Hotel Emperador - Chapter 3: Hotel Emperador

Story by Wpython on SoFurry

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#3 of Hotel Emperador

Alroc and Xaduardo make their way into Hotel Emperador where they get a taste of what is waiting for them in this adventure.

Hotel Emperador

Chapter 3: Hotel Emperador

By Whitepython

The number '1576' was engraved at the top of Hotel Emperador in a half circle pediment made of stone over the diagonal wall where the L-shaped building connected its both wings.

They were four golden numbers which marked the year Emperador was born. He wore it proud like a crown at the top of his head. Ready to reign over the citizens of the town.

This front wall sat at the corner of the block where it has been settled for more than 400 years. It connected a large wing on the north which took most of the block with a west side wing that covered just half of the block, but this short wing was an important part of the Hotel.

The walls of the hotel consisted of six vertical rows of wooden windows that were as tall as a door. With small triangular pediments over every single one of the windows made of same stone just like the circular pediment at the top of the building. These windows were mounted on walls of a soft green color.

The diagonal wall that connected both wings had no windows, it was a vast and tall wall made out of blocks of the same kind of stone as the decorative pediments.

The Emperador sat along two wide sidewalks, with black and white checkerboard-like floor tiles along its extension on the street.

The building stood like a proud monarch. A king with whose tool to execute power was legendary terror created by the stories that he has hosted within his deepest corners of his stone body through centuries.

A tyrant who has devoured the souls of so many peasants. McRue being the last victim. Xaduardo feared to be the next one unless he and Alroc could outsmart the more than 400-year-old sovereign.

-A feat not even achieved by his friend, personal hero, mentor and legendary demon hunter Jantheno McRue-

"Welcome to Hotel Emperador" Alroc the wolf spoke before wrapping his right arm around the raptor and pulling him close for a sympathetic hug. "Are you nervous early bird?"

Alroc was wearing a white, short-sleeved formal shirt and a dark brown tactical vest on top of it. This was a common thing among demon hunters. His legs were under some washed out brown straight cut jeans.

Xaduardo wore a mustard colored trench coat around his chest and upper legs so he could conserve body heat. Under his coat, he was wearing a pale blue long sleeved shirt and black formal pants with a black belt in between those wrapped around his waist.

"A... a bit, yes..." The raptor Xaduardo spoke as he tried to conceal the fact that he was terrified.

Alroc broke in laughter before releasing the reptile and patting his feathery head "Don't be. Even if we aren't consecrated as such, we are already demon hunters. From this mission and on, everything is going to be collecting experience. There's nothing to fear because we're going in with information and experience along with a solid plan."

"What's the plan?"

"We're sneaking into the west wing through a small passage in the basement. Just follow me and act natural, as if you were supposed to be there. If anything happens, let me handle everything."

The raptor felt more than happy to allow his newest leader to take charge of the situation. After all, he wished to stick to the role of a good follower.

"We need to be efficient once we are there." Alroc continued with the instructions, "We need to leave at 10 AM because I need to be ready for work at 11 AM."

"Yeah." The Raptor agreed, "I need to finish with some final projects for college. Tomorrow is the deadline. I also need to hand over my report to Rantego on that mission at the old aristocratic suburbs."

"We're busy people then. We can't waste time. If we don't make significant progress today, we might not see McRue ever again."

The entrance of the hotel had a timeworn looking wooden door frame around it. But Instead of old wooden doors, a more modern looking pair of glass doors stood in the way of the hunters.

The green and brown Velociraptor felt tensed. He was uncertain about what could be waiting for him and his friend, but he tried to imitate the attitude of the gray wolf who looked as excited as a children in an amusement park.

Both demon hunters reached the lobby of the hotel. Xaduardo could feel at once the weight of those more than 400 years presence of the hotel weighing on him.

To the left, the first thing that waited for the raptor was a receptionist. A slim vixen that wore a long dark skirt and a black jacket suit. She was busy on the telephone behind a wooden help desk decorated with carvings of intricate motifs along the front surface.

Behind her, there was a wooden door with a sign that read 'Management' placed on it. This door was surrounded by a large mural painting of what the hotel and its surrounds looked back in the century it was built.

Past the reception along the left side of the lobby there was another, but much larger painting wall which covered all of the surface that hid the west wing. The painting in question was another scene from old times. This one depicted how life looked in the city two centuries ago. Happy females of several species holding hands with their male companions of matching kind walked along a prominent part of town.

But their faces were ruined by tiny moist spots on the wall, and the color on the fresco looked pale and void of life. This gave them an unnatural appearance. The lower end of the strange painting at the hotel offered seats for the guests to rest. They were several old pieces of furniture. The saurian assumed from the past century.

This wall also had an old wooden door at the bottom with a sign that read 'Employees Only.'

At the far end of the lobby, there was a stair rail which went down and disappeared from sight behind a short wall that divided the staircase from the rest of the lobby. There were a few more old looking seats for guests against this wall. Behind all of this, there was another wall painting which also covered the wall from roof to floor. This one had a scene of the town from one century ago. Anthros in more modern clothing also were taking a stroll in the city. But their faces were clean and the colors on the wall were pristine unlike the painted wall on the west wing.

In the middle of the lobby, there was a large monument. Statues of seven Angels welding different types of blades on their right hand and a hollow holy triangle with thick borders on their left hands. They stood in various poses as they flew. This was a figure referring to the holy legion of angels. Xaduardo could tell this was a symbolic attempt to safeguard the rest of the hotel from the cursed west wing.

The ground around the statue were blue tiles with motifs of half-circles and triangles intertwined against each other in a harmonious pattern while the rest of the floor consisted of dark tiles.

On the right side of the lobby, there was a large wall of glass with wooden frames. This was the restaurant-bar for guests and visitors who wished to pick up a snack. This area covered most of the right side of the hotel lobby, except for the bottom right corner where a modern elevator and a staircase invited people to go up into the rest of the hotel.

Even if the staff worked hard to keep the place tidy and beautiful, the old architecture, the strange paintings out of time, and the tall and dark corners didn't help their cause at all.

Xaduardo realized that he was getting too lost in the details when the wolf tugged him by the neck of his shirt while he cleared his throat. The Raptor also cleared his throat and gave the wolf a quick nod. The gray canine made his way towards the short wall with the stairs rail where another entrance awaited.

A short staircase that went down and led to a gray painted hall with several potted plants resting over the wall that contacted with the west wing. This hall ended with a turn to the left where a sign that read 'GYM' along with an arrow that pointed to the left was on display. The underground hall looked unattended. The soft gray walls on both sides, along with the ceiling were damaged by moisture. The painting on the floor looked worn out, revealing dark cement under the fading gray painting.

The wolf approached the first out of the five large plant pods. He tried his best to push it aside and check behind it. The leaves of the palm-like tree shook as the wolf tried to wrestle it aside.

The raptor began to wonder if two strangers pushing plant pods would look too suspicious for the staff. He began to tense once again. The raptor clenched his jaws in an attempt to keep himself distracted from the tension. He wouldn't know what to do if they got caught sneaking into the west wing. Without doubts the staff would call the police and they would get arrested for invading private property.

Xaduardo did his best to cover the wolf so nobody could spot him from a distance messing with the decoration. He pulled his cell phone out and pretended to be browsing his device as he swayed back and forth on his sickled foot claws so he wouldn't look suspicious.

The wolf cursed in a low voice. Yet it was enough for the saurian to understand it before the lupine moved to repeat the same operation with the next plant pot.

The raptor could hear the palm leaves being shaken as the wolf remained busy with the task of locating the entrance to the west wing. Perhaps they were going to make it unnoticed...

"Can I help you gentlemen?"

The raptor felt his scarce body heat to leave him in a instant as his heart almost stopped on the spot. He turned around to notice before him a two meters tall gray Elephant. He was perhaps in his late fifties. He wore a black jacket suit which contained his obese complexion with difficulty and had trouble to conceal his extra-large white and long sleeved shirt. The tip of a thin dark tie poked from under his jacket suit as his pants also made a great effort to remain wrapped around his ample gut.

Xaduardo knew that they had to get to the other side of the hotel or else they would never see McRue again. He was about to explain himself when he remembered the request that Alroc did. He remained silent as the wolf shook the plant a bit more.

"Just pardon me monsieur," Alroc spoke with a feigned accent. Xaduardo felt the fear and anxiety leaving him. Now he had to struggle to suppress a laugh. He returned to be a passive witness of what was happening. Even if this could fail. "We are waiting for our associate in this area. This is ze hall to the gymnasiums. Am I wrong?"

"You are correct, this is the hall to the gym, but are you and this raptor gentleman here registered at this hotel?"


"Which room number if may I ask?"


"On which room is your associate staying?"

"I am not sure monsieur. We are trying to contact him. Trying to find a plughole for my phone behind these plants but I find none." Alroc spoke with his same fake accent.

"Come with me to the reception. We have plenty of them over there."

"No. we have to wait here for him. My friend here is already trying to contact him."

All of the attention turned to Xaduardo. The raptor tried to hide behind his pocket gadget in an attempt to divert the attention away.

"I still think that we could offer you a better service at the reception, sir." The elephant insisted "Could you two please come with me?"

The raptor felt like saying something, but he strutted before getting quiet. A cold shiver tinged behind his head as his belly became rock hard.

"Oi!" the wolf spoke in an angry tone of voice "I don't take it kind that you pretend to block my activities. If you have any problem with us, you can go and ask ze Monsieur Viennomante to demand our depart. We would be more than happy to retire ze reservations and go to another hotel."

"Vi...Viennomante? Are you here because of..."

"Zat is correct. Monsieur Viennomante invited us to stay at this place. Nice invitation from a kind man. A shame it is getting ruined by this incident!"

"I am sorry gentleman." Now the elephant was the scared and confused one. He curled his trunk in a tight circle before apologizing, "If you need anything from us we would be more than happy to render assistance at the lobby... g...good morning!"

As quick as he appeared, the hotel employee disappeared at the end of the hall. Xaduardo was both confused and amazed by the scene that he had just witnessed.

"Help me move this plant, now." The wolf commanded in his normal accent. The Raptor slipped his cell phone into his trench coat and helped the canine to push the obstacle aside.

This revealed an old looking air duct. The wolf got on his knees and picked up the ventilation window to remove it. This revealed a circular and very rusty air duct which was wide enough for both hunters to go through, one at a time.

It also was pitch dark, and it looked a bit dangerous. What could be waiting for the hunters in that pitch dark and tiny tunnel? The saurian walked one step back. However, the wolf cleared his throat and shook his head to show his disapproval after rising up to his feet. His right hand slipped into one of his vest pockets and retrieved a pen-sized flashlight which he turned on before handling it to the saurian.

"No time for second thoughts. That guy will be back in any moment. I don't want him to find us sneaking in. We won't be of much help to McRue locked at the police precinct."

"Is there anyone in room 406?"

"I don't have the faintest idea. And I don't want to find out. Get your scaly tail inside already."

The raptor took a deep breath and forced himself to go through the metallic duct. He held the small flashlight in his jaws as he crawled with care along the duct and the rusty metal clanked around him. The duct was two meters long. It ended at the edge of some wall. The raptor looked down with his light to find he was around two meters above the floor in some sort of pitch dark room.

The reptile landed inside of what was some sort of abandoned storage room. Several cardboard boxes and papers were stacked against the walls of the dark room whose walls were in the process of being eroded by the moisture exposed under peeling paint.

Xaduardo didn't like to be in this dark and unknown room. But he had to do it, he already promised God that he was going to do this.

"Time for phase two of this plan," The wolf spoke in satisfaction as he dusted off his clothes. "While I couldn't put the plant back for obvious reasons, I placed the small lid back in its place, so nobody suspects anything."

"Who is that Viennoman guy you were talking about?" Xaduardo asked as he inspected the room with his source of light.

"Ah. Viennomante. He is the manager and owner of the hotel. He is the one who contacted the clan and requested the investigation."

"And how do you know about him and about that air duct entrance?"

"I read it on McRue's hunting logbook."

Xaduardo was shocked. A hunter logbook was a private diary where demon hunters tracked down the progress of all of their missions. They are never shared with anyone except for specific academic or historical purposes.

"How did you get it? That's personal."

"Remember that I was also going to take part of this mission. McRue told me that I could read it if something happened to him."

The raptor remained silent for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should believe him or not, but how else could Alroc get access to the records if it wasn't with permission? Otherwise, Rantego would have risen an objection already. In any case, he decided to drop it and focus on the situation at hand.

"Anyway. What is the plan now?"

"We are going to search the whole west wing. I am going to check the elevator area and some suspicious rooms that McRue jotted down in his logbook while you check the rest of the building. The elevator is in my priority because that's the last place McRue searced in his logs before he stopped to update them.

"We are also looking for clues on recent demonic invocation rituals. But I'll have to make you a warning. There is a demonic entity known as 'The Operator' whom McRue wrote in his records as a spirit guardian in charge of this place. He also has the role to take people back and forth into the alternate dimension we are looking for."

"T...The operator?" the raptor asked in anguish as he squeezed his flashlight tight and his sickle claws hooked themselves to the ground "And how can he move people into dimensions?"

"That's what McRue was trying to figure out. But we need to be careful. It might have the power to kill anyone trying to access the dimension."

The raptor lost his breath for a moment and felt like if the feathers on his head had risen up. He panicked but tried to not to show it. He didn't like to hear stories of demonic spirits with the power to kill mortals. And he didn't like to hear such stories while locked in a pitch dark room.

The wolf used his flashlight to look for an exit. He found it on the left side wall. After opening the door, a split level staircase appeared. It was made of cement which conserved the moist walls and peeling painting aspect of the rest of the building.

At the end of this dirty and decadent staircase awaited a floor which reflected the rotten soul of the Emperador:

A strange sensation of darkness oppressed Xaduardo as soon as he set foot in this area. His nose was also suffering from the mix of the scent of old wood and humidity.

An unexplained change of temperature has been tormenting the reptile since he slipped through the duct, but here was more obvious.

What used to be a couple of offices and waiting rooms were now a single one. The walls that once shaped them were gone, except for a couple parts on the bottom. It was now working as some sort of storage.

This space stashed old paintings and statues. The saurian supposed this was recollected by the staff that has worked on the hotel for its 400 years along with other items that looked like extra chairs and decorations for the restaurant.

This must be the place hiding behind that door with the 'Employees Only' sign at the lobby. This place wasn't kept tidy by the staff. Perhaps they hated to be here. Xaduardo didn't liked here either. The saurian felt like if in any moment he would be pounced down by a shadow.

"It's time to Split up." Alroc spoke, "Remember to be stealthy and to be careful with any cultist roaming around and don't forget to stay on your toes in case you bump into 'The Operator'. We're here to rescue McRue, not to join him nor end up worse than him." The dinosaur nodded before the wolf continued "But being careful doesn't mean that you have permission to be a coward. Do everything you can so we can maximize our time. Remember that we're all on a tight schedule both ourselves and McRue."

"Cultist? What can you tell me about that cult?" Xaduardo had forgotten about the risk of being caught by a demonic cult until just now.

"It's quite an interesting story. They are called the 'Followers of Tenabochi.' Their mission is to contact an entity known as Tenabochi. This being used to be the leader of another demonic cult that used to operate in this hotel about two centuries ago and gave it its bad reputation.

"That first cult was called the 'Oracles of the True Enlightenment'. This first cult had the mission to contact some kind of demoness of forbidden knowledge. This demoness of knowledge resides in an alternate dimension. This second cult is trying to access that same dimension just like the first cult, in theory, did. They are trying to imitate the supposed success of the first cult through the spirit of Tenabochi."

"So we're dealing with a demonic cult who worships another demonic cult?"

"Yeah, something like it."

"They must have been quite the unique cult to earn their own cult."

"According to what I have investigated, this demoness is hard to contact and hard to keep pleased. The first cult found a way to keep her happy. That's quite the feat among demonic worshippers. She is sought for because she is believed to be quite benevolent with mortals even if it's hard to get her attention."

"You need to be very idiot to believe in good demons." Xaduardo spoke in a condescending tone. "Demons are never benevolent towards mortals. They are always seeking to use them then toss them aside..."

The room fell into a sepulchral silence. Alroc turned around and gave his back to the wolf "I suppose..." The wolf spoke with a dry attitude "... in any case, let's get to work already..." With that serious tone, the wolf walked towards the staircase to the first floor, leaving the reptile alone.

The raptor was confused about that sudden change of attitude. Sometimes the raptor couldn't tell if he was dealing with the Alroc he always knew or if the wolf was supplanted the same night that McRue disappeared by a stranger that he knew nothing of.

* * * * * * *

It had been more than two hours of breaking in through old, sometimes rotten wooden doors to visit rooms with all of their windows nailed down. This might be a measure to keep flying anthros away from this wing. Inside these rooms there was all kind of trashed items among halls with walls painted with graffiti. Perpetrated by people without nothing better to do with their lives. Or to demonstrate they were brave enough to visit the building that even the holy God of light would not visit.

Perhaps God casted this cradle of darkness aside because he felt insulted by all the somber energies soaked by the walls of the Emperador which were left behind by the sacrilegious events committed by corrupted souls that were darker than any shadow demon.

Xaduardo decided to break the monotony and make a jump from the fourth floor to the sixth one. The raptor was curious what could the Emperador be hiding in its crown.

After climbing the break level staircase all the way to the summit of the building, the first thing the saurian noticed were the elevator doors next to the staircase access.

The elevator was an old and hollow wooden box decorated from top to bottom in beautiful wooden details of flowers wrapped around columns. With a mirror at the bottom which was broken on its upper half. This was set behind two scissor gates tilted to the left, giving the elevator a dangerous look.

After the elevator door, two halls stretched at the feet of the raptor, one to the left and another in front of him.

The left one had two doors on the far end. One in front of the other. Xaduardo supposed they were once luxurious suites with plenty of room for distinguished guests. And they must be quite large rooms because on the rest of the floors this very same hall had six doors

On the next hall before him there were more doors. This must be a special hall because on the rest of the floors no such hall existed. Only a cold and heavy wall on the process to be devoured by time. Once again, one door in front of the other one stood. They must be suites with the same dimensions to the ones on the left hall.

At the end of this front hall, a double door awaited. It must have been some kind of presidential suite for the most wealthy and influential guests.

The saurian felt compelled to check the room behind the double doors first:

It was a large front door. The same kind of door you would expect to see in a luxurious old house. It consisted of two doors with a pair of half circles that in their former days of glory must have been fancy stained glasses. These half circles were placed right in the middle. They formed a complete circle with the doors closed. They had a smaller inner circle made of wood, but it was a circle that leaned towards the bottom of the large circle. Under the round glass and wood ornament, there was an old and rusty lock.

These two doors were mounted in between a pair of wooden boards that were decorated in an intricate mesh-like texture carved on the wood which gave the door a nice look even if their days of beauty were long gone.

After admiring the handiwork along with a moment of struggle with the door, the reptile got access to the suite of the hotel:

The first thing that the raptor noticed was that the temperature dropped even more inside of this presidential suite. He tried to ignore that and instead he paid attention to what he had before him. A short but wide archway with three arches. This was just a small reception for the next section of the suite.

A large room, ample enough to be a meeting room with three set of large doors on both left and right sides which perchance lead to more section of the suite remained closed. However with what Xaduardo had before him was more than enough for him to investigate.

In front of the raptor laid a large table, three meters wide and seven meters long placed in a vertical position. The front legs was destroyed, so the furniture was tilted down on the ground.

On the wall to the bottom, there was a large picture window which gave a full vision of the exterior and allowed the morning sunlight to illuminate the interior of the old and decaying suite.

In between the window and the table, there was a smaller table that made the Velociraptor's fears a ritualistic reality:

A seven point star was drawn inside a circle, painted with red color over a dark cloth. Seven black candles over every point of the star were already consumed and left a puddle of melted wax. Three of them were still smoking. The raptor noticed that the dark cloth had a white triangle painted under the star. But the tip of the triangle was pointing down instead of pointing up like they always did in churches and sacred ceremonies. The inverted triangle under the seven pointed star symbolized an insult to the God of light.

In the center of the star, there was a bowl made of onyx. Inside it, there was some kind of heart with a small onyx dagger stuck in the middle. Blood had pooled inside the container.

Xaduardo hoped the heart in the bowl belong to a wild beast and not to a fellow anthro being.

Outside the star, there were four small goblets. Each of them had a red candle inside. These were still burning and aligned with the four cardinal points.

To the left edge of the altar, there were two skulls. One larger than the other. It was as if one used to belong to an adult and the other to a children.

On the right side of the altar there was an object at first familiar, yet it was hard to tell what it was. Upon closer inspection, the raptor figured out that it was part of an Ouija board that was sliced off. The dinosaur could tell it was the lower left corner of the board thanks to the order of the letters. But he couldn't imagine who could have sliced a board and the reasons behind it.

Also, the Raptor noticed another seven point star was painted on the floor with a red liquid. Maybe it was the blood inside the container with the heart.

The frightened reptile pulled out his cell phone to call Alroc and inform him about this event, but he was unable to make the call because there was no signal in the room.

The reptile considered for a moment the idea of taking that slice of Ouija board with him so he could boycott the altar and remove the item that might be just done channeling and binding some sort of dark entity into this world.

He pulled out his cellphone and took several pictures of the strange dark shrine for his own hunting logbooks before he would mess with the altar.

But what if this being known as 'The Operator' showed up in pure murdering rage because the raptor touched this altar? What if the cultist who set this up returns and find him here? What if behind those doors there's a complete cult waiting? What if the cult responsible for the altar is coming upstairs at this very moment? What if...

A heavy footstep could be heard behind the raptor which made the wooden floor to creak. The raptor suppressed a scream of terror as he turned around. -But nobody was behind him- It was just the door he opened and the broken elevator at the end of the hall.

Just when the raptor thought that his imagination was playing tricks, he could spot a shadow moving from the corner of his eye. He turned once again to find himself alone in the creepy suite.

The sensation of oppression grew. He could feel it over his belly and chest. His legs shook as some abnormal cold air filled the closed room. -Something inside the raptor told him that something terrible was about to happen.-

This was a job more for Alroc. He was better at this sort of thing, and the raptor didn't mind if the wolf could take the leadership of this situation. It has always been the best for the raptor to aid a leader instead of trying to take the leadership himself.

The raptor turned around and left the suite at once. At least now Xaduardo knew that the wolf wasn't so wrong about this whole situation after all.

* * * * * * *

As soon as the raptor found the wolf in room 715; both hunters rushed to the carcass of the luxurious suite. The wolf was reluctant to step into the room because he claimed that he had already checked the presidential suite.

They were greeted by the collapsed table and the wide window that filled the abandoned place with a warm layer of sunlight.

But the Altar nor the red star on the floor were there to be found...

"It was here I swear! I have the pictures and everything..." the exasperated raptor spoke.

"Whether it was here or not Xaduardo that's not the point! You had to remove the channeling item! Why you didn't do it?"

"I wanted you to see the scene of the crime without alterations before we..."

"Just no Xaduardo!" the wolf dug his deep amber eyes on the reptile, his pointy gray ears went down. His arms were crossed tight against his chest "This was our golden opportunity, and you blew it! If you had taken the channeling item, we would have used it to earn access to the alternate dimension. We would be having dinner with McRue tonight!"

The raptor dropped his shoulder and looked away from the wolf for a brief moment as he tried to hide the mixture of anger and sadness that was overtaking him.

"You... you know that I'm not that good at cleansing." The raptor spoke in a dreadful voice tone before returning his silted eyes towards Alroc. He felt guilty about this. The possibility of rescuing McRue now was as slim as a sheet of paper, and it was all his fault.

"No Xaduardo!" the wolf pointed a blunt-clawed finger towards the reptile "what you aren't good at is on taking responsibility for what was your assigned role." The wolf shook his head before placing his hands on the top of his manned head "This place is nothing but a six-story tall dumpster. We're back to square one, and we have less than three days to pull out a seven-day challenge."

It was a bad idea accepting this. Xaduardo wished he could turn time back and instead of pledging the oath at the temple, he would have refused to cooperate and save himself from all of this. The raptor already felt terrible for this, and the canine was making his negative emotions to grow.

"Xaduardo just..." the wolf growled to himself "it's pointless now. We made a promise to God, and we're sticking to this until the very end..." Alroc took a deep breath as he tried to defuse his rage "Look... at least we know that there's something rotten here. I found some strange items leftover around the elevator on the ground floor and also at the room you found me. I'll compare everything we found with McRue's notes as soon as I'm back from work."

Alroc took out his cellphone "as well, I need you to transfer to me the pictures you took so I can also check them and... Shit!" the wolf interrupted himself "It's 10:19 AM already!"

The raptor felt the amber eyes leaving him, but the raptor turned his gaze away. He felt like a complete failure, and he couldn't understand why. Leaving leadership to others has always worked in the past.

"I... I'm sorry I snapped at you," the wolf spoke. Xaduardo supposed that the canine could see the sadness that afflicted him written on his scaly face "Just don't lose hope Xadu. We can still try to rescue him. McRue would have never lost faith in us even with three days. Help me think of something...

"We will think of something good..."