Finally Big

Story by reskitty on SoFurry

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Res finally grows after a lifetime of being smaller than all of his friends.

Finally Big

The panther laid in his bed looking up at the ceiling on the night of his 18th birthday, he had his paws behind his head and sighed deeply. The 5'5 120 deep black panther looked down on his body and frowned, he was 18 years old, why did he still look like he was 13? Res thought on all the teasing that his friends started to give him once they all began to hit puberty and grow bigger, taller, stronger. And here he was 4 or more years later looking exactly like he did in elementary school.

"Its not fair." He said out loud to the darkness that surrounded him. "Why can't I just get a little bigger?"

With another loud sigh Res rolled over on his side and closed his eyes. He really did not look forward to another day at school, another round of teasing. The panther pulled his covers closer to his body and started to drift off.

As the feline slept he naturally dreamed, this one was one of the usual dreams he had so many times. In it he was growing in front of all his friends. In his sleep he gave out a smile as his dream self broke out of the school building that was trying to contain his growing body. Outside of sleep however this night was proving to be one that was not normal at all, in fact it was proving to be very special. As the panther laid in his bed and dreamed he slowly started to swell under the covers.

In his dream Res was standing 50 feet tall and admiring all the people that looked so tiny to him, all his large friends stared up at him in shock. In the bed he was inching bigger, his body steadily stretching out as he swelled, the growth was taking its time and the panther was only inching bigger. But this did not stop him from rolling around, he slept soundly but the covers were having a harder time containing his body. A shiver went up his spine as his black paws slipped out from the safe confines of the blanket. As the night went on Res continued his slow growth until the feline filled the bed with his form and then some.

Eventually the alarm went off on his phone and the groggy panther reached over to turn it off. He groped blindly for his phone on the nightstand, but his larger paw did more than grab a phone. It ended up knocking off the lamp and several books that had been perched on top of the table. Finally he turned of his alarm and sat upright, he was still mostly asleep so the fact that his phone was much smaller did not really dawn on him yet.

It took the panther a moment for the sleep to be washed away from his system and for his eyes to recognize what he was seeing. His feet, which before only went down partway down his bed, now stuck out over the side by a good foot. Res stood up in a hurry as he tried to make a little sense of what was going on, he took a couple of steps and then looked up. The ceiling was a lot closer to his head than it was before, he reaches up and easily puts a paw on it without having to extend his arm much.

Res gave a smile, he could not explain what was happening or why he was suddenly much bigger but he was perfectly happy with it. The panther was finally big!

"YES!" He exclaimed with happiness and pride. His ears folded quickly as he realized how much more his voice carried and his room filled with the sound of his once meek voice. Res looked around, he was suddenly very happy that he had picked tonight to sleep in the nude as he would have surely shredded most if not all of his clothes if he had worn them. This of course let to the next thought of that he had to go to school and now all of his old clothes would not fit.

The panther quickly stepped across the room on his bigger feet and snatched a measuring tape off his desk, he stood on the end and yanked it up to see just where he was, he was standing at an astonishing 7' even!

"Holy..That's over a foot! What the heck happened last night.." The panther mused this to himself as he rubbed his head slowly and looked at the clock, he had an hour before school started. He quickly disappeared out of the room and down the hall. He had to get clothes, so he ran into his parents room as luckily his dad was a bigger guy as well.

Res smiled as he rummaged through his dad's closet, "Maybe his genes decided to kick in late for me." Res picked out a black shirt and a pair of pants that just barely fit him with a belt. He knew his dad's shoes would never fit but his school was one of the ones that allowed for bare paws so he would be fine, he never cared for shoes anyway.

The large feline looked at himself in the mirror having to stoop slightly, a fact that almost made him giddy with glee. He looked over himself and his entire body shook with a deep happy purr, this was a dream come true. He might not have muscles like some of his friends but he felt strong none the less, he flexed anyway out of pride and walked out of the room.

Res headed down the hall to his room, snagged keys, wallet, and phone and bounded carefully downstairs and out the front door locking it behind him. This was one of those days that he was very glad that his parents worked so early, he really didn't want to try to explain his sudden growth to them before he got to show it off to all the furs at school.

As Res headed down the sidewalk at a slight jog toward the school he felt a strange tingling sensation going through his body. It was like when your leg or arm fell asleep but this time it was his entire body! He wanted to stop and wait for it to pass but there was no way he was going to be late for school this time so he just kept his jog up. With each step though he felt the tingle grow a little worse before he noticed that his clothes were getting a little tighter. In fact he could feel it now, he was growing again.

He looked down mid stride at himself and noticed that he was slowly swelling a little bigger, his arms and legs were stretching out as the panther let out a deep groan. He winced a little bit as he reached new heights, slowly reaching up 5 more inches before it stopped again. He let out a sigh of relief as he neared the school, clothes still intact and walked up to a group of his friends with a huge smiled on his face, "Hi guys!"

The furs, a white tiger, a grey wolf, a dark brown german shepherd and a blue husky all looked up to the familiar, but much louder voice and suddenly they all went dead silent. The furs stared up at the much taller panther, all of them themselves stood anywhere from 6 feet all the way to 6'9 but this panther was now much taller than any of them. They stood that way for a good minute before the husky finally found the right words, "R-Res..what..what happened?"

"I don't know guys! I went to sleep last night tiny like I was yesterday and woke up this morning at like 7 feet tall! And get this, on the way to school I grew again!" He beamed at them and turned around showing off his new body, by now he was starting to get looks and whispers from kids all over the courtyard who were waiting to get into the school.

"Well..umm..I am really glad to see that you finally got some size. I guess that we can't call you squirt anymore.." The german shepherd rubbed the back of his head with a furried paw as he glanced the few inches up to the face of the feline.

The white tiger looked up at his friend and rubbed his eyes, Teri was his name and he had known Res for years. They had grown up together since they were just cubs and he grew to be fiercely protective of the smaller panther. Naturally he was happy for his friend to finally grow, but he had to take a few moments to let the shock settle.

"Wow Res, I can't believe aren't supposed to grow like this overnight. That..only happens in the movies or TV or something!" The white tiger rubbed his face again with his paws at the panther reached over and put a large paw on the tiger's shoulder with a large smile.

"Well I guess it can happen in real life too if you wish for it hard enough!"

With that the bell finally rang and the group dispersed to head to their classes leaving Res and Teri alone to head to homeroom together. As they headed to the door Teri looked up at the feline as Res had to duck down to get into the front door, "How do you feel..besides..well bigger?"

"I feel alright I guess, I didn't feel anything last night but when it happened this morning there was a lot of odd tingling. It felt strange but good after it started."

"Do you think you are going to grow again?"

The panther looked down at his best friend who seemed awfully nervous at the thought of an even bigger black feline. Res rubbed on his chin a bit as he stopped in the hall, "I am not quite sure Teri..I mean I hope so. Its amazing being this big and I really think I want to be even bigger."

And then the tingling started again as if it was waiting for those magic words from the panther. As soon as the feeling started Res let out a deep moan and his smile grew even bigger, "Oh...oh..its starting again I can feel it.." The strange tingling quickly gave way to a deep pleasurable feeling as Res began to start growing once again. This time however it was going much faster than the previous two spurts and in seconds the feline had grown another 6 inches.

By now the panther has sat down on his rear anticipating another growth spurt, and he was rewarded with a burst of growth. His body visibly trembled as it started to enlarge again and take up more space in the hallway. The hallway quickly started to empty as the concerned students fled from the panther who was by now over 8 feet tall and still growing.

Res let out another pleasurable moan as he felt his clothes start to tear and rip as his body became too much for them to hold onto. Tiny tears in the fabric of the clothes quickly turned into big rips and holes now that his body was letting out all of its growth at once and was not holding back at all. The panther feels his shirt and pants shredding on his body as he nears upwards of 9 feet already.

Teri was now stepped back as the panther's rapidly expanding paws pushed ever closer to him, "Umm..Res are can stop..growing now." Each step he took backwards left him with less and less room to get away and after a couple more frightened steps the white tiger felt his back hit with the wall as the paw pushed toward him. The poor feline had no chance to escape as the black paw, which was easily half his size, the panther having hit another large spurt of growth and quickly was nearing to 14 feet.

The panther smirked feeling something soft and furry press up to his paw pads and he moved his foot back a little to let his friend breath. By now he was really having to duck his head down as his body easily kept its growth up and filled the poor hallway. Res knew that the building was not going to last much longer so he reached down and grabbed Teri in two huge paws wrapping them around him protectively as he pressed his head upwards and let the ceiling the brunt force of his growth and shatter.

The head of the feline burst into the second floor of the school into an empty classroom, the call had gone out and most of the students had quickly fled once the panther started his growth. He smiled bigger as he felt his shoulders follow his head as he began to put his growing paws on the ground preparing to lift himself up. Nearing 30 feet now the panther was quickly getting too big even sitting down, he held the frightened tiger to his chest and pressed down hard standing up.

The crowd outside heard the rumble before they saw the sight of the towering feline bursting out from the roof of the school. Res stood up to his new full height of 40 feet and stretched opening his paws to let Teri see the light of the day as the panther let out a loud booming chuckle. He could see over most of the trees around him and a few other buildings as well.

Teri was shaking a little bit, he wasn't scared of Res but the sudden upward movement of the growing panther standing up had done its toll on the tiger. He stood up in the outstretched paw and looked around getting his nerves back to him. Teri noticed that while it wasn't as fast as before his friend was still growing bigger and bigger, by his guesses Res was at least 50 feet tall by now and still growing.

Res now was really enjoying himself, where he had once had to look up to almost everyone in school they now had to look up to him..look way up! He slowly pulled his paw up to his face and looked at the tiny tiger standing in it as the titanic panther gave his best friend a gentle nuzzle as carefully as he could. He beamed at his friend and he let out a loud booming purr as he flexed his paws over the ruins of the school.

"Look at this feels so wonderful! I wish that I had grown liked this years ago!"


"Don't worry little will be safe.."

"It's not me I am worried about.."

The panther laughed a little bit as he looked down at the furs surrounding his feet which were now the size of buses as he kept up his ascent into the sky. "Don't worry..I won't make any attempt to hurt least yet.."

Teri gulped a little bit as he looked down before he felt himself moving again and was placed on top of the feline's head between his two massive ears. "Hold on tight Teri," Res said as he took a giant step over the crowd and stepped off the campus and onto the street.

Cars veered off the road as a titanic paw smashed down on the road and left a large hole in the pavement. The huge panther took another step doing what he could to avoid crushing cars and the furs around him, of course this was a difficult task for a panther who stood over 70 feet tall so a couple of cars ended up smashed under the weight of a giant paw.

Res winced a little, "Sorry!" He still grinned though at the feeling of power that rushed through him at the thought of being able to crush a car so easily with just his weight.

He kept walking taking larger and larger steps as his body continued its growth, each step left a print that was bigger than the last. The giant feline finally reached his destination, a large park in the center of town. He sat down in the center and gently put his paw up to his head to let Teri hop on, he carefully brought the paw down and set Teri on his leg.

The tiger looked around at the massive expanse of black panther that was stretched out in front of him, he craned his head up looking at the beaming face of the feline who had his arms behind him and seemingly was just sitting there looking around.

"What are you going to do now?!" Teri shouted knowing that Res probably couldn't hear him very well all the way up there.

Res leaned down to his friend, "I don't know yet..I am just letting it all sink in."

As he kept growing slowly in the park he looked around himself watching as the buildings around the park kept getting smaller as he grew. He really didn't know if the growth was going to stop and honestly he didn't really care. After years of being the runt of the town he was finally big.