Original ending
#1 of Original endings
Well I am about to slowly upload my first story I ever wrote. But here is the original ending. I planned on having the ending going like this, but then half way in the ending began to change. I decided to change the ending when it came down to it. this ending no longer fit with the story. But I couldn't delete it after all these years (5) so I decided to add it to the story as bonus to enjoy how the story was originally suppose to end. PLEASE COMMENT and tell me what you think. Thank you for reading
Chapter XXX
A new beginning
We arrived at Le Café to get our coffee, like any other day Kino tells me he has something special for me today so I can't wait. We ordered our coffees and waited for them to finish. Then a man with a gun comes in probably trying to rob Le Café which I think is funny so I laugh a bit. What I didn't realize was that he was drunk he shouted at Kino saying" YOU THINK THATS FUNNY BITCH LETS SEE HOW FUNNY IT IS WHEN YOU DIE" he fired his gun straight towards Kino's heart his blood splashes on me. I fell to the ground with him in my arms. The cops heard the gun shot came running in pinning the man to the ground I sat there crying holding his hand "Please don't leave me please!!" he whispered faintly "I love you...don't forget me......"then he died in front of me. I cried and cried, feeling a small lump under my hand I looked something was in his pocket. I took it out, and it was a small box I opened it up and saw an engagement ring. I cried harder holding it tightly "I will never forget you" I slipped the ring on crying as the ambulance came in taking us away. His skin felt ice cold before they even took us away. Weeks past, I never left his side during those weeks, and they buried his body; I was the last to leave from his friends and family I spoke gently "I love you." Turning around letting the tears fall down again.
As I begin walking home I think to myself the one thing I learned while I was with Kino was one thing one important lesson he taught me that no one will teach me. Secrets even if there meant to stay secret never stay a secret when you're with the one you love. Kino learned all of my secrets before he died and yet I think he has more secrets he has yet told me about. Not yet anyway I feel like he's still with me. Not being at his side seems so odd to me, but I know I will learn everything about him one day. I close my eyes as I notice the door to our house wide open and there's a track of mud in the entrance. I growled slight "Hey next time when you break in take your shoes off!" I took a deep breath taking my shoes off leaving them near the door. I followed the mud thinking who could have wanted to break in? "Well do you want some ice tea?" I listened closely and heard a low "Yes." I walked to the kitchen. I whisper "Ghost who's here?" "Someone." He didn't say anything else and I wondered why as I pour the ice tea. I went it the living room "I left your glass in the kitchen. I know how buglers don't like being seen." I started feeling hot. I walked over to the thermostat but it was locked. "Hey did you lock it?" I was getting annoyed now. I had to take my shirt off before I died by the heat. I followed the track of mud to our room I mean my room. I open the door and smiled crying so hard. "Sorry I had to scare you like that." I ran to him and held him tightly "But how?" I cried hiding my face in his chest. His skin was cold. I looked at him he spoke gently "Your brother didn't want to see you hurt so he turned me," he grinned kissing my head "and he told me not to turn you...just yet." I smiled "That sounds just like him to looking out for me in his own way." He kissed me "So where's my ice tea?" I blushed hard and he just laughed at me. "I was kidding. I love you" I blushed again "I love you too...and we'll be together forever." He pushed me down stripping naked getting on top of me. His skin stick on mine. I want to ask if he turned the heat so high so we can stick together. I pressed my lips on his body kissing his chest he shined with light jumping of the sweat of his body. He seemed to shine. He pushed himself into me it felt so good having him go in me again after I thought I lost him. I didn't want him to stop I felt like fainting by the heat it was killing me.
I heard a whisper coming from Ghost saying "Your brother is nearby..." I sat up quickly hitting my head on Kino's chin "ED'S COMING!" I tried covering up the bite marks and claw scratches that Kino left all over my body but Kino started kissing each mark. He had blood all over his face. Kino looked at me calmly "Is that a problem?" "No, it's just its Ed and I think he doesn't like this kind of stuff. You know and" I start fiddling my fingers together "I still want him to like us too. And I would like it if he came more often. With good news instead of bad ones like today there'll be probably something bad going on in the world I'm not allowed to be in." I looked at his confused gaze and smiled. "What do you mean by the world you're not allowed to be in?" "In the world of the supernatural." We heard the knock of Ed's at the door. I looked at him smiling "Well he's talking to us and for him that means he's ok with us being together." "I wonder what the problem is and who if anyone else is after us." I pause "I hope there aren't more of those Black Raven slayers, they almost killed you and me we were lucky we had help though." I got my shirt and jeans as Kino goes over lower the heat making it cooler as I toss him his jeans. We walk to the door together taking a deep breath. I placed my hand on the knob as Kino touched my hand as we open the door together.