The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 34

It's all i ever want, you younglings are our future" "hey aren't you that guy that girl...what was her name...iris!"

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The blue and yellow oled "iris" on his k-69 slid around the lifeless grey implants surface as he scanned the various systems and readouts of the ships vitals augmented onto the walls of the room, before coming to rest on a glass cylinder in the corner opposite

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7th official character

Her eyes are slitted dragon if with emerald coloring(evin out of the iris). she has 4 ears with extremely good hearing(when drawn or imagined i see ori's ear design).her tails length is equal to her hight so she can fly easily and splits into 9 when she feel


Vulpsis CYOA #3

The dark iris stared towards vulpsis' own red eyes and caused her to blush a bit... she didn't know how to accept his gratitude. "hehe... mommy used the same leafs..." "good thing she taught you... i didn't know they healed pokemon so well.

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My World of Pain (CH 1)

His left eye seems to be that of a hollow but his right eye seems to have a slit for a pupil and the iris has taken a pale yellow shaped color. i'm sorry, but i don't think it reversable." said a gentle voice.

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The Wizard's chamber

He stood as tall as it's iris. arktul. the ocean caster. reality is only what it seems and those who see more can do more and to do more is to craft a wish. the wolf started hyperventilating. he dragged his claws across the desk, gritting his teeth.

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Wasteland Warrior – Character Introduction

His eyes where special, they always seem to glow in dark red with the typical dragon iris in them but in combat it changes and they start to glow hot red showing his rage and anger.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 5 - Intense Practice

Don't understand why they'd need the whole tower though" iris walks up to me. she places a hand on my fore-head. "are you sure that you're ok?" "i am" "that's good..." she gets up and walks towards shay.

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Revealing Information

"apparently, he also had two younglings with lady iris and dr. mortora," ladren added and saw a shocked look come over torid.

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