Family Days 31

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#31 of Family Days

With a sickness going about the school district plans don't count for half as much as Marion wished they did. It's not just school that gets hectic from the bug, but his own personal life that gets a bit of a twist. Luckily he has a guy to lean on when it counts, or so he should hope and know without over-thinking it!

Well, it's been a small chunk of time, sorry about that! Either way, what better way to kick off the beginnig of summer than a story!? (Ok, there might be other answers...) Still, I hope this can be a nice additive perhaps to the beginning of summer! Hope you enjoy the tale's continuation!


"I'm not really sure how I feel about this," Marion said, biting his lip anxiously; perhaps too much so.

"Not much of a decision Marion, someone has to go,"


"I'm know I'd go if I could," Mary added, sniffling a bit after each word from whatever nasty bug she'd taken--it was a bug going around the town.

"But why me? Darlene, who works the weekend shifts could go, couldn't she?"

"Darlene works the weekend shift here because on weekdays she alternates at the hospital with their pharmacy,"

Marion bit his lip again in frustration, but stopped and moved on to running a paw roughly over his head when the pain set in from biting too hard. What to do? What to do? What to do?

"It's only four days,"

"It's a whole week: you don't understand Mary," Marion began with an over exaggerated sigh, "there's so much to consider. I'd have to pack, oh but that's not so bad. Of course the company will pay for the trip out there and all expenses, that's not so bad either, but the time,"

Mary let out a small sigh, that came out as a cough and moved the phone a bit away from her ear. It helped more than rolling her eyes, but she did that also as the rant continued. It should've been funny, but after the fourth time Marion's voice--which sounded higher than usual as if a motherly tone fell into him--and rant were a bit less humerous.

"It would take me a day to get to Stag Flats, no doubt I'd have to leave the night before or morning of, and I'd need to get directions on how to get there. I don't have a GPS system like you do you know. Sure I've been before, but that's not the point. The point is time," the wolf stressed yet again, "One day there, and a day to get back...that is six days Mary: Six. Days," he emphasized dramatically--though to himself it seemed a perfectly reasonable reaction.

"I'm sure Chris will survive,"

"School Mary, I have to think about how he'd get to school!" Marion said quickly, but that was nearly the least of his worries. It wasn't just school. It was soo much more! Transportation. Food. Security. Guidance. How could he offer any of those if he was three hundred miles away!? What if Chris needed him?

"Ben," Mary answered quite ready to hang-up. Her boyfriend was supposed to be coming over with soup--what was better than soup and being sick? Well, aside from soup without being sick.

It was the all-encompassing answer.


"What? Why?"

"No," Marion repeated again, not sure himself why he was saying it.

Mary scowled a little at the wolf's resilience--though to what she did not know. It wasn't like they didn't talk about this sort of stuff. The wolf so clearly wanted Ben to be like a parent to Chris--to be a parent truthfully--but he was drawing back at the chance. The wolf never made any sense. How he ever expected Ben and Chris to form a bond while he kept trying to control all the variables she had no idea.

"I...couldn't ask him to do that,"

"I thought you trusted him,"

"Of course I trust him!" Marion barked at his sick co-worker, "It's not a matter of trust..." With my life...but...this is Chris's life he thought with a scowl. He'd gladly put his life in Ben's arms, but Chris's? That was an entirely different subject. After all, the pup's life was more important than his own, or at least that was how it seemed in his mind.

"Ok...well, look, Marion," Mary began, obviously tired of the conversation, and ready to get more rest instead of arguing with her co-worker, "It sucks but someone from our district of the company has to go, and Mr. Edwin chose you,"

Then Mr. Edwin can shove it up hi--"....I know," Marion replied, cutting off his thought and knowing arguing further with Mary would get him no-where. If he really wanted to change how to get out of a business trip he'd have to talk with his manager, Mr. Edwin. And the chance of that old prune letting him out of it was slim to none. OK, he wasn't that bad a guy, but his opinion was a bit different at the moment. "Look...I'll figure something out...OK...just...get some rest, OK?" he asked, knowing the rabbit was tired and needed her rest and also more greedily hoping she'd recover in the next few days so he wouldn't have to go to the seminar.

"OK...sorry about this Marion,"

"Bye," Marion answered, not feeling like saying 'it's fine' because it really wasn't. Well, at least it didn't seem like that to him. Sure, perhaps it was all great, maybe this was even a blessing in disguise, but if it was he had no idea how. Still, this was a chance he'd been looking for, right: a chance for Chris and Ben to be together. Yes, but with me there Marion thought and what would Chris think of this...

It's not like you're really putting Chris's life in his paws Marion...come-on don't be paranoid he told himself with a slow sigh but I'll have to ask him. No doubt he'll want to go to a friend's instead......oh dear...oh dear, oh dear...

He could see it now. The pup would want to go to Jake's or another friend's for the week, but that would mean calling their parents and settling the deal with them and much more. He'd need to make sure the pup had everything he would need for the week, along with enforcing the idea that it was just him staying over: not a week-long-sleep-over. But he did know their parents really well.

And Ben.

Mary did have a point, he hated to admit. He didn't know why he hated to admit that much; it wasn't like he didn't want Ben to be involved in the pup's life. It was just that he wanted to be present when such was happening--it wasn't like he planned on Ben taking care of Chris one week and then him taking care of the pup the next. Still, it seemed best for them to be together when all this happened--as a cohesive unit, yes?

But this was a bit soon, wasn't it?

Damnable company conferences!

His thoughts were interrupted by a customer, but only for a few minutes before he was yet again thinking of his situation. I could drive back and forth.......a nearly six hour drive there and then one back...yeah...that would work soo well.... he thought with a groan.

OK, OK...let's just think about this logically. If Chris were to miss a week of school it wouldn't be so bad. I'll just take him with me.




That will never work! He can't miss an entire week of school. What am I thinking? What would Ben think!? If I got flack for letting Chris skip one day...just imagine a week......maybe he'd punish me? Th--No. Focus Marion! ...Ben could drive him to school...

Chris is getting older...more mature.......maybe his old enough to stay home alone after al--not for a week he couldn't! Marion snapped at his mind, not sure if he was arguing with himself or not. The bipolar argument went back and forth the entire while he served customers, and while filling out prescriptions, and even through lunch.

Ben wouldn't mind I'm sure....I mean, I do want them to get closer....and well, maybe it would be a good idea. It works in theory--Mary's right, it is the most reasonable solution. But then again...the last time Ben was over Chris got upset......but we talked about that; worked through it. It's not like I'd get a call telling me they were late to school because Chris had shut himself in his room saying Ben didn't have any authority, right? Marion wondered, the thought making him cringe a little.

It was just one of the many thoughts that ran around in his mind over the course of the day. Luckily, over the course of the day, his mind exhausted most of the stranger thoughts and fears, and he'd even come up with two plans--one involving Ben, and one not involving Ben. Worst case scenario was that both his plans would not work, in which case Marion was sure he'd have a bit of a nervous breakdown.

Picking up Chris was no more eventful than normal, and he didn't think he gave away any of his nervousness while they spoke about the day. He was sure he didn't speak as much at diner as usual, though the pup seemed to not mind. The meal was coming to an end all too quickly for Marion's liking though; he still had so much to say.

"So...have you finished your homework?" Marion asked, guessing it was best to get the basics out of the way, and wasn't a bad intro either. And besides, he always liked to hear that the pup was on top of things.

" was all pretty easy...unsure about one math problem, but we get a hundred for attempting,'s not a big deal,"

"OK...if you have any questions you kno you can ask me,"

"I know...but, it's a long word problem...I doubt she'll ask anything about it on the test,"

"Well, you never know,"

"Mrs. Marts always gives us a study guide anyhow though,"

Marion nodded and stared down at his plate, wondering how to begin. It was simple right? All he had to do was...

"Chris," Marion began and coughed, clearing his throat--now wasn't the time to sound unsure, he needed to be firm, "I have to go away next week, for the week,"

"What do you mean?" Chris asked quickly, his ears flickering against his head now.

"I'd leave on Sunday, stay for four days and would be back the coming Friday,"

Chris stared at his dad for a few moments, not really sure what he meant--even if the words themselves weren't hard to understand. His father never left him, at least not for more than a few hours.

"It's a company convention--someone from our district has to attend...and Mary drew the short straw...but she's sick. So, now it falls on me,"

"OK...umm, I get to stay out for a week?" Chris asked with a small smile--knowing such wasn't the case, but still enjoying the thought. He also wanted to joke around a little, neglect the uneasiness that the suddenness brought up in him; he'd never been away from his dad for a week before. It was a two sided coin; he'd never been away and that could present all sorts of new freedom, but what about his dad being there for him?

"Hahahaha," Marion laughed hollowly with a smirk, even if he knew just this morning he'd considered that option so seriously, "No. I'm still kind of working out the plan for what to do. I'm at two certainly are not going to be staying on your own for an entire week,"

Chris's ears flickered against his head and he pouted slightly, "I'm old enough,"

"You're not old enough to drive. How would you plan to get to school?"

"Taxi," Chris answered quickly, giving the first thing that came to mind. He couldn't help but a small smirk as he said it, and was glad his dad laughed at it too; it was a silly idea.

"Now...I'm not sure if his parents would allow it, could always go stay at Jake's for the time I'm away,"

That certainly sounded like fun.

"But you'd have to keep up with your work. And under his parent's rules. You'd go to sleep at your regular bed time, do your homework and not interrupt Jake when he was doing his own, and if they allow it, after you've finished your work then you could play,"

And the fun was gone. Chris shook his head and frowned, "Well...Jake's sister has that bug going probably can't go anyway," he said, hoping his second option was kinder.

"Oh...this bug really is quite the problem," Marion said, feeling his ears droop a little that one of his plans was ruined by the same sickness that was causing him to have to leave in the first place.

"Jake said nearly half of his sister's class is out,"

"Oh my..." Marion said, and suddenly not wanting Chris to go over to Jake's anyway. What if the pup were to get sick while he were away? The thought sent a chill through him, and he decided it was best to continue, "The next option I've thought of means you could stay home,"

Better so far. At least at home he had his freedom in the same fashions as always; playing games, watching TV, the comfort of familiarity, and much more. But there had to be a catch.

"And," Marion said, forcing himself to sound nonchalant like it was simply a matter of convenience--which it was, though it could be more, "Ben could be here with you,"

"Ben?" Chris asked, his face scrunching up, "Doesn't he have his own apartment?"

"Y--Well, yes, but...I'd want you to have an adult I trust here with you,"

That made sense. And Ben was better than Jake's parents--he liked Ben more. Actually Ben was a great guy, but, as a chaperon? But wasn't that what the bear was as a teacher in some way? Chris continued to stare at his father, waiting for more explanation, there had to be more explanation.

"It would be easy for getting to and from school mostly..."

"I can understand that..."

"Are you OK with this? If you aren't Chris, just say so...I'll figure something out,"

Chris shook his head, more upset that he wasn't allowed to stay on his own than anything. He didn't mind Ben coming over--at least not in this capacity, it was different. And he was sure the next time Ben came over to be with his dad that he would handle that differently too. "It's won't be awkward will it?"


"He's not upset that I accused him of taking Mom's place, is he?"

"What? Of course not Chris," Marion replied quickly, smiling at the pup.

"So...he'd be here the entire time? Why not just come pick me up for school and drop me off?"

Marion's smile faded back to a scowl--the pup was certainly persistent about being on his own, or at least the notion of it. "Because that wouldn't be half as efficient and it'd put my mind at ease to have someone I can trust here,"

"Someone not me," Chris said with the sourness that only came from a teen wanting to be seen as having all the maturity of any adult.

"If this was only a day I wouldn't mind leaving you on your own for a bit...and if I could be back soon. I'm sorry, I'm just not comfortable with the idea of you being on your own yet......I know, I know, nothing bad would most likely happen...but as a parent my job is to consider every possibility,"

"Like a murderer coming into the house while I'm asleep because I forgot to lock the doors before going to sleep," Chris said with a bit of humor, but by the look that went into his father's eyes he knew there was no chance of even a chuckle. It was more a look of terror, made even worse by a glance at a nearby door to check if the lock was as sturdy as it seemed. "Oh come-on Dad, I was joking!"

Marion frowned at the pup, feeling ever more sure of how much he wanted Ben here while he was away--maybe with a shotgun at the door in case of murderers? Oh come-on Marion, you're acting like a teen who just saw a horror movie and is making stalkers from shadows

The rest of their time together passed more fluidly, at least after Marion managed to assure himself there was no chance that the pup's cruel sense of humor had any basis in logical thought. He found himself in bed a few hours later--after having checked all the locks in the house just to be safe--earlier than usual, probably due to the unkindly amount of self-made-stress he'd put under himself in such a short period of time. And there was still one thing left to do. He ran a paw through his chest fur and let out a sigh, "OK...this should be the easiest one...right?"

Even so, his paw was a bit hesitant as he grabbed for his phone.

"Hello there Sexy," Ben answered cheerfully, despite the fact that he was just getting into his apartment. He'd had to stay later than usual at the school--or had forced himself to do so. He hadn't anticipated on it taking so long to put all the grades into the computer. It might have gone quicker if he hadn't felt the need to play a game of solitaire between nearly each student's log.

"Hey," Marion replied with a gentle smile, feeling many of his fears begin to seep away already.

"Can I call you back in a bit? I'm just getting in. And I'm about to sit down to eat and I know you don't like the sound," Ben said quickly, not wanting to have to hang up on the wolf, but also knowing that the small sandwich he'd gotten today for lunch hadn't been filling. He'd already opened up a cold beer, had his take out on the coffe table, and was ready to eat.

Marion wasn't sure if he felt something close to relief or anxiety at those words. It gave him more time, more time to think about what to say. Or it could've.

"Is something on your mind? You sound stressed,"

It should've made his heart swell a little, or to be proud, or humbled, or just touched that the bear could tell how he felt just by him saying two small things, but he just felt even more nervous. Having someone who knew him so well, had he ever considered it could be uncomfortable? Marion shook his head quickly, it wasn't like that, he was simply making it uncomfortable for himself. "Umm....I...I'm not really sure at the moment,"

"If you're stressed or not?" Ben asked, realizing something really was eating at the wolf. It had to be something new, because when they'd spoken this morning Marion had seemed chipper. Then again, he knew how quick Marion was to let things get to him--even small things could change the wolf from happy-go-lucky to paranoid.

Marion bit his lip and let out a stressful sigh. Why was this so difficult? Or perhaps the real question was why was he making it so difficult on himself? Chris didn't care if Ben was here to look after him in his absence after all. But Chris wasn't his own father.

Ben waited patiently on the other end of the line, taking a sip from his drink. After a moment he pulled it back and made sure they hadn't lost connection, but the wolf was still there, just being Marion--probably overthinking a simple matter. "Hellllooo?"

Marion jerked his head at the sound, "Sorry...I'm just thinking...I...well...."

"Everthing OK Babe?"

"Yeah, yeah...I mean, well it might be...I hope..." Marion said, feeling the dam around his mind break. There was something about Ben asking him that did that. Or maybe ti was just that he knew he could confide in the bear about anything. Or was it that the bear made him just want to talk about every small detail of life and not care? "You remember that convention for my company I told you about,"

"Yeah, and Mary drew the short straw you said," Ben said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah...she did..." Marion replied, giving a hollow laugh. "But...Mary is it falls on me to go.......all the way to Stag Flats..."

" you OK with that?"

"I don't know...I mean...not really, but what choice do I have?"

"Well, you could always get someone else,"

"No...I actually can' both senses,"

"Both senses..."

"I have to go; me. And then...well, I need you Ben..."

"Me? Am I going with you?" Ben asked with a smirk, taking another sip.


"Then how am I going to be helping?" Ben asked, and the line was silent for another minute. He repeated the process of making sure they hadn't hung up on one another. "Marion?"

"LookBenI'mtryingtoaskifIcangetyoutolookafterChrisforaweek!" Marion said so quickly the words never had time to separate--it all seemed to come out as one long syllable instead. He took a deep breath, both trying to regain that which he'd lost and because he felt he couldn't exhale without an answer. What if Ben said no? What if Ben said yes? What if Ben didn't say anything? Like right now?

"Uhh....sure....I guess I could," Ben's voice came over the line cautiously, not sure he'd heard his boyfriend correctly, "...I'm just going to start eating though, OK? This sounds like it'll be a long conversation..."