Why Pinkie Pie Smiles

He managed to beat her with a full barn in poker, with three alicorns and a pair of a unicorns, and he didn't even twitch the corners of his mouth when he triumphantly laid down his cards. it was like all the happiness was just sucked out of him.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 6: Soul Burn

Eventually, a purple alicorn stepped down from her chair, seated at the head of the large table. her hooves, clad in golden shoes, clacked against the floor rather loudly. while her face was a mask, spyro could see a slight bit of tension under her fur.

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 4

Rainbow looked at her princess and swore the look in luna's eyes was even colder than misty's when the alicorn looked at the half-frozen stallion. \* \* \* \* \* \* hours later, rainbow was back at home.

The Apple of My Eye Ch.1

"...and lastly, there are the alicorns, which have both a magic horn and wings."

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[MLP: FIM] Princess of Friendship

# chapter 1: the beginning of the end "i don't think this is a good idea, twilight," spike commented from his spot on the alicorn's back. twilight sparkle rolled her eyes.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 8

Hell she was a horse, with black fur with the wings and horn making her an alicorn. her mane and tail were like a purple starfield and waved around her. her eyes though were like a cats eyes. "oh my beloved subjects!

Chapter Three: Explained Extractions, Unknown Reasons (edit 2/13/2015)

Twilight, as i am sure you are realizing, this is not in the realm of known unicorn magic, nor what you have already learned regarding alicorn magic either. let luna and myself sort it out as to it's nature for now.

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The Guardians of Equestria - Chapter 2 – Mornings, Messages, Meetings, and Meanings…

They even found a few alicorn doodles within the pile of paper on the table. some of the styles of the artwork told them that many creatures from not just equestria, but from around the world had helped create this book...

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Changeling Heart: Lighting's Orgin

She was the same size of an alicorn, or to what i thought was the same height, her mane flowing down, and her eyes, a light green that seemed to glow in the darkness.

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My Little Pony: Shake Your Tail

A very surprised cloudchaser blurted out, her eyes widening the second they fell upon the purple alicorn. "uh... what's up, princess? is there something you wanted to talk about?" asked a curious flitter, equally surprised.

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Transcend - Part 1

Needing a new source of energy, she had simply waited for cadence to be alone, trapped the unsuspecting alicorn in the crystal chambers beneath the palace, and then feasted on the love shining armor had for his bride-to-be. what a rush!

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A Mad Dash Through Time and Space - Chapter Two

"cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye, i'm gonna kick that chump of an alicorn's ass across the sky."

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