Devotion to the Blood Chapter 4

Story by Neko Hoshi on SoFurry

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#4 of Devotion to the Blood

Now they reach the town of dead also known as Shinigami Alley

Ch. 4 Liz was in front with Joe talking about where we should go next. I relaxed and opened the book of electricity. I don't get most of the things it talks about, but it has simple to learn it. Liz turned her head around and looked at me. "I can't read it so I guess that must be from some other town." I didn't reply I just nodded my head agreeing with her. She came to the back and stepped on my stomach "Hey when I talk to you. You better fucken reply to me. You got it!" "Fine get the fuck off of me before I chop you damn leg off!" "You won't even try it." "Like how I didn't try it yesterday?" She touched her cheek and went back to the front with Joe. Even if she did had quick healing abilities she knew I mean business. I looked at the book again. Learning basically all of it. "Hey Joe." "Yeah. What is it James?" "Is learning other peoples' magic easy?" He took a while to answer back. "I suppose it depends on what your learning and how smart you are." I saw Liz take a map out and point at a spot. "Let's go here boys." I stood up and read where she was pointing at "Factory town." I looked at her. "Why do you want to go there?" She smiled "If you heard the rumors of the town then you'd know why I want to go there." My hometown where I was born. I thought a bit then it hit me. Bones. "Why do you want bones for?" "There's a legion that the bones and blood of the people there got special abilities." "James how do you know about it?" I looked at my palm and showed it to them. "James why is there a D on your palm?" "It's to separate us from the lower class." Liz realized it first. "Wait your rich?!" I didn't say anything I can see the town from here. "I killed people to stay where I am now. I even killed my friends to gain such power over the rest. They call me," I closed my eyes feeling the air of the city all ready. "well you'll see what they called me when we get there."

Once we got to the city a group of teenagers their age more likely fifth-teen started yelling at Joe and Liz to go back where they came from. Soon they began tossing rocks at the wagon. This was disturbed my nap. I walked in front and grabbed a rock that a kid aimed at me. He looked straight into my eyes as he began shivering "G-guys it's him." The other three kids stopped and looked at me. The leader I'm guessing spoke up "He doesn't look so tuff come on we can kill..." I launched the rock at full strength towards his head. He dropped to the floor. Blood splashed to the area. It smeared all over his friends' faces. They began to tremble. I grinned and spoke to them "Anyone else think they can kill me?" "Run James the Demon is back!" They ran away I would normally hunt them down just to mess with them, but I don't even want to be here. Joe looked at me and so did Liz. She trembled slightly touching her own forehead. "Yeah me too. I don't think you can save yourself if I stabbed or shoot your brains out." I picked up his head seeing the rock covered in blood. Grinning the rock went right threw his skull. His bones aren't strong yet. I grabbed his head chopping it off with my blade tossing the head to Liz. "There or do you need the entire body?" Liz shook her head.

Joe said he wanted to look around town before we left town. So only me and Liz where waiting at the wagon. She began extracting the blood from the head. "So why did they call you a demon? Just for you killing them?" I yawned slightly "Yes, I never cared for their sad of an excuse lives. It's my fault that this town is forgotten, and why there aren't that many people living here." She finished drawing the blood as she slowly began removing the flesh of from the skull. She looked at me "I still don't get that D on your hand James." Sigh. "It's a birthmark for something I don't remember. Any way I have enough life to survive long enough to find my brother." "What do you mean by have enough life left? Is that like my blood magic?" I thought about it for a while seeing it wasn't, but it kinda was. "Well no you know when your going to die. Everyone in this city thinks they are immortal, but they need to eat and drink like any other person. It began a long time ago when a person was pushed off a building. We all thought he died, but five hours later he came back to life. We all thought it was a miracle till another person died and came back to life. They can die by chopping their heads off or their life limit ends." Liz came closer and placed her hand on my leg giving it a squeeze. "That must have been a horrible way to live James. Seeing so many people die over and over as if it were a joke," She inched closer sliding her hand up my shirt"If you want to keep that arm I suggest you remove your hand from there." She look frustrated "What the heck are you gay or something?" I laughed slightly "I thought it was obvious with two guys that look hot should have been a clue to anyone." She didn't say a word she just went back and started to crush the bones.

She finished it after a while as Joe came back and could feel the tension in the air. "Well um I'm back so I suppose it's time to be off. Oh, James your brother came here first before he set off to Liz'z town." Liz looked sad "That means they are dead by now." Joe looked at Liz and gave her a hug. "Well did you at least finish that thing you where doing?" "Yes, but I don't need it any more. James might need it some day so here James." She tossed a small vile the glass was made of red clear glass. It shined and gave off a weird vibe. "What type of magic is in it?" "Well it's the same as your limited life magic." So this small vile can make people live once again? I closed my eye and smiled so my life's magic is this simple that anyone can just bottle it up and have the magic ability as mine. "Thanks Liz." She nodded her head, and stood up. "Well boys where do we go next?" She pulled out the map and took out a marker and then crossed off the towns me and Joe have been to. "Let's go," she looked at the map up and down "here boys." She pointed to a place called Natrchura Field. I was curious and asked "What magic do they use?" Joe shrugged and Liz smiled "The best way to figure it out is to get there." Both me and Joe seemed to agree with her saying. "Might as well right Joe? We might find your brother or mine along the way or another sword of the ten angel blades of darkness." "Then it's settled James, Liz it seems like we're going to Natrchura town."

Liz looked at me funny every now and then. She figured out Joe wasn't gay and was mad at me for lying to her. She figured it out since the day Joe grabbed her ass. It's been one week since we've been on the road. I mastered the two books and learned how to use electricity and blood magic. Apparently the blood could have been turn to a sword or any type of weapon. Electricity can attack any nerve in the body system. They where useful magic. Joe looked at the distance and told Liz to pass him his glasses. These which were actually telescopes that blended as glasses. He looked as said "We're almost there, but it seems like your brother came here all ready James." I look and saw smoke rising from the town. I took a deep breath the air of this area tasted different than other places more clean and fresh. "Joe Liz the air is clean here." They both inhaled and didn't feel it different. It might be to the fact I lived in my home town for ages which made me feel the air differently. I looked at my guns and blades thinking I might need them I picked them up."We might have to fight our way in the towns we visited before mistook me for my brother which means they will do the same here." "Well I suppose we have to be ready to fight then are you ready Liz, James?"

Liz grabbed two daggers from her home town. It's to hold the blood of it's enemies and change the blade form and shape with that blood. She tied her hair back. I grabbed the white and black guns which I named ying and yang. The black one made mini portals that closed quickly, but they are just invisible to others and if I shoot in that portal it sends it threw another opening closing up right after. The white one worked the same way like Joe's square thing, but it gathered any type of energy and sends the energy blast of the energy it gathered. I wore the same clothes if which I began my journey pure black leather and lace. He didn't have any weapons and he refused to take any when I offered him. We were ready to go into the city that might want me dead.

Joe hid the wagon underground so no one could get it. The breeze past us as we look towards the city. "Let's go." Liz and Joe nodded their heads agreeing with me. Before we even left for town. Liz told us she wanted to gather the legions of all the towns and learn all of their secrets. Joe and me are both out to find our younger brothers to make our selves feel better. It seems selfish that we are ready to kill a town just to fulfill our selfish dreams. But, that's life for you plenty of selfish people fighting for their own dreams, but they better get out of the way if they want to live.