A Pirate's Life: Story of Blackjack
How about the black widow? does that sound forewarning?" "yessss. perfect my master."
FTL - Prologue
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); widows: 2; orphans: 2; }p.western { font-family: "times new roman",serif; font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { } "f.t.l."
Surface (Chapter 4)
- sometimes when oppression can be enforced without violence, violence becomes the only thing which can break oppression, and i'd be interested to know how burning a widow after her husband's death isn't doing harm to her.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1
The widow's voice was so tender and fragile. "i promise. they'll grow up to such fine young lads. just like you want them to be." maryann was always a soft-spoken person, and her love for the captain was pure.
A Child is Born in Bethlehem
"a widower and his new wife. left his other children with relatives to travel to nazareth for the census." "hah!" the second donkey exclaimed. "husband in name only." "oh?" david said, his interest peaked.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 7 Part 2 of 2
The aspects watch over small children, widows, and fools. i'm hedging my bets on that." his grin got wider, "and which one are you?"
Thane of Hearts, Parts Two (and Part one, revised)
It was once the home of old kirstin the widow, but she died. and some say that her house is cursed, but we never tell the travellers - so they don't mind. "this is where you'll stay," i said. "rafn! replied the stranger; "rafn?"
Berruguete del sol was the beautiful daughter of a widowed horse merchant. a true innocent touched by music - it inspired her and gave her life. and yet, at this moment, rodrigo's was the only voice she heard out of the entire boys choir.
Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 6 - Blades
The bedroom was large and well appointed, with a number of great widows on the south wall. the furniture was elegantly carved, the tapestries that covered the walls rich and colourful.
Will She Curse While She's in Labor?
There was a widow to the outside looking out to the city, but the curtains were closed - a good thing, because even on an upper floor like this she really didn't want any dragons who happened to fly by outside to see her as she was about to be.
Maverick Hotel Part 5
Mary mentioned how her mother, widowed shortly after her birth, married a herbivorous rabbit to raise them, and she mixed vegetables and meat in the food to help him feel included.
"one of the people, a widow and mother of nine children who lived together in the wilderness, knew the fox spirit was going to die and offered her and her children's spirits to it to prolong its life.