Fair Food, Beware

His bag was laden with edible loot, and now he just had to eat it. he licked his lips at the thought, slowly wading through the crowd to look for somewhere to sit. luckily, he soon came across a big pavilion, lined with benches and tables. perfect!

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 5- Indigo Overgrowth pt. 3

"go back to counting our loot!" she was about to deliver another blow to the wall, but something stopped her. a curious rumble, softly vibrating beneath her grounded foot.

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Per Patientia Ch. 1

It had been nearly four weeks ago when she had first heard of a supposed 'grave robber' running around and looting grave sites. however this grave robber took not jewels nor heirlooms or other belongings, but the bodies themselves.

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Priestess to the Spider

Striding out she moved back toward the entrance room, planning to explore the building further, she always thought dungeons with loot were a thing of make-believe but here she was, maybe she should figure out if explorer was a viable job in this

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Eleven

Scarlatti sat up front with the mean-looking pilot, two duffels of loot in his lap. his four henchmen were squeezed in back with all their bags of money. at a motion from scarlatti, the pilot took off.

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The path Less Traveled, Part 4

"i've already got all this loot split up between the four of you bastards," said brekish with a smile, "and the rest of the loose gold is the pay i'm handing the jarl so i can hold onto a few more days of my life."

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The streets were filled with panic, people running and screaming, and even looting. henry followed closely behind them, whimpering in fear at all of the angry and fearful people around them. the academy was indeed burning.



The streets were filled with panic, people running and screaming, and even looting. henry followed closely behind them, whimpering in fear at all of the angry and fearful people around them. the academy was indeed burning.


Lovers Dancing [ Installment 1 ]

#1 of lovers dancing chapters lovers dancing by patch ragswift character-table: technical lead: professor sabbow (sabb-_oh_) - lankey whitish-grey hare, older lietenant: beethoven goyle, "bobby", "loot" (as in lietenant), "bait" - bobcat scout1

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Herdnan- Chapter Eight

Nothing after his loot haul was apparently going his way. he came up on the sidewalk, checked his coast and started sprinting down the street. he had to get out of the area before his car was discovered. unfortunately, he didn't have many options.

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Fallen - Chapter 6 - Chase

The first night, several clothing stores were looted, though little was actually taken. after that, multiple convenience stores and major grocery stores were broken into and ransacked.


Redemption (Chapter Three)

"put it with the rest of the loot. anything left?" the boss sounds closer this time. "na we got everything this store has to offer." this time the voice high pitched. the female robber? "boss what do we do with the hostages?"

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