He fits into our society quite well, healing minor wounds and using his powers to light fires in the rainy season, entertaining children with levitating feathers and leaves, and sometimes changing portions of the body in unusual ways that are only useful once

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Inner Struggle-chapter 8- recovery

He gave his dad a minor punch in the arm and said you tell him. jim: chase i'm sorry that snapped at you back there, i was just not in a good mood earlier.

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Endless Love (Gabriel 2)

She couldn't have been a minor demon, but i didn't notice her, meaning her powers had no effect on me. i continue thinking it through as i stand up opening the fridge and grabbing a coke, popping it open and chugging it down.


[Detective Thursdays] Day Off

Uki shurgged "well, that is something of a minor mystery..." "i'm sure one of my best students will figure it out." the shepard winked. "well the elderly don't pick themselves up." and began to walk away. "oh!

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Furry Fandom survey meme

In what ways, if any, do minority groups benefit from being in the furry community? the fandom has a large african-american community 13. do you think all groups of people, such as women or lgbt, are welcome in the furry community? yes!

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Gryphon Delivers Pizza (Otherwise Untitled)

Didn't tense up or make some minor warding motion on seeing her. the antelope hadn't encountered a feather witch ambushing him for his soul tonight, and saw only a pizza delivery as fresh and warm as the driver was not.

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Finding Myself

I saw a dragon much like myself except for some minor differences. he was shorter than i was, his scales were a crimson colors, and he had a longer snout than mine. this dragon was attractive... wait did i just think that?

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I took off my shirt like i saw everyone else do and throwing it away to expose my minor six pack and toned chest. the moment i did, the cheetah dancing behind me started to feel up my upper body and i was pitching a major tent. the night had only begun!

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"you my friend, are lucky, the shrapnel merely tore some skin and fur away, however you did have minor stage hypothermia so we are keeping you for observation."

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waltz into moonlight

They turn and see the instructor applausing them, so they smile a bit and bow, walking over, turning off the song and talking with them, as they talk, the instructor gives a few minor critiques and then praises them for their hard work in organizing their

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The End: Death

Everything i know and everything i have experienced up till now has led me to my belief that this world is nothing but a minor hell. at least i was done with this world. a smile played on his lips and the light faded from his eyes.

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Monday Tea: Evening Cake

It had taken them a year to get the shipment since there was a huge backlog and this town and country were a minor part of their plan. but the news was intriguing in how long it took and the seriousness of what they were shipping.

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