Moving On

Story by Vell Skye on SoFurry

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Welp, another little free-form poem. Would still like some feedback! :3

The pain,

The anguish.

He pushed it aside,

Surprising himself.

A single tear dropped,

Yet again

Unheard as it

Splashed into the pool.

"A pool of... my tears?"

He said aloud,

Jumping at the sound.

It had been so long

Since last he heard


He stared at the pool

In wonder,

"Is... is this what

I've been doing...?



Burying my pain

In the dead of


He sighed,

Lowering his head

To see his pained


"This... This is when

It hurts the most.

No one around.

No one here.

No one awake,

No one wondering

'What is the

Wolf doing...?'"

"This is when it

Weighs down.

It's... almost


Squeezing until you can't

Breathe anymore.

It's painful,

Realizing what I've done.

Regretting every


Wondering why,

Why did I just stand here

Watching you slip away...?"

The great wolf stood,

Shaking free of his tears,

His pain,

His regret.

He put back the facade,

The one that had

Fooled even him.

He threw back his head,

Giving one last

Determined and

Painful cry,

Before stepping forth.

For the first time

In his life,

Despite the pain

The heartache

The questions...

He wasn't afraid.

Journeys may end in

Lover's meeting.

But life goes on in lover's leaving.

Afterlife, Chapter One

"...Lyr... Lyrius... Hey, Lyrius?! Are you listening?" I jerked up in my usual seat on one of the two sofas in the room, ducking my head slightly, ruffling my head-fur in embarrassment, "U-uhh... Y-yeah, sorry, Ushio..." Ushio was our fearless...

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Resurgance of Light

The wolf watched another tear, falling from his muzzle, wondering, just who would ever love him, this once great, now broken, one. He had spent so long alone, even surrounded, so long unhappy, even smiling, so long dead, even...

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The great wolf howled to the empty sky, his confusion his pain plain to hear. "Why? Why must I endure? All the others receive the happiness they wish for..." His head dropped, a tear falling, "I have all I wanted, all I asked...

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