Dreamless Nights
There i go again rambling, asking meaningless questions to no one. who else would listen? how would i begin? what would they think of me if they saw this.. should i destroy it? then why get up and write at all?
Unintended Consequences
Someone i wouldn't have to pay," he began to ramble. cain was shaking now, terrified of what he had done. he wasn't supposed to summon the god himself! just an aspect of him! silence.
Prologue: Initiation
The guard had begun rambling on about how his training had gone and his thoughts when he himself had taken the ritual. raiden had stopped listening after awhile.
In the Shadow of Life-Prolouge,Part 1:Meet Shadow
I'm sorry, i've been rambling, haven't i? well here, let me explain. i was born to 2 flareons, in the forest near sangem town, in a small village that a small group of pokemon created. i had a brother and 2 sisters.
Dear Diary [Part 5]
It's easier than having her lecture me and ramble on and on about how irresponsible i'm being and all that crud. i decided to bring her with me so she can see what it's like since she's asked about it, and...i want to show her.
Savannah Blues Part 4
Jack yipped surprised, startled and rambly tried to explain himself. "the fact of the matter is you haven't taken your eyes off him since we've got here. and," the anteater looked at his watch. "that's been a good two hours or so."
Ileum collision - Infidelity and Chicanery: Fungal ambrosia and the hero's journey
Hypnotic rhythms filled the night as bodies swayed back and forth in a delirious daze, mumbling, rambling, screaming and laughing.
An Odd Proposal
Little of it made any sense to jonathan, and even less when he began rambling on is latin and german.
Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #1
His white mane just barely grazed above the ground as he rambled around. he had no specific destination-as the bright, gray light shined a path for him to follow.
chapter 5 - one hell of a party
Max loved to talk and i let him so as the drive was soon filled with max rambling off all the reasons or whatever while i just sat and nodded. soon i noticed it was unusually quiet and i looked over to see max was looking at me a little too closly.
I felt my blood run cold even as i tried to convince myself such legends were only superstitious ramblings. failing to notice my discomfort he proceeded to do his best to tell me one of the old tales, altering between my language and his.
Reincarnation chapter 1
I began to tear up and he started to ramble about how it wasn't me but how it was him and that he was sorry.