Chapter 3: The Two Weeks

I mean i had the thought before but i never really considered moving from melren - maybe it would be too hot down south" answered alfred and made a move to illustrate what he said. "have you ever been on vacations down south?"

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The Dread Grimoire: Chapter One

He stared at the symbols on the front, illustrated in golden runes of some kind. am i drugged or something? how can this be real? roman was so confused.

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Stung 4: A Difficult Decision

During this last speech, the panther had become more agitated, waving his arms around to illustrate each point he made, while the scar under his eye throbbed and pulsed.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.3 - The Malicious Masquerade

While i had no idea what it was at the time, and refused to look too closely at the illustration, the sheer grotesquery of the thing made me uneasy.

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Basic Training

You will illustrate firearms technique for these misfits!" "sir, yes, sir," answered the dalmatian far more weakly than any drilling instructor should accept.` "take that pistol out of my back pocket."

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**victories** | author: jake-rabbit []( twitter: @damndirtyfurry | inspired by an illustration by: ellis q. clark jr.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter11

It didn't take long for bastov to continue in force, waving his paws wildly in illustrative gestures in-between explosions of typing. "most people would turn back, yes?

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The Awakening

Faint, dark circles beneath my eyes made them seem darker, midnight blue in place of saphire, and illustrated just how much sleep i had gotten in the recent months.

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Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 13

The mother moose's brave, defiant, desperate move perfectly illustrated the tenderness of those words, and made him understand. yet, he didn't just _understand_ it--he _felt_ it. that instant, charlie felt what life was all about.

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Breakroom Treats

A white wolf with wings (also, apparently, an alliteration). lxlhunter as galkrim "lexal" hunter: the go-to model for pumpz illustrations. a shark. iconmaster as david "dave" robbins: the test coordinator.

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Writing Tips vol. 3

Granted, that is about as obvious an example as you'll ever see, but i hope it illustrates the point i'm trying to make. now, having said that, you also don't want to go overboard.

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A Fleeting Moment PART 1 (Monitor Lizard TF Story) [Commission]

. ******** if you'd like to gain early access to more work like this and other transformation stories/illustrations, please check out my patreon page at the link below where you'll gain access to exclusive content and story updates before they are publicly

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