Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act IV, Part 9

"sixty-one escapees... sixty-three if you include two babies that some of the slaves have taken in." spoke up the blind iuratus, and he lowered his head, blushing a bit when zerrex turned a curious look to him.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.3 - Eye of the Beholder

"hey", sano put his hand forth, "we need room sixty-nine, pronto." "do you have a reservation?" she raised her feathered brow.

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Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. I (2015)

Coming in with her usual nose down droop, "starship connie", the venerable sixty-six year old constellation returned home after another million dollar run as the "ammo express".

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On this New Sea

One-sixty? did you even manage to get it up that far?" _did you even manage_. paral bristled. "manage?" "well, i don't want to presume. we got the prototype up to one-sixty by hand, in the laboratory.

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.1: Don't Change in Public Places

She was a tall, skinny woman of maybe sixty and had on a literal gown which had to be a minimum of 5 figures in price. she had a long flat face with a long, beak like nose and could honestly have used a lip wax. "you may, madam.

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About fifty to sixty percent inherit their gift from a parent or belong to the ancient races. the rest either posses an odd talent for it, while the rest want nothing to do with it.

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Jewel's House

My grandfather there served in the army in the late sixties, but this photo was taken in 1973. you can see my dad in grandma's arms." i moved to the side a bit, to helped taken in more of the mcmuzzle museum.

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Two Friends [Chapter 4]

Tom looked down at the river, sixty feet down; jagged rocks surfaced through the water directly below the bridge.

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Just Desert

His anthro height of sixty-seven inches being dwarfed by the ten feet of feral remedy as he approached. "you cannot be picky in the desert, ramah." the dragoness replied, grabbing the sandy cured meat for a sniff.


Xaviers new hope part 10

Seira panted as she took the sixty-sixth floor of the building across from him. she smiled as she though of her cusions new found power, she knew he would make a peace of the war.

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Shadow Project: A Strange Find

He was a man in his early sixty's but was a hard worker and strongly loyal to hinson. he was obviously worried about his employer but could not tell what was wrong. " how may i help you?" "how did i get here?" "you flew sir.

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The amount of power released equaled around sixty-seven giga-watts, more than some power plants put out. you could say he vaporized the pokémon since there was nothing left but a small crater where it was. the girl however was long unconscious.

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