
Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#2 of Feathered Memories

Any and all Feedback will be greatly Appreciated.

I bid you greetings my friends you may call me Yuri, I am the God of History. My superiors have asked me to share some history and a very popular story with all of you. Though before I do begin, I'd like to ask everyone a question if that's alright. Please forgive me if the question I'm about to ask offends anyone. Have any of you ever wondered about the choices you make affect Fate or Destiny?

Granted for most of you that's probably true but, for a select few that's not the case. This tale involves a young man who was foretold that he would become a true hero. Of course most heroes are normally everyday people but, special heroes are born. However, before I get too far ahead of myself, perhaps a short history lesson is in order. Seeing as there's a lot to know so I'll try to keep things simple and straightforward.

Alrighty, let's start with the early races of our large world, to get things started. They're called the Dragoons, Renarians, Argovians and finally the Draconian. Sadly over the last few millennia most of those numbers have all but, disappeared entirely. I know that after the Great War had ended a lot of damage was done. From there the four ancient races thought it best that they should go there separate ways.

The Draconian are in hiding but, they figured a way to hide and remain in plain sight. As for the Dragoons and Argovians they're sticking to their remote cities around the world. According to some of the rumors of many folks, while the rest believe they're extinct. Though Renarians are the most discrete race I've ever had the privilege to know. Perhaps a brief and less intimate anatomy lesson should prove interesting.

How should I go about this particular subject and not lose anyone in the process? All four races had the power of flight, three used wings and the fourth a special technique. Now the Draconian, their wings were comprised of soul-like feathers. That sprout from the middle of the back where the last pair of ribs connect to the spine. Draconian are the only race of the four that can retract or conceal their wings.

Secondly Argovians wings are made of tough and thin leather like membrane. That connect at the wrist and goes up the arm then connects directly to the shoulder blade. They're excellent gliders and have been known to out perform the best fighter planes. Now Dragoons their wings are comprised of very tough lightweight scales. Though at a good distance those very scales are often mistaken for feathers.

Honestly I forgot where a Dragoon's wings attach on their bodies so let's move on shall we. Now the Renarian's ability to fly is a secret they alone know and remains a secret till today. Sadly even well trusted and highly respected historians haven't been able to learn that secret. During a meeting it was agreed to allow them to keep their technique hidden. Until they feel ready to share that knowledge with the rest of the world.

Now let's cover a subject I'm positive nobody likes to even talk about, Politics. Though I do believe it might help you understand how things were done in our world. The government in place consisted of five Grand Elders and were elected by popular vote. Next are two diplomats that were elected by the 12-clan leaders to work under the Grand Elders. Of course they answer to their respected clans but the Elders as well.

From what I recall their job has four main duties and quite a few others as well. Let us focus on those four major duties, First- they gathered detailed information from the clan leaders and people. Second- they'd write down all major problems the people reported to them. Third- discuss those problems they received after sorting them by necessity. Fourth- they brought the problems to the grand elder's for their opinions.

After that they'd arrange a meeting with the grand elders then discuss each matter privately. Taking great care to consider every possible solution for each problem that was reported. The laws were made according to what was decided among all the clans, cities, and towns. Next on the agenda the laws are put into writing and given one final discussion. Finally the laws are voted into via popularity by the people.

Once the people have spoken, the laws are given a two-week trial period locally. Slowly the new law wouldn't be introduced elsewhere if the people don't like it. Naturally the law goes back up for debate immediately and is altered accordingly. The process repeats until the laws either works out or are wiped from the record. Please bare with me the law I'm about to discuss had a drastic effect on the world.

This law was passed when the Grand Elders was first convened according to records. Now the clans were permitted to breed among the common public and their own kind. Under no circumstances was anyone of the ancient clans were allowed to breed with each other. Granted many tried and sadly all were caught by law enforcement. The punishment for violating this law was unfortunately a public execution.

Nobody was exempt from this law not a clan leader or the Grand Elders themselves. The reason behind the law's passing was fear of the resulting hybrid child could do. Naturally this caused quite bit of friction among each of the four ancient races. Sadly nobody found the courage to speak up against the law they voted into service. Of course after the tension reached a breaking point the end result was war.

About seventy three percent of the world's total population died either fighting or by accident. During all the fighting the grand elders decided to disband themselves to safeguard their races. Honestly if you ask me that's pretty damn selfish thinking. I mean shouldn't you be more concerned about the well being of all, instead of your own kind? Seeing as they were elected to keep such things from coming to fruition.

Over the next two hundred years, it was one long bloody battle after another with no clear winner. During the last five years of this unholy blood feud, one of the grand elders was killed. Meanwhile the eldest of the remaining elders witnessed two innocent lives being slaughtered. Unable to bear such a burden, he single handily put a stop to the war. Though the cost to bring a lasting peace to such bloodshed was too great a price.

When the other grand elders learned of his sacrifice they gathered the surviving clans. They sat down to begin mending the broken bridges they made during this huge tragedy. This war had raged on long enough without any signs of ever truly stopping. The three surviving grand elders spent the last years of their lives. Insuring that future generations wouldn't experience or relive such an event ever again.

Once nothing else could be done they returned to their original positions for a time. In the months that followed all the ancients united to rebuild their broken world. After what repairs were completed two of the ancients thought it best to vanish. Once clan decided to stick amongst their kind but, remained in touch. The last of the clans figured out a way to hide yet remain in plain sight.

Now that I've bored you enough let's get into something more mystical shall we. Before I begin I'd like to inform you this power's true name was somehow lost eons ago. The ability to use magic is very common practice here in our world. Most folks go their whole lives without knowing they have such a gift within them. Please bear with me while I try to be as accurate as possible with the percentage rates.

About fifty to sixty percent inherit their gift from a parent or belong to the ancient races. The rest either posses an odd talent for it, while the rest want nothing to do with it. For those that do want to learn they're usually taught at a very early age. Most start learning when they're six to seven years old or when the power first manifests. If and when the power manifests it can appear at anytime or at any age mind you.

I do believe time to discuss the various types of magic known and used by casters. Pure elemental magic is second nature to all four of the ancient races and a select few. Early on the four ancient races decided to stick to a single element. The teachings would be passed down to each new generation by the elder of the family. Please keep in mind there are several different sets of magic that are known and used.

Certain spells that were and are still considered very dangerous to learn yet, master. As for the magic of light, darkness, life, death, along with nature and viral are basic spells. Now the four remaining were chosen by the four ancient races. The Draconian mastered wind, Argovians water, Dragoons earth and finally the Renarians fire. Naturally there was a set spells created that could literally reshape the world.

I'll be perfectly honest I'm rather relieved that such extreme spells were lost many eons ago. Well my friends I do believe it is time we parted ways for the time being. Hopefully my little introduction has inspired you to read the upcoming chapters. Those events shall be told by the very people that lived and breathed those moments. Please go forth my friends enjoy the stories of our past, hopefully you'll enjoy the many memories we've made and lived.

To be continued.