Love is Color Blind Chapter 3: Communication
He wasn't at the administrative building, because that was the first place robin checked. he considered calling kuyomi's phone, but that would probably only scare the poor umbreon further.
Welcome New Citizen! - Introduction to the Cityverse
Formerly the lieutenant mayor under duke's administration, they decided to leave politics and open a place where people could come to escape their woes.
No Frills: Napstar
Food could be scarce; the carers did their best to make sure every orphan - including napstar - got a feed, but napstar was unaware of the administrative issue regarding food and developed a negative attitude towards his carers for failing to feed him as much
Scars Ch. 9
"p...people will see us out here and i don't think school administration and police will like seeing a man threaten a student with a sword." "you see any students around?" victor asks, puzzling chris.
The foxes and otters and dogs and even big jack bobcat all shared the same mask as if they were issued by their unionized army rather than being the cheapest option the mine's administration could find within national regulations.
The Angel Above Me Part 1
Walking to the board outside the administration office, the boards were surrounded by different furs that were looking for their homeroom class. ray was able to get into the massive crowed and found his name, "raymond christopher rivera-homeroom a-13".
Shrinkwave (2010)
"hold on sir, let me pick you up." the young 'giant' lowered his lowered his hand down to the undersized administrator, but at the wolf's small size, he actually had trouble climbing onto stanley's furred finger.
Executive decisions Chapter 16
One of his small administration team. too smart, these dragons, it didn't even live in hell - it had an apartment in the old disused purgatory high-rise tower blocks! plotting. biding its time until - bam!" "bam?" he asked, weakly.
Vengeance Set 1 (1-5)
The administration for tamers, or aft, was the group that lead the digimon. they had selected him and sent renamon to him. they also organized the tester battles and the daily battle sessions.
The hack: Chapter 9 (Aron)
"no, we don't know the new administration password so we cannot install it this time" trent said.
Deciphering The Past - 01 - Awakening
This floor is basically composed of four receptions, a café, a board room, administrative offices, restrooms, washrooms and elevators.
Aspen - Chapter 1.1 [Sci-fi TF novel]
Director: sean fuller, administrator of project aspen at the united states special research laboratories. primary technicians..."