Take a Dip

Take a Dip "Alex, you're feeding the river otters today." Mr. Williams said, looking me directly in the eyes. I groaned. Not again. "Really? You know I don't like feeding them. Sure, they're cute and all, but they just stop and stare at me when...

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Too Defensive

Too Defensive Samuel's arm buckled as the steel blade slammed down. He raised his own sword up to block, pivoting to the side to avoid the attack. His opponent backed up slightly and charged forward. The light of the early morning sun caught the...

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What Talents You Have

What Talents You Have The door to Samuel's rooms was small, and unadorned. A plain piece of wood, with a simple iron handle and lock. It served its purpose well enough, keeping unwanted visitors out and giving Samuel his much-needed privacy. The...

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The Coyote's Ring

The Coyote's Ring The shop was located near an old theater, nestled near the back of main street. It's old wooden sign hung above the door, swinging lazily in the early autumn wind. Dust covered windows kept her from seeing more than a few feet...

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Unintended Consequences

Cain finished the circle with a final stroke of the chalk. The wide, sweeping lines of the outer containment circle were filled with twisting patterns; each one overlapping the others to form a complex net of arcane glyphs and power. He stepped back...

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Otters are Made for Water

Otters are Made for The Water Otters are made for the water; it's just one of those things that everyone knows and accepts. Our paws are webbed, our fur repels water, and our feet are basically flippers. We've even got this weird inner eyelid to...

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Fair Date

The Nevada State fair was one of the biggest outdoors events of the year. Since 1874 it had been held in Carson City, sprawling across the desert grounds. With good food, attractions, music, and entertainment, it was the perfect place for a date...

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A Big Advantage

**A Big Advantage** The keep's corridors were a hive of activity as Samuel and Erik made their way down from his rooms and to the large training field set to the back of the castle. Rumor was it that a foreign dignitary was on their way from the...

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Down to the Boardwalk (Part 1 of 2)

**Down to the Boardwalk (Part 1 of 2)** Our first semester had gone well. Aaron and I had passed our exams with flying colors, so to speak. His project for engineering -the auto-drummer- had been well received, Professor Hopkins (also my swim team...

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