Original ending
Chapter XXX A new beginning We arrived at Le Café to get our coffee, like any other day Kino tells me he has something special for me today so I can't wait. We ordered our coffees and waited for them to finish. Then a man with a gun comes in probably...
The Soul Card
I laughed a bit and looked at my cards. "Soul equip." I placed the card with a sword to my chest as it began to glow. "Sword of the final dance." The light slowly began to take shape in front of me. My opponet rushed foreword trying his best to stop me...
Day of Days
I watched the falling stars as Alice waced her hands to me calling me over. I saw this all before I lived this day for over a year. I am not sure when it will stop, but I'm not aging so I don't really care. I'm surprised I haven't gone mad by this. I...
Devotion to the Blood Chapter 4
Ch. 4 Liz was in front with Joe talking about where we should go next. I relaxed and opened the book of electricity. I don't get most of the things it talks about, but it has simple to learn it. Liz turned her head around and looked at me. "I can't...
Devotion to the Blood Chapter 2
Ch 2 I walked towards the next city as a wagon passed by stopping in front of me. I stopped looking at it as a man jumps off looking at me. His eyes were gentle shade of brown, dark brown hair, with a blue tee-shirt, and a brown vest, his jeans a...
Part 7 Final Prayer
That later, i don't think that was a random attack you had to endure" -the general looked around the room- "we are being watched, tested, which means we must leave now" gabriel nodded in agreement, sky was still shaken as gabriel placed a hand on the neko's
Welcome Home: Part 2
Storiesbycalex.com welcome home part 2 by calex the neko having a plan was always helpful. how likely said plan was to pay off didn't even matter. just the act of doing something helped frinkel feel more confident.
Fire on the Beaches
The cliffs where imposing. The solid rock walls rose hundreds of feet in front, above stood imposing, black, iron bunkers and shining steel walkers. Behind, the frigid Channel waters, icy and trapping the Evolutionaries. Dion had...
Rodent Assistance
Rodent assistance by calex the neko "gaaaaaah!" a very high pitched scream came from a very tiny foxyote who was currently traveling at very high speeds (from his point of view) through grass that towered over his head.
Welcome Home Part 1
Welcome home part 1 by calex the neko the train rocked back and forth as it traveled through the underground tunnel. frinkel looked at the darkened window unable to remember how many hours it had been since she had last seen light. two?
The Pet Shop of Doom
The pet shop of doom by calex the neko "rise and shine, it's morning and time to get up." an ominous voice let out a laugh at that. "well technically it's actually almost sundown, but i don't think being asleep that long is good for you."
Gaia and Malum: Chapter 2
Her double barrel shot gun and headed that way leaving the rest of us behind looking at her i sighed as i began following her, a blue circle appearing around her as i followed, we left the road and into the denser trees as we followed the shotgun wielding neko