The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 4: Bon Appetit

Before long spyro cooked boar, took bite on it and dragged it near cynder so she could eat without the need to move closer by herself. cynder took bite voraciously and swallowed first piece of meat. "ahh... this tastes great!"

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Rat Boy (Rat TF)

One of them bites him however, triggering a mutation.. drake gently scratches chompy on the chin with his fingernail. he grinned to himself and lifted him to his shoulder, peering out the window.

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Going Concerns (Chapter 10)

She nodded, taking a bite of her own meal, a small--at least to her--steak, albeit a perfectly-cooked one, crisped on the outside but barely over room temperature at its center. "how much time will sinvy and barash serve?"

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VTQ: Gooification

Grabbing one from the plate, he took a sniff then the smallest bite out of it possible to make sure it was safe. after he confirmed it at least tasted okay, he took a bite out of it and made his way over to the recliner.

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Ferret Food

She struck again, smashing into the shelf and was met with another painful bite to her head. she was going to eat this ferret slow for this! no vermin dared fight back and lived!

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Under The Quiet Moon - III - 01/20/2011

Angela was one of them now, and elizabeth... her lover's bite itched, spreading like an infection she was sure would claim her as well. but how long did she have?

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Under The Quiet Moon - 3 - 02/22/2016

The mirror showed her the intensity of the bite marks and the redness which appeared to be spreading through her veins. whatever was happening to her was accelerating.

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Diverting Gluttony

Dragonien made a bit of a show of chewing and swallowing each bite; intending to further tease kinachi.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 170

_ nilia increased the pressure, biting down harder and harder.

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Chapter 3: Joining the Day

"what is it with you and biting my ears? they're already pierced." kouji gets out of bed, finding his discarded boxers and putting them on.

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In The Beginning

Blade bites into blade as the pair charge each other, bodies almost touching before being flung away again with the momentum. a dance of flashing blades, where a wrong step means death unending.

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Thunder In Paradise (Character sheet)

He also has black spiked snake bites and a black angel wings on his back as a birth mark.

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