Origin of the FinalGamer 3 - Two By Two

She grabbed the raptor's arm and dragged her upstairs to her room.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 6 - A Void

Sorry for the delay. Had to spend some time "socialising". Oh well. It's out now, if anyone's interested. Enjoy? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ It's late. Maybe five...

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Part 18 Electricty Training for Dragoune

Okay like I promised I have it this week sorry for the long waits for these chapters. But atleast it is not months apart right? The next one will is under way but do not expect it to be here next week because I am going to give myself a rest and the...

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Part 13 Good News for Dragoune

Well as you all may know I am back on track and have really good ideas running through my head. Don't want to ruin it for you so all I can say is that I know that I have been not doing yiff for the longest time but I assure you that I will put some in...

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Part 12 Ambushed Again

Not much here except if younger the 18 please heed my warning and not read. If not then enjoy Part 12 Ambushed Again It had been a few days since Rovino came to the cave and with in that time he has been a huge help. Since Saneira Siss and Traisa...

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Extinction 1 - Of Fathers and Sons

"i'm sure everyone's fine, they're all smart and we got rid of all the mecha-raptors so there should be no problems."

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The Promise 4 - To Her Love

The column of fire soon parted to reveal two raptors upon a central dais of black polished obsidian.

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Across The World 1 - The Sun and the Moon

The flatlands of searing heat and cracked earth made it a hellish place for non-reptiles, but for those like raptors it was still a harsh landscape.

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 3: Hotel Emperador

Hotel Emperador Chapter 3: Hotel Emperador By Whitepython The number '1576' was engraved at the top of Hotel Emperador in a half circle pediment made of stone over the diagonal wall where the L-shaped building connected its both wings. They were...

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The Bards Dream Part 1

The black raptor's golden eyes glimmered with tension. "what the hell was that?" he panted. all the events from his dream raced through his mind. he remembered every little detail. breathing in controlled gasps, he slowed his heart.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 13 - No Matter What You Did

The creature merely growled with a deep tremor that dared to shake the raptor's spirit. he merely snarled in turn, as he aimed his rifle before firing straight for the eye.

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