Unintended Consequences

Story by Erudite_Otter on SoFurry

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Cain tries to summon an assistant to help with his housework. Things don't exactly go according to plan however...

Cain finished the circle with a final stroke of the chalk. The wide, sweeping lines of the outer containment circle were filled with twisting patterns; each one overlapping the others to form a complex net of arcane glyphs and power.

He stepped back and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The young wizard had been at this for hours, not stopping for even a short break. Days had been spent hunched over a small desk, working and reworking the lines of the summoning circle, and the complex instructions needed to start the ritual. He'd never attempted anything like this in the past.

The ritual had to be perfect. Weeks of work and bills were beginning to pile up, and Cain was desperate. Even now he could feel the debt-collectors breathing down his neck. Wizardry was a highly profitable profession, but the amount of gold it took to get started and to pay for training was insane. His cheapest grimoire -a tidy little book filled with simple elemental summons- had been nearly half of his monthly budget.

"Won't be a problem for much longer..." He muttered under his breath, grabbing the scroll from the table to double check the lines. Even a single mark out of place could spell catastrophe. He momentarily remembered the incident from a few weeks ago, shuddering at the thought of his neighbors banging at his door again. Thankfully, Cain's careful work had paid off. The lines were all in order, and he was ready to begin the ritual.

Throwing back his cloak, Cain raised his arms above his head, and began to speak in a low, commanding voice. "Mac'Tire, God of the Moon, the Stars, and the Night! I call you from the realm beyond ours! Grant me assistance and power!"

Cain pulled a small baggie from inside his cloak, and tossed a bit of powder into the circle. The lines lit up with a pale blue glow, illuminating the inside of his small workshop. It was working!

Mac'Tire, God of the Moon, the Stars, and the Night! I call you from the realm beyond ours! Grant me assistance and power!" Cain repeated. The ritual required him to invoke the God three times, adding a component to draw them to the circle, and then one final item as a gift. Cain pulled a small silver coin from his pocket. One side was stamped with a moon, the other had a crudely etched version of Mac'Tire's sigil.

A low hum began to fill the room, emanating from the center of the circle. Cain could feel it in his bones. It grew louder as he stared at the glowing lines. The buzz peaked, and shifted to the howl of wolves. Cain shook slightly, astonished that it was still working, but unable to stop now.

"Mac'Tire, God of the Moon, the Stars, and the Night! I call you from the realm beyond ours! Grant me assistance and power!" He said one final time, tossing a piece of roasted meat from the table behind him. It hit the center with a smack, and the room went dark, the howls cutting off.

Cain stood there in the darkness for a moment. Had it worked? Or had something gone wrong? "Hello?" He asked in a low voice, reaching for his flint. The torches had been lit before he'd started, but had gone out at some point during the spell. "Is anyone there?"

Hello. A voice spoke in his head. Cain paused. Had it actually worked? "Um, hello? Are- Are you my assistant?" He questioned while fumbling for the torch. His night vision had adapted a bit, and he could make out a dark figure hunched in the middle of the circle.

Your assistant? Do you not know who I am? The voice asked again. Cain shook his head slowly, unable to move. I am Mac'Tire. Am I not who you intended to summon? It asked, its voice full of annoyance.

"I- I just wanted an assistant. Someone to help carry things, and clean. Someone I wouldn't have to pay," He began to ramble. Cain was shaking now, terrified of what he had done. He wasn't supposed to summon the god himself! Just an aspect of him!

Silence. The voice expressed, the room seeming to shake despite there being no actual sound. You wished to enslave one of my kin? Use them as a servant? Cain shook his head again, his fear palpable. Everything had gone so, so wrong. The lady who had sold him the collection of deities had been right. This was a terrible idea!

The figure stood up in the darkness, and Cain could make out the shape of two large ears atop its head. You wish for the power of a wolf? The voice chuckled. Well, you went through all that work just to summon me. It stretched out it's hand; a wide paw, the fingers ending in thick pads and sharp nails glinting in the moonlight.

I think that deserves a reward.

The figure vanished from sight, and Cain felt a stabbing pain at the base of his spine. He fell to the floor, his clothes feeling tighter around his body. Was he dying? His face burned, and his arms felt- Fuzzy?

Cain felt the end of his pants slip a bit down, something pushing the waistband lower on him. The room began to lighten slightly; the floor looked muted and gray. What- What was going on? Everything seemed so loud, and he was growing warm.

He stared down at the floor as the feelings faded. It was over, it seemed. Though, something was wrong. He felt- powerful. Like he could run through the forest faster than any man. The night air felt muted on his skin. Reaching up to rub his face, he stopped. Was that a paw?

Cain stood quickly, heading for the basin of water he kept just inside his room for a mirror. Careful not to shake the table it rested on, he stared down into the bowl. The face of a wolf stared back at him. Distorted slightly in the water's reflection, he could make out two large ears, above a wide muzzle. Two small fangs poked out the side of his upper lips.

He stood there for a few moments, absolutely in awe of what had happened. This wasn't what he wanted at all! He needed an assistant, not to be transformed into some- beast!

Cain picked at his shirt, stretched tightly across his chest. It seemed the rest of him had been transformed as well. He was taller too, with a long tail poking out the top of his pants. He'd need to get his clothing altered to fit of course. Cain grimaced, but took a few hesitant steps around the room. His new form seemed stronger, for sure.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, being like this. Sure, it'd take a little extra gold to keep him fed, but the power -the strength- that came with it was sure to be well worth the effort.

Cain glanced towards the window and the forest laying just beyond it. Taking care not to make too much noise, he slipped out into the night and into the woods. Pulling off his cloak, he broke into a run.

He was going to be stuck like this for a while, it seemed. Might as well get used to it.

(Thanks for reading! This was a commission by the way.)