The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 1

Gaia subconsciously purrs at me until she snaps out of her heat and addresses me, "uhh...that never happened". i smile and nod.

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Chapter 1 *One Year Ago...*

I stroke his soft ear and he purrs. "i know, sweetie. i am too." "silver!" my mother screams. "do some god damn work, will you!"

Joshua's Feast

Yellow rings and eyes he swallows up anything he can get say, flip this cassette over, you ain't heard nothin' yet well, sometimes josh's food comes to him never turns down willing meals, he's no dummy happily sends them down to his tummy belches, purrs

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Indigo Nights- Prologue: Cold

As they meet the barren horizon, the zenith crown's ominous purr pierces the deafening silence between them.

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Hades biography

- it becomes docile and affectionate if you stroke his stomach and emits purrs that he can't resist to doing. only when he is satisfied. - the everstone that he have in his necklace around of his neck is a reminder of his best friend.

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POEM: Walking In Front Of Me!

Quietly, you continue to purr... ... as you walk in front of me. the heat of sunlight soaking deep into your fine coat. vaporizing oils that float on the breeze you make. i am surrounded by the odor of you, floating in your lake.

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Archer smiled warmly as jade relaxed and began to purr happily, his eyes were half closed slits his paws kneaded archer's chest as jade drank.

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Then, finally, you purr when i call you strange. doubly strange, then," he said and i looked towards him. "hey now," i said with mock warning and i heard him purr with amusement.

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A cute story?! x3.

She asks with a purr, giving him a playful bap to the side with her tail as he leans down and plants a gentle peck on her lips. "mmmh, yeah. it was far too busy, but i'm home now, happy." he rumbles as he picks her up!

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My life with Skye: Chapter 6

Luxray stretched and woke up with a purr. he got off adam, and adam decided to say. "how are you luxray?" "lux, lux, luxray!" luxray said. "_i almost forgot._" adam thought to himself. "lucario's like skye can talk like humans.

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Midnight Azure

With a content purr, shi nestled deeper into hir bed and yawned. "goodnight, az..." shi said, drifting off to sleep just a moment thereafter.

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Finally Big

He beamed at his friend and he let out a loud booming purr as he flexed his paws over the ruins of the school. "look at this feels so wonderful! i wish that i had grown liked this years ago!" "but..res..i.."

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