waiting outside, having beaten the guards unconscious, "What took you so long?"

Michael chuckled and Saiu snorted, looking at the corridor. Saiu looked at Michael and asked "What now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Where do we go?"

Michael spun on the spot and looked at both ways on the corridor. He had a flashback to his near death experience and ran right, to where Myra would be. The corridor ended in a T junction. Michael looked down both of them and turned right. Saiu was following Michael, "Where are we going?"

"No idea Saiu."

"Then why are we going this way?"

"A hunch." Michael leant against the wall and pushed Saiu against it as 2 guards walked past. The guards didn't notice the 2 Dragons sneaking up and slitting their throats. Michael and Saiu stuffed the bodies in a room and took their XM8's. Michael taught Saiu very quickly, "Point and pull the trigger. The safety is off."

Saiu nodded and adjusted himself to the alien weapon. He had never fired a projectile, only a pulse rifle in his old squadron. The alarm went off and Michael internally panicked. Beckett must have set the alarm off. Saiu tapped Michael, who turned around to see 8 soldiers heading towards them. Michael fired and took out 6 of them. Saiu fired and was shocked by the recoil, causing him to spray the wall, the 2 remaining soldiers, the floor and 3 lights. Michael yanked Saiu's finger off the trigger, "Try to aim in one line."

Saiu nodded and Michael reloaded. They ran off with the alarm still going. Another squad of soldiers appeared and Michael got on 1 knee, shooting at them. Saiu started firing and kept it more under control, although still hitting the light. Michael stood up and took some more ammo for his gun. Saiu followed Michael round corners with the sirens still wailing and helping Michael drop guards.

Beckett watched from a security room with very few nerves. He yelled at the monitors and screamed when the 2 Dragons worked their way through another squad.

Michael was navigating by chance. He had no idea where he was going, and had a stroke of luck when he passed a room labelled "SL3-ARM2" They were in sub-level 2, and it was an armoury. Michael went in and dropped his XM8. The room was full with weapons, some prototypes. Saiu walked straight to a glass cabinet and smashed the front, allowing him to get a prototype energy burst weapon. He read the instructions while Michael picked the M16, a weapon he was comfortable with. He had an airsoft version of it and knew all about it. He loaded it and discarded the incompatible XM8 ammo. Saiu loaded his weapon and Michael had to have a second look, "What is that?"

"According to the manual, it's a energy discharge rifle."


"It's the basic version of our pulse rifle."

Michael nodded and looked out of the door. There were squads coming from both directions. Michael counted to 3 then both Dragons looked out and fired in opposite directions, killing the squads. Saiu felt the wind of a bullet flying past him, missing his head by millimetres. Michael emptied all 30 bullets into the squad, sending squad members tripping over each other and having bullets penetrate them. Saiu fired one discharge and the electrics went haywire. The lights exploded in a shower of sparks and the soldiers were knocked back 40 feet, the bullets in the chamber of their weapons expanding and causing the weapons to misfire, blowing holes in their feet and the floor. Saiu looked at the weapon with newfound confidence. The gun could blow doors apart. They found the stairs and went to ground level, finding the reception. The building was accessed with security cards only, but after Saiu blew the doors apart, anyone could enter. Four vans parked on the path and the Dragons started firing as the agents unloaded themselves. Michael picked off the agents that were already out and Saiu took the vans out, sending them on their roofs. Saiu fired at the 4th van but the gun wouldn't fire, it was out of energy. He dumped the gun and activated the beacon, it being received when they went to the dead zone. Michael broke into a car and hotwired it, getting the car to lurch to life. Saiu got in and Michael floored it, sending them forward with a squeal of tires.

They got onto the main road and headed north, speeding towards the 4 way junction. FBI vans were on their tail and Michael was pushing the car to its limits. He scraped the side of a 4x4 and weaved between the heavy traffic. The news was all over the Dragons as they reached the roundabout, ploughing onto it and getting out. They wouldn't need the car. Saiu grabbed Michael and activated the teleporter, sending them 20000 miles above Earth. The news was going mad about how 2 humanoid reptiles vanished in a flash of white light. The government was struggling to control the media and public uproar, but blamed it on someone else, saying it was a stunt.

Dragons Lair pt 22

YAY! After a long absense (which i am so sorry for) in which I just couldnt think of what to add, i've done it! I hope your happy with the new part (even though a bit short). Sorry, but no yiff in this one because i haven't been in the 'mood' to write...

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Dragons Lair pt 20

Not a very long one today, but i promise the next one will be longer. I'm having real fun writing this bit, because violence is what I wrote before porn. So I'm real at home with this bit. Enjoy Dragons Lair, part 20! ===================== "No. We...

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Dragons Lair pt 19

The heart monitor was bleeping like crazy. Myra screamed Michaels name as he passed out in the mess hall. She stayed with him the whole time, holding his hand, even as they stitched and bandaged Michael's wounds. She smiled and was overjoyed when...

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