Half-Blood: Table of Contents
Chapter xxiv: nocte consurgens pt: 1 (noctis' awakening ) chapter xxv: nocte consurgens pt: 2 (between lovers) chapter xxvi: sons and fathers chapter xxvii: missing chapter xxviii: found chapter xxix: the calm after the storm chapter
Moving On
Journeys may end in lover's meeting. but life goes on in lover's leaving.
GoM-Ep9-The Crush
This love triangle sort of mirrors artemis's original lover and amber's original lover over 10 years ago, but under different circumstances.
Character Summary - A Place to Belong
They are in fact lovers. they are long time members of **eric's** trading caravan. michael is the more level headed of the pair while jason is always on the look out to have some fun.
Past Life Ch 6
"i would be heart broken to see my lover i love marry someone else, even if it's only to protect him." "dying in each others' arms is the one thing any lovers would want," jeremiah quoted his opinion.
Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 35
I stand at the podium, senior doberman's supporting paws wrapped around my shoulders, it's now my turn to pay homage to my lover.
[Tribute Poem] In a Sympathetic World
When you hold me, you hold me lovingly, and hold me endlessly, like the perfect lover-to-be. when you wake up with me, you wake a flame in me, and wake the glaciers in me, those have slept for an eternity.
I feel the siren's call
May i be a benevolent lover that simply sees the good in me, forgives the bad in me, and soothes the ugly in me. for i am not a perfect soul and there exists pain in my core.
Repaying A Debt Chapter 5
Suri races over to her fallen lover. the fox slowly walks up. "well one of those tragic lover's end i guess. a jobs a job." the fox lifts up his sword for the final strike, suddenly he finds a sword through his heart.
My Final War
In the 2 days that had passed since my lovers death, i made a decision. i was going to follow her into that death...and take all the extremists with me.
Their Chasm
Finley called a response, then looked into their lover's eyes. "let's."
Beneath the Apple Tree
He found no answers there - instead, he hugged the tree like he'd held his equine lover, his friend, his very soul mate...