Chapter 6- All the Love in the World
Unfortunately, acara was about to have a breakdown. she was emotionally and mentally shaken up from holding in everything. and here was alessandro, genuinely worried about her. she had to let it out; she needed to speak with someone.
Starlight Part 4
Bensen looks to them "it's not often you come around mom, did your car breakdown?" with a chuckle.
The Village Oracle
He didn't lose it though, so many people would have some sort of breakdown; he had a sort of calmed rage. he used that controlled and calm rage to completely overpower the responsible general.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...
**turn of the tide and peace** other combatants and armed bands that flourished in this civil chaos simply reflected the breakdown of central authority rather than loyalty to a political faction. in response to the violence, the mnaf was deployed.
Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 7: Briefing and Analysis
She'd wasted enough pushing him into the breakdown as she had. shaking her head, she sighed. "alright. as i said before, your mission is to take out a squad of paladins at one of the northern trade posts.
A Friend's Wish Chapter 5: "The Green-haired Trainer"
"their leader wants you to be his pokemon." and then aru started to breakdown. "no! no! no! i don't want to be taken away from gero!" and azure slowly approached the dragon and hugged him for comfort.
Chapter 8 - Look on the Bright Side
"okay, now you're having a mental breakdown," tazu said. "no, i'm serious. think, tazu, we could be part of thousands of different alien civilizations in the universe.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 5
Maybe dan wouldn't have had his breakdown and changes if i hadn't returned to the house. perhaps matthew would have held out a bit longer without knowing i was still around. maybe daniel was right. am i a human, a hawk, or something else?
Ill Mind Of Bartan
I'm tired of the breakdowns, i'm tired of the depressions. i'm tired of losing myself over and over again, i'm tired of trying to wrack my brain around what people like.
Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 15
Darkrai shrugs and nonchalantly says "just that apparently taz's evolution somehow allows him to get it up for rose now and elliot's emotional breakdown."
"The Thin Line," Part MM
Especially in the context of a breakdown of order. where there is no government." "so what...?"
Family Days 31
Worst case scenario was that both his plans would not work, in which case marion was sure he'd have a bit of a nervous breakdown.