The Angel Above Me Part 1
Authors note: This story contains mild violence, and homosexual acts. If you are underage and easily offended by this material, THEN DON'T READ!! Other than that, just enjoy ;)
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my Boyfriend who helped me write this story. This is a collaborative story between us.
The Angel Above Me
Written by RuffWolfy and Jar366
Part 1
First day of junior year at Obsiphovia high school, Ray looked around at all the furs around him. Since the New Year started, there were a bigger number of freshmen this year. Ray attended Obsiphovia high school for two years now, a varsity swimmer; he became team captain very quickly. He had a scar over his right eye from a fight he was in a year ago, and a tattoo on his back that was wings. Ray was born in 1991 in California, Montebello. With a family of seven, one brother and three sisters, he was the oldest and had the most responsibility. A secret that he kept very well was the fact that he was gay. Seeing his first gay film when he was ten, he knew he was and freaked out when accepted it. Over the years, he decided to embrace his homosexuality, and was comfortable with it. He hasn't told anyone that he was, and every year, he always had girls come up to him and asking him out and turned down each one; making a different excuse every time. He always wanted to tell someone about him, but he felt that if he did, that the person might betray him so he hid it, until today, where he met someone and knew that this person would be his love of his life. Walking to the board outside the administration office, the boards were surrounded by different furs that were looking for their homeroom class. Ray was able to get into the massive crowed and found his name, "Raymond Christopher Rivera-Homeroom A-13". The school was massive, consisting of seven buildings each with two floors.
High School, That's where Joshua was now; in a completely new environment than what he's used to. All of his friends went to another school; they didn't test well enough to get here. The wolf folded his wing in and walked inside. It's still unknown how he ended up with wings, but he loved having them. His childhood was a normal one, sibling rivalries and homework. He was never too active, but he always loved swimming and went every chance he could, which wasn't too often. He didn't know what he was going to do; he was completely lost in this place and was too afraid to ask anyone. His biggest concern was if he could even make a friend. He sighed; it wouldn't matter anyway, he couldn't let anyone know he liked other males. He finally just leaned against the wall and stared at the map. "I still got lost even though I had a map..." he decided to keep walking anyway. He noticed a giant crowd of furs and shrugged "It must be important" he said to himself and headed into the crowd.
Ray worked his way out of the crowd, trying to get past all the furs. He pushed himself out of the crowed and bumped into a dragon. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry; here let me help you up. This crowd is crazy and I just made it worse" Ray Chuckled lightly. Ray grabbed the dragons hand to help him up, but upon looking closer to him, he found out that he was a wolf with wings. "That's so cool" Ray thought to himself. "You must be new here", Ray stuck out a paw after helping the wolf/dragon up, "I'm Ray."
Joshua hesitated for a moment then shook Ray's paw "I'm Joshua, just one of the freshmen" he checked his pockets and the ground where he fell "great, now my map's gone" he sighed well it didn't help much anyway".
"Well this school is pretty big, seven buildings ya know. Wait you're a freshman? Have you looked at the board yet? Your name is next the Room you're assigned too." Ray looked at the crowed and saw an opening. "Come on!" Ray grabbed Joshes paw and took him to the opening in front of the board.
Joshua looked for his name "B-11...where the hell is that?" he sighed "this place is going to be the death of me" he pushed back out of the crowd and looked down the hall "maybe it's this way"
"No, not that way, that's the C building, B-11 is next to the A building, that's where I'm headed now, come on, I'll take you there", seeing that he still held joshes paw, he quickly let go and blushed. "Come on now."
Ray smiled "It gets crazier, trust me"
Joshua gave him a look "Even crazier than this?"
"Yeah, but that's not important right now, what is important is that we make it to our homerooms, so let's get going" Ray answered and started walking down the hall.
Joshua caught up to him and walked along side him quietly. He wasn't sure what to say and was afraid of saying the wrong thing.
It was Ray who finally broke the silence "So what classes do you have?"
Joshua rummaged through his pockets and pulled out and unfolded a sheet of paper "After homeroom I have biology. Then Spanish, Algebra, and PE"
Ray seemed confused "Why are you missing classes?"
"The counselors told me to go to the office to get the other classes..."
"Well we have two classes together so far"
Joshua couldn't help but smile "Really? That's awesome, which ones?"
"You seem pretty excited" Ray said smiling
"sorry...I'm just glad I'll have someone to talk to" and admire Joshua thought to himself.
"It's fine. We have Algebra and PE together"
Yes! PE together! Joshua thought but said "You failed Algebra?"
"Well..." Ray began but stopped "Here's your room: B-11."
Joshua looked at the room and shifted his stance "Guess I gotta go then. Thanks for everything man, ill see (and check you out) later" he said and walked into his room.
Ray watched him as the door closed behind the younger student. "Yeah...definitely" he said to himself before walking away smiling toward his own homeroom.
Although they were in different rooms, Ray and Joshua were thinking the same thing: I can't wait for Algebra. Joshua found a rat named Arty who had biology so he followed him. As he sat in class, he couldn't help but glance at the clock every so often and couldn't stay focused on anything the teacher was saying. When he heard the bell ring he threw his notebook in his backpack and rushed out the door.
Ray wasn't as worked up as Joshua was. Sure they seemed to get along fine. But he could never be like couldn't be that simple. He walked into the hall and caught a glance of the wolf/dragon disappear into room with the word "Hola!" on the door. He saw one of his friends and learned that they had the next class together and they headed off to class, informing each other on what they did over the summer.
Joshua sat in the seat closest to the door. What if he feels the same way? What if he thinks I'm cute? He couldn't help but smile. Too bad for him he was too caught up in his own world to see that class had started.
"Is there something funny, sir?"
Joshua's smile faded when he saw a badger looking at him and blushed "N-no sir..."
"Then maybe I can start class?"
"Alright" he looked up to address the class "This is Spanish 1..."
Joshua gave a sigh of relief when the class finished. He walked out and saw his biology teacher "umm...can you tell me where Algebra is please?"
The lioness looked up from her attendance sheet "I'm sorry, this is my first year here, I still get lost sometimes"
Joshua sighed "thanks anyway" he looked at his schedule "How-"
He was cut off by someone putting their arm on his shoulder "ready for class?"
Joshua blushed when he saw it was Ray "y-yeah"
Ray smiled big, "well let's go, and don't be nervous." Ray grabbed joshes books, "it seems like a lot, I'll help you out"
Josh blushed slightly and looked away, "t...thanks much"
Ray smiled "so yeah about the whole algebra class, it didn't really click at all. I tried very hard to pass the class but the thing that screwed me up was the tests. Being in a class full of freshmen is embarrassing, but I have to do it." Ray sighed, "but you're in there with me, perhaps it won't be as bad" Ray said with a smile.
Joshua smiled warmly and wanted to hold Ray's hand so badly, his left arm shaking with urgency but quickly held his urges back. Instead, Josh gave Ray a hug and said, "thank you Ray, it's nice to know that I made a new friend like you."
Ray hid a grin while he hugged josh and thought to himself "this fur is so nice, I swear he's different than what I thought he would be" Ray tightened his hug making josh yelp and Ray laughed. "Hahahaha, well now that done and over with, the class is up ahead, come on"
Josh followed Ray with his tail wagging like crazy, the two decided to sit in the back, mostly to avoid the teacher, but to talk with each other. Close to the end of class, Ray decided to get up and stretch, but unknown to him, josh was looking at Ray stretch the whole time. "What a body, god would I love to see that." Josh mentally slapped himself, "NO. NO. NO. He's probably straight and I'm just grabbing straws here".
The bell rang, and Josh and Ray both got up to go to their next class. "PE is next, hehe. Finally I get to see what's under that shirt of his," josh thought to himself mentally.
Walking to the field, Both Josh and Ray see a lot of furs gathering together, "I wonder what that is all about?" Walking closer, Ray sees a fur getting beaten up by another.
Without hesitation, Ray ran into the middle and blocked the bear from hitting the fox. "Get the hell out of the way Ray, that faggot behind you kept looking at me, he asked for it." The bear tried to push Ray out of the way, but Ray still kept a stance in front of the fox. "Just drop it Frank, leave him alone." Frank roared and attacked Ray. Skillfully, Ray grabbed the bears arm and spun it around, flipping the bear over and holding his arm in the air. "Drop it," Ray said again, "or risk breaking your arm." Ray pushed the arm harder, causing the bear to cry out in pain. Ray let go a few seconds later and the Bear looked at Ray and pointed a finger at him, "you watch Ray, I'll get you back, trust me, you'll get yours." Frank walked off with a bunch of other furs, leaving Ray, Josh and the fox alone.
Josh went up to Ray, concerned. "Are you ok? He could have hurt you or worse."
Ray smiled at Josh, "I'm fine Josh." Ray looked at the fox, the fox was in the fetal position, crying. Ray knelt down and put a paw on the fox's shoulder which caused the fox to whimper and back up a little. "No no, I'm going to hurt you." Ray looked at the fox with concern, "Are you ok?"
The fox looked up at Ray and said "thank you for saving me, I...I don't know why you helped, you don't even know me..."
Ray said to the fox, "it doesn't matter. You were in trouble; I just wanted to help you." Ray extended a paw out to the fox to help him up. Ray helped the fox up. "What's your name?"
" name is Jake." Jake looked down and started whimpering
"Hey what's wrong?" Josh asked.
"Y...You hate me right now, I think you shouldn't have wasted your time on me, no one wants me anyway. Not my parents, not my friends, no one."
Ray said "Why?"
"B...because you heard what that bear said, I'm Gay...and you'll get beaten up..."
"It's fine, look we don't care, as long as your alright."
Jake looked at Ray with wet eyes, "Y..You mean that?"
Josh spoke up, "of course we do, just hang with us, and you'll be fine"
The Fox got up and hugged Josh tightly, "Thank you." Jake turned and faced Ray. "And
Thank you for saving me." Without warning, Jake wrapped his arms around Ray and kissed him on the lips.
Josh immediately turned red with embarrassment while Ray taken aback, taking in the kiss. They kissed and Ray not once tried to fight back. Once Jake finished, he said to Josh and Ray, "I'll see you two around" And walked off. Ray looked at the fox still. His brain was racking what just happened, knowing that Josh saw everything.
Josh looked at Ray and he had a worried expression.
"Josh, I think we need to talk....."
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